Shocking, Part1

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She was listening to her clock.. tick...tock....tick....tock...

He was sleeping in her arms. Lucy was lying on her back and Natsu was sleeping next to her on the couch, with half his torso on top of her. His head was rising up and down with her breaths as he laid his head on her chest. She was weaving her fingers through his pink hair. It was soft. She could hear his breathing and felt the heat of his body.

The alcohol had not completely gone through her system yet... she was tired from the battle and the heavy crying session....but she refused to fall asleep... she knew better... she would be a lady..... her mother taught her to be better...

She would never steal another's man.

Slowly.. she reached for her keys dangling at her waist. And she spoke in a whisper...

"Gate of the clock. Horologium"

The clock bowed and remained silent. Lucy smiled.

"Horologium... Can you take Natsu home... without waking him up? Make sure he gets home safely."

"Yes Master Lucy."

"Thank you."

Lucy gently pushed herself up and also pushed Natsu up to a sitting position. She, with the help of the clock, gently put Natsu inside Horologium... and closed the door... She put a hand on the glass... and smiled...


"I... won't come after you Natsu... I... don't have the luxury to anymore.... I don't think my heart can handle it anymore... So I won't fight for you... I... can't...." She cried once again...


She finally stood up. Wiped away her tears. She walked over to the front door and Horologium followed. She opened the door and her spirit walked out into the still raining night... She watched the spirit leave and walk out of sight...

Closing the door slowly.... The lock clicked... no more..... no more tears...

She walked back into her bedroom... stripped down and took a quick not shower.... When she got out.. she checked to see if Horologium had returned to the celestial world and he had...

Still flushed from drinking so much... she lied down on her bed at last... she made sure to lock her windows... and sluggishly entered her blankets....

The bed was cold... and she was shivering.... It was dark... she could hear the soft rain drops hitting her window... and the ticking of her clock.... Exhaustion overwhelmed her and she fell asleep....

It was loud in the guild... like old times... everyone was in a better mood now that finally Lucy and the dragon slayers had returned...

Natsu had barged in sometime in the morning in hopes to find Lucy... but when he found that she hadn't entered the guild yet... had waited patiently to see her show up..

Gray had entered sometime after with a clinging Juvia on his arms... turns out that he had taken her to his place since she was so drunk that he couldn't get her into the fairy hills. Of course Juvia... was ecstatic about spending the night with Gray...

To release some of his frustrations about drunk Juvia and her constant clinginess... he punched Natsu for laughing at his state with Juva latched onto his arms... of course this caused a massive brawl.. and everyone was having a good time...

Sometime during the brawl.. an annoyed Laxus came into the guild with a hungover Cana walking beside him... Cana had lost her keys to her home last night and had spent the night at Laxus', much to his annoyance and frustration..

An already annoyed Laxus coming into the guild with Natsu and Gray causing havoc in the guild was not a good combination.. and Laxus soon joined to teach the boys a lesson...

Gajeel and Levy entered as Laxus was not being attacked by Natsu, while Gray was attacking Natsu, and Elfman join in to fight Gray for his punch earlier, and many other guild members were fighting as well from a chain reaction of punches...

Levy was blushing... finding it hard to look at anyone but the ground.. Gajeel was blushing as well but when he saw the brawl.. he was upset that they had started without them and quickly joined in to fight. Levy just shook her head and walked up to the bar where Mira was drying mugs.

A full on brawl... Just like old times... and so no one wanted to stop it... even Master Makarov and Master Mavis just smiled and watched from the second floor...

And then someone had to push Erza's cake to the floor. And the great Titania joined into the fight to stop it immediately.


It was well past the afternoon and Lucy had still not shown up...

When Wendy had returned to Fairy Hills that night... she forgot that she hadn't paid rent for the 3 months while she was gone on Tenrou Island... She really needed to go on a mission and she patiently waited for Lucy to show up at the guild to ask her to go on a mission together...

She sighed... and Romeo came to sit with her.

"Hey Wendy.. What's wrong?"

"Oh.. Hi Romeo... I want to go on a mission with Lucy-san... but she hasn't shown up all day... I forgot about my rent at Fairy Hills and I really need to go..."

"How about I go with you?"

"You want to go with me?"

"Yea sure. It'll be fun."

"Just... you and me?"

"Hehe.. yea.. unless you don't want to?"

"Oh no.. that's not it..."

silence.. both were blushing..

"uh.... Okay. Let's do it." Wendy said blushing and smiling.

"Oh.. okay.. let's go check the mission board" Romeo said smiling with a pink face.


Gajeel smirked from across the room. He had watched the two little love birds and heard their conversation. Wendy was growing up and Romeo had seemed to miss her while she was gone.

He looked around the guild... for a certain blonde girl... he had to thank her for the tip.. turns out that Levy had missed him a lot when he was gone... and the alcohol helped her confess her feelings towards him... also making her more outgoing and pushy... they shared their first kiss in the morning, when she was sober.. he knew better than to take advantage of intoxicated Levy.. he had made the right choice..

He instead found a very anxious looking Natsu.. sitting at a table watching the guild doors as if they were going to open any minute.. Happy had finally come back from the Exceed village and was eating a fish next to him.. he was watching the guild doors intently too....

It was well past afternoon.. and Lucy still hadn't shown up.. it was definitely odd... she had been acting odd since yesterday... but Gajeel shrugged it off himself... bunnygirl was no longer his responsibility... He had Levy now and he was going to stick by her...


Laxus had been sitting at the raijinshu table quietly while closing his eyes. He was leaning against the wall with his sound pod on his ears. Despite his not caring appearance... he was actually trying to smell if Lucy was coming or not.. but for hours as he sat there since he arrived... Lucy had not come... Now he was getting angry... where in the world was she..

He got up abruptly.. interrupting Freed's conversation with Bixlow and Evergreen. He walked out the guild doors and Gajeel sensed him leave without looking at him... He knew where Laxus was going...


"Tch... took you long enough"

"What did you say Gajeel?" Levy asked as she looked up from her book.

"Nothing shrimp. Keep reading that book of yours. I'll be right here"

Levy blushed and put a hand on Gajeel's arm. He looked at her and saw her smiling. He took his other hand and put it over hers and looked away. She read her book using her right hand to flip the pages... her left hand safely with Gajeel.


Sunrise, Let The Rays Light Up Your Soul{LaxusXLucy} [By Trinity531]Where stories live. Discover now