Dawn and Darkness

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Morning of:

Lucy was in bed. She was uncomfortable and hot as someone was squeezing her down from behind. She slowly opened her eyes to see her usual room and realized Natsu's arms were around her. It is still early morning and the sun had not risen. Then she heard Natsu whimper..

" Lisanna… "

Her eyes shot wide open. She feels a stab of pain at her heart. Had she heard right.

"Lisanna… lisanna.."

now her eyes were frozen wide open.. tears began to fall. Feeling unable to breath.. and pain shooting through her chest.. she tried her best to get out of bed without waking natsu up. She quickly went to the restroom closed the door and locked it. Sliding down the door to sit down as her legs loose strength. Hands to her mouth, she cries. After calming down and finding her breath again.. She knew she needed to get out of her apartment. She quickly showers and gets changed. Gets her things that she needs for the mission that they had for that day.

She walked out into the empty streets sun yet to rise. With her mind racing, she finds herself walking towards an empty park. She sits down on a bench with her pack propped up next to her. The air is a little chilly. But she needed this. The morning cold and silence to calm her.

She knew Natsu had a relationship with Lisanna before her death but now that she was back, their relationship would no longer be on hiatus. He wasn't Lucy's to being with but why was she so upset.. Her eyes rose from the ground to a light shining on the horizon.

It was sunrise.

Lucy smiled at the warmth of the sun on her face and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. The sunlight slowly lit her from head to toe as she sat on the bench. It would be a long day and she needed this moment to herself. For in fact, it was the first time team Natsu would go on a mission with Lisanna. Wendy was gone to train with Gajeel to train her dragon slayer skills and Lisanna had asked to come join. Lucy felt guilty as she felt uneasy from Lisanna joining the team and she fought to put the emotions of turmoil aside. Taking a deep breath, she told herself, one day at a time.


He was in his sweats that morning, running along the streets of Magnolia for his morning exercise. The sun had not come up yet and he knew no one would be out at this hour. Listening to his sound pod he ran up towards a park. He stopped dead in his tracks. Eyes gazing wide, he noticed that someone was sitting on a bench in the shadows. In the corner of his eye, he saw light shining and he turned his head to watch the beginning of the morning's sunrise.

He turned his head back to gaze at the mysterious figure sitting on the bench and saw as his heart thumped a little faster… sunlight slowly illuminated a girl from head to toe. She had her eyes closed as the sunlight hit her smiling face. Her blonde hair lit up with the sunlight and he knew…

it was Lucy. She was smiling.. but it was a forced smile..

What in the world was she doing…

He slowly turned around and ran away from her. Not wanting to disturb her. He reached his home in the woods and before he closed the door behind him.. He couldn't help but feel something was going wrong. He shrugged the feeling aside and went to shower.


Lucy dodged the blasts from the bombs being thrown around her. For the mission, they had to capture dark guild mages camping out in some caverns. Natsu lisanna and lucy had managed to corner the last mage at the end of the cave's tunnel and Natsu's fires were giving the sole source of light to the fight. Gray was busy with his own mage further towards the entrance while Erza was fighting a mage outside the caves. Lisanna was trying her best to dodge the attacks from the dark guild mage and was finding herself scared as the cave was pretty dark. Lucy had summoned out Virgo and she was trying her best to help Natsu before she got hit by a dark bomb and disappeared.

The mage lunged towards Lucy and Natsu had already anticipated it and met to grab Lucy by the waist and push her out of harms way. As he held her, the dark mage smirked and looked towards Lisanna and threw a dark bomb her way. Lisanna had dodged the bomb well but the blast had pushed her into some rocks that scraped her legs and back. She screamed out in pain in the dark. Natsu's eyes widened and he shifted directions. Thoughts of Lisanna's previous death and being haunted of losing her again...

He let go of Lucy's waist midair as she was sailing backwards while watching him let go. He found ground and lunged towards Lisanna's end of the cave.

However Lucy was still sailing to the other end of the cave and then the dark mage blocked her view of Natsu and grinned. A red glint in his eyes and he held out his hand. From the moment Natsu let go, Lucy's eyes widened and her heart sank. Her worst nightmare was unraveling before her.

The dark mage let out a blast of dark magic from his hand toward the heartbroken Lucy who could not scream. She received the dark mage's blast full on and she sailed and crashed into the wall before hitting the ground.

There was no scream no loud noises. Just a crackling sound of bones and a thud.

As she lay numb and bleeding all over, she could see Natsu engulfed in flames as he held Lisanna to his chest.

Lucy reached her shaky hand out towards Natsu trying desperately for him to look her direction.

"Please don't forget me" she thought "I am right here.. turn around.. please…. Natsu."

All went dark, darker than night, as if her soul had became nothing.


Sunrise, Let The Rays Light Up Your Soul{LaxusXLucy} [By Trinity531]Where stories live. Discover now