He looks just like you* - S.S.

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Thanks for listening to my ted talk.

Y/n's pov

I was on the hospital bed, holding my newborn baby that was wrapped up in a blanket, sleeping soundly.

I stroked his cheek with my finger.

Then he grabbed my finger with his small hand and he held onto it softly.

I smiled widely down at him.

I heard two knocks on the door then a nurse came in with someone.

I looked at the door and I saw Sebastian.

And I smiled at him.

"Hey Sebastian." I said as he sat down on a chair next to my hospital bed.

He smiled at our little baby as he said "Hey babe."

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he looked at the baby.

"Pretty good actually." I smiled at Sebastian.

He took his hand and he gently pulled the blanket away from our little baby's face, so he could see him a little better.

He looked at him and he smiled proudly.

Then he looked into my eyes and then he smiled at me softly.

Then he whispered "What are you gonna name him?"

I shrugged softly "I don't know, do you have any suggestions?"

He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

He muttered to himself in Romanian.

"Seb?" I asked.


"Any suggestions?"

"Brody?" He said but it sounded like a question.

"Hmm." I said as I thought about it.

Brody Stan.

"Brody." I said as I softly shook my finger that he was holding with his really tiny hand.

I smiled.

"That's a good one." I looked at Sebastian, who was still looking at the baby.

He smiled "Thank you."

"I am totally going to teach him Romanian." He said and I giggled.

We kind of sat there, admiring our baby, and then to get rid of the awkward silence I said "He looks just like you."

*Ten months later*

"Brody, can you say 'Mama?" I asked him as I shook a jingly toy to get his attention.

"Dada." He said and I scoffed.

"Noo, say 'Mama."

"Ma-ma." I said slowly so he could copy me.

"Dada." He said again.


I almost got angry.

But I couldn't, because 1) he's so adorable you can't get mad at him, and 2) he was trying.

"Ma- ma." I said slowly.

"Mama." He said and I got so excited.

I pulled him out of his high chair and I said "Play time Brody."

I placed him on the floor and then he crawled away, going to his favorite toy.

He sat himself down on his butt and he picked up his toy and he started playing with it.

He started hiccuping and I looked at him, and I smiled.

Then I heard the front door open and shut.

"Hey I'm home!" Sebastian shouted through the house.

Brody's head kind of perked up at the sound of Sebastian's voice and immediately smiled.

When Brody saw Sebastian, he raised his arms up into the air and he did the grabby hands for him to get picked up.

Sebastian smiled at Brody and he picked him up, cuddling him and saying things to him in Romanian.

"Mama a fost drăguță cu tine cât am fost plecat?"
(Was mommy nice to you while I was gone?)
(If the translations wrong I'm sorry.)

"Da." Brody said.

"Good." He said.

*7 years later*

Brody was running around, being silly.

I was on the couch, watching YouTube videos.

"Mama?" He asked.


"De unde vin bebelușii?" He asked me in Romanian.
(Where do babies come from?)

"What?" I asked.

I heard Sebastian cackling in the other room.

Then he stopped immediately, then he got up and he said to Brody "Brody go play in your room."

"De ce?" He asked.

"Pentru că am spus așa, mergi să joci." Sebastian said.
(Because I said so, go play.)


"Don't argue with me." Sebastian said with a smirk almost coming onto his face.

Brody ran to his room and I asked "What did he say that made you laugh?"

"He asked you where babies come from." He said and chuckled softly.

I giggled a little bit.

"Really?" I asked.

Sebastian looked at me with a very serious look and he said "Yes."

"He's bilingual, he knows that I only speak English," I facepalmed myself "And yet he asked me that question in Romanian?!"

"He knows!" I said.

He laughed, and I just sat there, thinking of how I was going to answer that question in the future.

"Te iubesc." He said.

I looked at him and I smiled "I love you too."

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