Chapter 8: Support

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"I'm pregnant"

The words left Keigo's mouth. It was done. He knew.

Now to face the consequences.


"He left"


"He left! He just stared at me with a- a surprised look and just- just stood up and left!" Keigo sobbed.

"He didn't even say anything?"

"No-! Well he cursed- and then left"

"Mother fucker!" Rumi didn't intend to use her alpha voice, much less startle Keigo, but she did.

"Calm down. You're using your alpha voice" The black haired omega hit her mate on the head while scolding her "Don't you know how sensitive and protective omegas get when they're pregnant?"

"Ugh" Rumi rubbed her head "Sorry Nao, and Keigo"

"It's fine"

After most probably getting dumped, Keigo flew over to Rumi's apartment and broke down into tears when the door opened, of course, it wasn't Rumi who greeted him, but her mate, Naomi. She brought him to the couch and sat next to him. She told him that Rumi had left to go buy some essentials they were missing and would probably be back in about ten minutes. Keigo cried for what seemed to be an eternity, but all throughout, Naomi was Keigo's shoulder to cry on, eventually he ended up telling her about his pregnancy.

He was glad Rumi was able to find a mate like her. She was kind, thoughtful, creative, always spoke in a soft and motherly tone, nothing like Rumi. Opposites really do attract each other.

True to her words, Rumi came barging in through the apartment door, a wide smile on her face, but once the distress pheromones hit her, from both her best friend and Naomi. She lost it.

Rumi sighed "Keigo" she addressed her friend "I prepared the spare room, if you want, you can stay there while we figure things out"


"Hey, look at me" Rumi gave him a reassuring smile "Like I said before, I'll support-"

"We'll" Naomi corrected

"We'll support you all throughout your pregnancy"

Keigo tried to muster up a smile, but failed. He was grateful for his friends but...Touya was gone. All he could think about was Touya. He's probably never gonna see Touya again..Sure he might see Dabi around roaming the streets, but he won't see Touya. The real him.

All those fun nights they'd have together. Every time they'd sneak around in the daytime. Sweet kisses to wake up to. Embraces that lasted forever. All those stupid nicknames. Everything was just..gone.

"I..I think I'm gonna take a nap" Keigo stood up and went to the spare room of the Usagiyama apartment. The wives stared at Keigo pitifully as he made his way to his temporary room.


Keigo woke up hours later, he could tell because the once lit up sky was now covered in a blanket of darkness. He stood up and looked at the alarm clock in the bedside table, it read 10:00pm. Damn, how long did that 'nap' take?

He stepped out into the dim lit hallway, the house was dark, no lights on, except for one in the kitchen. He walked towards the kitchen and found Rumi eating some chips.

"Late night snack?" Keigo chuckled lightly and caught the attention of the rabbit hero.

"Yeah want some?"

"No I'm fine...Naomi?"

"Sleeping. What was the last thing you ate?"

"Uhhhhh, That KFC?"

"What!? F- Geez...Keigo, you need to learn how to take care of yourself! Especially now that you're expecting!" She scolded "You're lucky Naomi made extra dinner, your serving's on the fridge. Be sure to heat it up, but don't burn it!"

"Heh" Rumi rolled her eyes at the nickname.

Keigo served himself food, heated it in the microwave, and sat down to eat.

"What are you gonna do?" Rumi asks out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, now that he is gone...are you gonna forget him?"

"He's my mate Rumi, I-I can't just forget him" Keigo paused "And besides we don't really know if he's gone gone...maybe he just needed time to think and he'll come back and we'll be happy as a family...and we'll...we'll-" A tear slipped down his face "W-We'll raise our p-pup and-" he tried, but he couldn't speak properly due to his sobbing.

Rumi went over to him and gave him a hug. She was beyond pissed at Dabi, but she was even more worried about her friend.

"Rumi.." Keigo spoke after calming down.

"What is it?" She asked in a soft tone.

" go to my house and get me one of my s-" He paused "Scented blankets? The dark blue one to be precise, house keys are over there in the kitchen counter. I'd go myself but-"

"Say no more" Rumi stood up and got her white coat on. "I'll be back before you know it"


Once Rumi entered Keigo's apartment, immediately, the mixture of alphan and omegan scents hit her, it was fading but still strong. She sighed and went towards the master bedroom and covered her nose before she entered. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on the dark blue blanket Keigo had mentioned. She went over to it, grabbed it, put it in her big purse, and stepped out of the room.

Rumi decided to grab some things she thought might help Keigo. Scent blockers. His hero suit. Phone charger. His laptop. Some clothes. She was about to head out when she saw the door opening. Did Keigo come as w-


Touya froze once he saw the intruder in his house. They both were frozen for about ten more seconds before-


"Wai-" he didn't get the chance to finish. Miroku successfully punched him.

Touya held his nose. It was probably- definitely bleeding. "I deserved that"

"You're fucking right, you did" Miruko was about to lay another punch, but was stopped by Touya's free hand. "Look" he started "I know I fucked up. I shouldn't have ran away like I did-"

"Like a coward"

"Yeah...a coward. I shouldn't have acted on impulse. I should've stayed calm. But I didn't- I'm an idiot- I know, and that probably gave off a bad reaction but-"

"You think?"

"..I know it gave off a bad reaction- just let me talk to Keigo- Where is he-"

"Not here"

"Then where?"

"Like hell I'd tell you" She growled at him.

"Look I know you have your reasons to hate me and not trust me, but please let me talk to him. Let me apologize for acting so awfully. For not considering his feelings. Please Miruko, let me make things right..for Keigo"

"..." she thought for a moment "Fine, but only if Keigo agrees to talk with you- if not..I'll not only kick you out, but arrest you as well. You're still a villain in society's eyes"



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