Arc I Epilogue + Arc II Preview

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Epilogue: The challenges we'll overcome

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Touya was in the middle of preparing a light meal for Keigo, when the latter landed clumsily on the balcony and made his way towards him.

"So how did she reac-" Touya didn't get to finish his sentence due to the overwhelming wave of distress pheromones that hit him. Come on! What else could've possibly happened?! Couldn't they have a nice and peaceful evening like every normal couple?
"What happened?" He turned off the stove.

"Touya! Last night- those jerks- they- they took a picture and- they" Keigo tried to explain "They- on the internet! They posted the image and it's- it's gone viral! I don't know what to do! I'm getting a lot texts from both people I know and unknown numbers- I'm getting calls from the agency- but I don't want to deal with that right now- but I have to and I-"

"Slow down! Breath.." Touya released calming pheromones and picked up his fiancé bridal style and led them to the living room couch, leaving the unfinished meal abandoned.

"Tell me what happened again, slowly this time" Touya asked in a soft tone as he set them both on the couch.

"You're not gonna like what I have to tell you" Keigo buries his head in Touya's scent gland and breathes in his scent.

"We can never get a break huh? What is it?"

Then Keigo tells him everything. Tells him about the picture. About the news article. And how scared-terrified he was.
"What am I gonna do?" He asks in between sobs.

Touya was furious. Hearing what those bastards did to his mate made him want to go feral all over again, but he contained himself. For Keigo.

Touya was also sad. It hurt to see his mate in this state. If Touya was being completely honest, he never thought it was possible for Keigo to look so helpless. It didn't suit him. Touya needed to make it stop.

He kissed a fallen tear in Keigo's cheek "You're- We're gonna face this. Like we always do. Together"

"But this-this is like nothing we've ever faced"

"Keigo. How did we start out?"


"How did everything start? With us"

"I got an assignment to infiltrate the league and..I met you. Then I slowly fell for you, and you fell for me."

"Okay, you skipped like three years worth of our development"

Keigo chuckled "It's just- a lot of things happened-"

"And did we overcome all of those things?"

Keigo stayed silent for a moment in thought "Sort of...yeah"

"Then this? This will be a piece of cake"
Touya kissed Keigo's forehead lovingly.

"What about this?" Keigo cupped his belly.

"This..." Touya put his own hand against Keigo's "We're gonna raise them with unconditional love- and every challenge that opposes us- we'll face it"

"You make it sound easy"

"It's not gonna be easy"

"I know..." Keigo snuggles up with Touya.


Keigo was about to get up when-

"Ignore it" Touya trapped Keigo by throwing a leg over Keigo's torso.


"What if it's the agency-?"

"Fuck them"


"But what if it's-"

"Fuck them too"

"I was gonna say Fuyumi"


"....You can read her messages later. Today, and the next two days, you're gonna be mine" Touya waits for a response. But when he doesn't get one "Shouldn't you say some sweet shit like 'I'm already yours'?"

"Nah...that would be too cheesy"

"I thought you loved cheese"

"Shut up and kiss me" Keigo smirked.

"Now that's cheesy" Touya leaned in and kissed him.


Arc 2 Preview:

"You have been MIA for the last EIGHT days- where were you-!?" Lyn Watanabe yelled in Keigo's face.

"I wasn't MIA for eight days" Hawks paused "I took two days off so I was MIA for six days. That's basic math, I'm surprised you failed" he answered lazily.

"This is no time for jokes. You weren't answering any call, email or text we sent out to you. Where. Were. You?"

"I was in my apartment with- alone-"


"With whom?"

"A civilian whose name I'd rather not say"

A long sigh escaped her "Look Hawks, I need you to level with me. What's going on in your personal life? Whatever it is- it's clearly affecting your hero career"

"Nothing's going on- nothing new at least" and technically that was true if you excluded the pregnancy.

Another long sigh "Fine, if you don't want to tell me, I won't push much further..for now. Right now we need to discuss other matters" she grabs her tablet and clicks something. She shoves the tablet into Keigo's face.

A news article- The news article that had been bothering Keigo ever since he read it.

A/N: You can skip if you already read the previous chapter.

Pro Hero Hawks Viral Image.

Today at exactly 4:00pm an image that was posted publicly on the internet went viral due to the appearance of our beloved no.2 pro hero Hawks. The image has a very bad lighting and it's dark but you can clearly see the figure of pro hero Hawks in a state of shock with a tear stained face. What's more shocking is the mark Hawks has in his scent gland. What's happening in the image? Could Hawks be an omega in disguise? Is the image edited? Photoshopped? Is it even real? We are currently waiting on a response from the hero himself. Apparently he was absent at work today. Could he be trying to cover up the truth behind what's happening? Stay tuned to find out.

Click here to see the image.


"You're being asked to appear on a talk show to do a Q&A"

Well shit.


A/N: That's it for Arc 1! And this book as well. Arc 2 will be on a different book titled as: Carrying a Villain's kid Arc2. Don't worry, It's already out! Link should be in my profile conversations

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