Chapter 9: To seek out an old ally, a sister to him

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A/N: Dabi Chapter!!!
Also I drew Naomi Usagiyama! (Rumi's wife).

Any thoughts on her?


"I'm pregnant"

The words resonated over and over again as Dabi wondered the alleyways of Musutafu.


That means...

Baby. Pup. Touya and Keigo created a pup. Together. Keigo was currently expecting their child. Touya was gonna be a father. A father.

Keigo had just informed him, minutes ago, that they were going to be parents. And what did he do? Run.

Great fucking Alpha. You left your omega- your mate alone. Your pregnant mate alone

Touya scolded himself mentally. It'd be a miracle if Keigo accepted him back after the shit he pulled off back there. He was an idiot. A stupid idiot that couldn't think things through before running away like a coward. What was he thinking? He can't just run away from his mate like that  without saying anything. It makes him seem like an awful mate.

To be honest..he was awful. A selfish idiot that couldn't handle simple news. Simple news that changed their lives forever...Yeah very simple news..

He was still a little emotionally shaken up over the fact that he had literally just reconnected with Fuyumi and told her his backstory of how he became Dabi. Then suddenly, when Keigo finally arrives home, he just drops this on him. It's definitely selfish for him to run, but he needs time for himself. A breather.

He tried to ignore the conflicting feelings that suddenly bloomed inside his chest.






Fuck. He is so happy, even when all the shit that's going on in this broken world. He still felt unnaturally happy. Actually, it was pretty natural to be happy about having a pup, right? Touya just never thought it would happen. Not to him.

Fear. He was overflowing with fear. Fear that he'll be a shitty parent. Fear that their pup might hate him for his past sins. Fear that their pup will neglect him because of who he was. Fear that he ends up worse than Endeavor ever was.

Pride. Eh, he mostly blames that on his alpha. Though it does feel fulfilling that he got his omega pregnant. Almost as if he accomplished a long life quest.

Anxiety. He felt so fucking anxious on what the future might bring. Anxious about the outcome. Anxious about how society will treat his pup if they find out who its parents are. Anxious that Keigo will most probably be reprimanded from his hero duties if they find out what relationship he has with a villain(ex-villain, in Keigo's and Touya's eyes). Hell, he might even be arrested for keeping Dabi protected and out of reach from the heroes.

Hope. Hope that him and Keigo could start a family together.

This overwhelming conflicting feelings were becoming sickening. He needs to..

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