Chapter 14: The next morning

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A/N: Keigo missed a lot of calls and texts, pay attention to the time where each text was sent, so you have a better idea of when everything happened.

P.S: I'm not sure if I mentioned this(I think I didn't) but Naomi works as a sidekick at Keigo's agency. That's how she and Rumi met.


Touya woke up to an empty bed alarm...? An alarm that reminds him of that one time Keigo tried to cook but ended up burning their entire kitchen. He swore he heard Keigo hiss. Was that smoke he smelt? What a strange combination of-

Touya's eyes blew open as realization dawned upon him. He rushed out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. The sight that met him wasn't all that pretty. Keigo was no where in sight, the kitchen counter was a mess, the fridge door was slightly opened, the stove had two pans, one of them set in burning bright fire, that caused his eyes to sting. How? How is it possible to set a pan on fire?!

Keigo suddenly burst in the kitchen, a fire extinguisher in his arms "Step aside!" He yelled at Touya, the latter obediently stepped aside. Keigo pushed on the handle and extinguished the fire. Now the kitchen was even messier with all the fire extinguisher's chemicals.

Touya looked at Keigo with a flabbergasted expression.

"Oh...good morning Babe..!" Keigo smiled sheepishly as he turned off the fire alarm on the wall.

"Hey.." he waved, the bewilderment still not leaving his expression.

"Naomi- she uh- keeps a fire extinguisher just in case Rumi decides to cook- you know this is like the fifth time this kitchen has caught fire" he laughed "If we're comparing- Rumi is a way worse cook than I"

Touya nodded and then thought "That's not such a bad idea, we should keep one of those for when you try to cook" he teased.

Keigo's amusement went away "Not funny" he glared and walked away.

Is he...actually upset?

Touya followed him to a small closet room that had cleaning garments and other essentials. Keigo placed the extinguisher in its rightful place and turned to look at Touya.

Keigo bit his lip, looked away and muttered something.

"What was that?" Touya asked.


"Keigo, if you have something to say, say it"


"Speak up Kei"

"Can you......." more muttering.


"Can you please teach me how to cook!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Touya stared at him in surprise. "What? Since when have you been interested in learning? You usually love it when I do all the work and cook for you"

"Exactly!" Keigo shouted and turned away from his mate "It's just..." he placed his right hand on his abdomen "With a baby on the way I- I wanna be able to properly take care of it! What if by some inconvenience you're not home when the pup gets hungry- I'm not just always gonna order out! I wanna be able to look at our kid's face and ask what menu they'd like for me to cook" he sighed "Dammit. I'm sounding so sappy.."

"Nah.." Touya said as he wrapped his arms around his lover- fiancé. Giving him a hug from behind "I think that's really sweet and thoughtful of you...motherly even" Keigo flushed at the word 'motherly'. Boy was that a term he was not yet ready for.

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