Because I love you* - P.Q.

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And here's the story: You and Peter work together stealing stuff, with the Milano.

Both of you are humans. And Peter is just 5 years older than you. So that means you're 29.

You were taken by the Ravagers when you were 20, so you have more education than Peter does.

And yes, I did put a one hour version of "Come and get your love" on here haha.

Y/n's pov

"Hey Peter." I said as I walked towards him.

I stretched.

"Peter?" I asked.

"Not now y/n, I'm busy." He said as he pushed a couple buttons on the control panel.

"Quill what's bothering you?"

"You are, now please leave me alone." He said.

"Can I borrow your Walkman?" I asked.

He pushed the Autopilot button and he got up.

"Why do you ask to borrow it all the time?"

"Because I'm bored, and I want to listen to the best music I've ever heard." I said and smiled.

Peter rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Here." He said and handed me his Walkman.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded.

I sat down on a chair by a window.

I smiled and I quickly put the headphones on and I pushed play.

It was "Come and get your love" by Redbone.

I smiled as I tapped my foot on the floor and I nodded my head to the beat of the music.

I stared out the window looking at the stars, wondering how they were made.

A couple minutes later I look at Peter, who was staring me down like I was a piece of candy.

He quickly looked away and I paused the music.

I took the headphones off and I ask "What were you looking at?"

"Somebody who I wish I could be with."

"You weren't even subtle." I said.

I put the headphones back on and I played the music again.

Every once in a while he'd look at me then he would go back to whatever he was doing.

I started humming along to the music.

I looked back out the window.

And I saw all of the stars.

I really like stargazing, it reminds of me and my friends going camping and laying down on the grass and just calmly talking and looking at the sky.

I miss the good old days...

A tear rolled down my cheek as I shakily breathed out.

Then it reminded me of me and my family when whenever we went camping.

My dad and my mom would be roasting perfectly roasted marshmallows on an open fire and we'd make s'mores.

I remember waking up and being a little too cold, because I wouldn't bring a sweater so my older sister/ brother would let me wear theirs.

I miss my family...

I paused the music and I took the headphones off and I said "Peter?"

"What? You know I'm busy, y/n."

"Never mind, it's probably a really stupid question."

"No no, ask me your question." He said and sat down next to me.

"Do you think that we'd be able to visit Earth one day?"

"What do you mean? You love it here with me, don't you?" He asked and gave me the puppy eyes.

"I do, but I miss my family and my friends." I said and another tear fell down.

Peter hugged me and I buried my head into his shoulder and I let out a sob.

Peter rubbed my back as I cried, I bet he felt awkward as he was abducted when he was eight.

So he's still basically a child. (Hahaha)

He pulled away from the hug and he cupped my cheeks.

He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and he said "Hey now, don't cry, I know you miss your family and your friends so, after this mission how about we go to Earth and find your parents?"

"Really? You would do that for me?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not?" He asks.

I hug him.

"Why would you do such a thing for me?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just want to be nice." He said.

"To me?"

"Yeah." He said.

"W-Why? No one was ever nice to me."

He sighed.

He cupped my right cheek with his left hand.

I looked up into his eyes.


He paused for a second.

"Because I love you." He said.

He loves me?

"Really?" I asked.


"Prove it." I said under my breath.

His head slowly came closer to mine, and he kissed me deeply.

After a while things started getting heated.

I gripped my hands onto his shoulders and he put his hands on my waist and he pulled me closer, really getting into the kiss.

We pulled away and panted.

Peter's face was really red.

"Did I prove it enough?" He asked.

"No." I said and smirked.

He smirked back at me and he kissed me again.

A/n: You're welcome, if you wanted one of these.

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