Chapter 6: How to say it

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"Oh shit" Keigo stared at Fuyumi who stood silently watching Keigo a gape.


"Keigo!" The two Todorokis shouted in unison. Fuyumi was the first to run towards him.

"Keigo.." she pouts "Why didn't you answer my texts!? Do you have any idea how worried I was!? You could've at least told me you were okay! But what do you do? Ignore my texts and reply back like three hours later!"

"Keigo...." Next was his fuming boyfriend "Why the fuck didn't you let me know you'd be getting home late!? I was fucking worried, asshole!"

"I would gladly answer all of your questions...if you told me what the fuck is going on here"

"Hm?" Both Todorokis stared at the hero in confusion.

"Why is no one freaking out? you know who this is?" He said gesturing to Touya.

"Yeah, this is the villain Dabi-"

"And why aren't you-"

"Who is also my long lost brother Touya"

"-freaking out- You told her?" Keigo asked Touya.

"Yeah I kinda had no choice. She came here unannounced- I opened the door before I checked who it was-"

'Here it comes' Touya thought, expecting the following scold by the winged hero.

"Question- why did you answer the door!? How many times have I said to check through the peep hole before opening the damned door!?"

"I was worried Keigo!" Touya shouted in all honesty "You were hours late!"

"Only Four"

"-I thought that you'd left your keys here like you usually do- so I opened the door. This wouldn't have happened if you'd just told me you'd be arriving late!"

"Well that wouldn't have happened if-"

-you hadn't knocked me up.

Keigo held his tongue. He wasn't going to reveal the big news while on an argument. He sighed in defeat.

"Never mind.."

"If what?"

"Nothing..." Keigo averted his gaze.

"It's not 'nothing', Fuyumi told me what happened. What's wrong with you? What did my mother tell you? Why the hell were you hyperventilating!? Where were you all this time!?"

"I was with Rumi.."

Touya tried to contain his anger. "Okay question answered, now why were you hyperventilating?"

You're gonna be a father! And Fuyumi? You're gonna be an aunt!

"Something your mom suggested"

"Yeah, no shit- what was it?" He demanded.


How to say it...


"..." Keigo bit his lip so hard, he was sure it was gonna bruise.

He can't do this..not now. He can't handle rejection now. No..he can't handle rejection at all, not from his mate at least. The man he loves with every bit of his being and more. The man he promised the world to. The man he gave his everything to. The man he can't live without. Dabi. Touya Todoroki. It didn't matter what name he used, how he was viewed, what title he had. Good or bad. Keigo would love him regardless.

But would Touya?

Keigo doesn't doubt Touya loves him, but would a kid be enough to destroy everything they had worked so hard to achieve? He'd heard of marriages that had fallen apart because one spouse simply didn't want kids while the other did. Would that happen to them?

Did Touya want kids? Maybe, maybe not

Did Keigo want kids? That's actually pretty simple. Yes. Definitely.

From the moment he realized that he was pregnant, he felt terrified, anxious, worried, panicked, and somehow extremely happy. Both him and Touya had created something beautiful that was currently growing inside of him. He was gonna be a- a mother..! The controversial feelings he felt overwhelmed him. He imagined a scenario where Touya would leave him with a kid to raise alone, but he also imagined a scenario where Touya would be thrilled and want to start a family with him. They'd think about names, buy baby clothes, bottles, diapers- all baby stuff. They'd get excited over the first kick he'd feel. They'd have a little baby shower- even if they were the only guests. They'd try to guess the gender of their baby and even bet about it. They'd gush over how cute their little baby looked once they were born. Keigo would have a lot of trouble the first time he tried to breastfeed and Touya would scold him on how bad he was doing it. They would do so much...

Keigo started to cry, really cry. Big fat tears rolled down his face as he tried to wipe them away, but as soon as he did, brand new ones came. His legs suddenly felt heavy, he sat on the floor and leaned against the wall and enveloped himself with his wings. As he once did when he was a scared defenseless homeless kid.

He cried non stop.

At this point he didn't know if it was his pregnancy hormones taking a toll on him or if it was just him. Did people even pregnancy hormones this early on?? Probably not.

"Shit" he heard Touya mutter under his breath.

Keigo heard footsteps coming closer to him. They stopped and he felt as the warmth Touya emitted envelop his form. Touya released a wave of calming pheromones to try a soothe his mate. It worked as he was now only sniffling.

"Little bird..I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me right now if you don't want t-"

"B-But I do!" Keigo said in between sobs.

"Well..what's stopping you?"




"What is it?"

"Leave" Touya said bluntly. In other situations Fuyumi would argue, but this was Touya's territory, he knew what he was doing. She simply nodded, grabbed her bag and out the door she went.

Touya stared at Keigo's agitated form, he sighed and gently pushed his wings out of the way, the latter didn't protest, but he still didn't meet his eyes. "C'mon" Touya picked him up bridal style and Keigo immediately wrapped his arms around his neck, hiding his face from view "Let's go to bed"

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