Chapter 11: Terror

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"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful"

Cheers and laughter erupted once Naomi finished singing 'What makes you beautiful' by an English-Irish pop boy band 'One direction'.

"Oh my god! It's been ages since I've felt this..this excited! Lively! Fun!" Naomi yelled enthusiastically as she stepped out of the stage, went over to where Keigo was and sat down next to him.

Keigo chuckled "I'm glad.." his smile faltered and he stared down at the untouched glass of water he'd ordered.

"Keigo!!!! Sing something! You've been sitting here ever since we arrived! And I've already sang THIRTEEN songs! My voice is getting sore...Go up there! Have fun!"

"I'm not really...feeling up for it"

"Okay, that's it" Naomi stood up "I seriously cannot with this whole depressed bird hero shit" She forcefully makes Keigo stand up "What the hell is wrong with you? This is not the Keigo I know"

"Well, to be fair, I'm not exactly in the best state of-"

"Bullshit!" Naomi cuts off Keigo "You're Seriously gonna sulk for the rest of your life because some alpha rejected you!?" she huffs "I know that it's hard, believe me, I know, but Keigo guess what? Now that he's gone, you're the only one that little pup has" she gestured to Keigo's belly "You need to be strong for them, cause Keigo, from now on, they're all that matter"

"I-" Keigo was at a loss for words. For all the time he'd known Naomi Takashima, she never raised her voice at him, sure sometimes she'd lecture him about silly little things, but she'd never put her frustration into words- or even shown it. Becoming Naomi Usagiyama, being around Rumi Usagiyama certainly changed her for the better.

Keigo eventually laughed "You're amazing Naomi"

She looks at him dumbfounded "Huh?"

"You're right" Keigo gives her a sincere small smile. He slaps his hands against his cheeks "I'm Keigo fucking Takami, why should I waste my time crying over some dumb alpha! He's not worth my time- or this pup for abandoning me like that!" Keigo said as he stood up. Even if he didn't mean those words from the bottom of his heart. He needs to move on..somehow. Putting on a mask to conceal his real feelings sounds like a good first step. "I'm gonna sing a beautiful fucking song!" He says marching up to the stage.

Naomi smirked widely "Hell Yeah!" She cheered.


"Woah! That was amazing! So much fun! We need to do this more often!" Naomi said as they made their way back to the Usagiyama apartment. Naomi had sang fifteen songs in total and Keigo six which, to Naomi, was a big success.

"Yeah, next time let's bring Rumi with us"

They kept on walking for about thirty minutes before-

"Oh shit.."

"What is it?" Keigo asked Naomi, whom had stopped abruptly.


Then it hit him. A strong wave of pheromones....

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