This Time, Part2

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It was a terrible situation. She was being carried bridal style away from the guild now… by someone she didn't want herself to be carried by…It had been a while since her last.. but she couldn't stop herself… she was intoxicated and emotionally compromised by the days events… how could she stop herself…

The darkness closed in. he was carrying her… he let go… red eyes… pain… Natsu and Lisanna….. their kiss…..

"Luce…! Luuuuccee! LLLUCCYYY!"

She was shaking horribly now… and hyperventilating…. Natsu had quickly carried her away once Laxus had been distracted and had headed towards her apartment. In the process, Lucy began to have heavy breaths and now she was having trouble breathing. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes were tightly closed. Her fists were clenched and were turning white.

He ran faster and finally arrived at her apartment. He had used the front door this time since he wanted to be on her good side now. Any points he could get… he would take them.

He gently put her on the sofa and crouched next to her. He tried to calm her down.

"Luce… Luce.. open your eyes. please… open your eyes and talk to me… are you hurting?.. tell me what's going on… tell me what to do…."

Seeing that she wasn't getting any better… he quickly sat on the couch himself and gently put her in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and began to warm her. Her head was in the groove of his neck now.

Tears were coming down his cheeks now.. he hugged tighter…

"I'm sorry… i'm…. sorry…. I'm sorry….i'm so sorry Luce…."

In the darkness…. She could hear someone crying… "I'm sorry….i'm so sorry Luce…."…

Luce… that name… It's been a while… The cold was subsiding… what is this warmth….

Her breathing slowed down…. Her shaking became less intense… she slowly released her clenched fists… opened her eyes…. and began to panic once again when she found that she was in the arms... of the very man who was her nightmare…

She squirmed and tried to pry herself away from him but he tightly gripped onto her and kept saying something…like a broken record…

""I'm sorry… I'm…. sorry…. I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm…. sorry…. I'm sorry…"

Lucy froze… She let it sink in what he was saying… he was apologizing.. but his voice… and his face… his face was utter fear.. guilt... anguish… She hadn't realized.. that Natsu was hurting from it too…. He had overwhelming guilt... that he left her.. to die… that he caused her death…


Nastu froze. He kept holding Lucy tight to his chest. Tears still streaming down his face.


Nastu slowly turned his face to Lucy's. She was crying too.

He couldn't take it anymore. There was so many things he had to say. So many things he wanted to tell her.

"I'm sorry Lucy…. I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to…. I wasn't thinking.. I didn't know what I was doing…. I heard Gray shout your name… And I thought I was going to die… I went back… and you weren't there… but… your blood…. I smelled so much of your blood…. I didn't mean to….I'm sorry.. I'm sorry…"

He was gritting his teeth now and tears streamed down harder.. and he held onto her… he let his head drop and now his hair was covering his eyes…

She watched the broken Natsu in front of her…. She had never seen him so broken hearted in her life… her heart and her head was hurting… she was heartbroken too… hot unending tears streamed down her face…

She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his shoulder… they both cried loud and hard. Hugging each other tightly.



Nothing could change the fact that Natsu chose Lisanna… that he rescued Lisanna despite already having Lucy in his arms… that Natsu and Lisanna kissed…






This will be the last time… my one last time…to hold you Natsu…. And then I'll give you a proper goodbye….




This time…. I'll let go.


Sunrise, Let The Rays Light Up Your Soul{LaxusXLucy} [By Trinity531]Where stories live. Discover now