Lumen Historie

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Did you know…"

"No I did not Lucy-sama….. Layla-sama… had given us away right before that day… I understand now why she retired…"

"Yea… Mama was so strong…" Lucy smiled..

The two were sitting in her apartment… Lucy really needed to warm up after diving into the lake… it was winter in fact. The frozen lake had been exactly what she need to keep her flames at bay… and now… she knew everything…

Lucy couldn't help but feel so proud of her mom.. She would have never imagined that her mom.. would have been able to fight against dragons.. let alone Acnologia.. the very dragon that almost killed everyone on Tenroujima.



"I can not allow you to follow her footsteps… I promised to protect you.."

"Caprico… stop."

"Lucy-sama… We your spirits… promised the day you died that we would make you the most powerful celestial mage the world has seen yet… and we will protect you from dying even if it means our own death"

Lucy smiled warmly at Capricorn.

"No matter what… I'm going to make mama proud… what kind of daughter would I be if I turned my cheek away…."

"But your father… Jude-sama tried so hard to protect you…."

"I know… It really does make sense why he was so against me becoming a mage… pre-occupying me with his business affairs as much as he could.."

"He just didn't want you to end up like Layla-sama… Please"

"No Caprico… end of discussion… I am to continue with it."


In his mind.. "there must be another way.."

"Sorry.. to intrude"

Lucy and Caprico shot their eyes towards the source of the soft voice.

"First master!" Lucy was shocked

"Hello Lucy." Mavis smiled warmly.

"What… brings you here first master?"

"I know of what is to come.." Mavis said with a serious face.. "And I believe we need to prepare"

Lucy was shocked and frozen… the first master knew?!

"I know you have learned about the past… and I know what you must do… for the future"

"How did…"

"I knew from the first time I met you on Tenroujima. My hunches were confirmed at the Grand Magic Games… when you opened the Eclipse Gate.."

"Lucy… all the dragon slayers must be assembled together… otherwise we will fail…"

"But… it's impossible… Sabertooth twins will not come…. And let alone Cobra.. he's locked up.."

"You do not need to worry about the poison dragon slayer. Third master has already contacted an ally from the Magic Council and he will come when it is time. But the twin dragon slayers…

"Convince them to come."

"I have faith that you will be able to bring the dragon slayers together.. just as they all fought at the Grand Magic Games together against the dragons…"

"But you saw first master… none of them slayed their dragons…. How do you expect them to do it now..."

"They will not be alone… Third master has already contacted Lamia Scale… Blue Pegasus.. Quatro Cerberus… even Crime Sorciere…. Fairy Tail will fight. And we will be ready…"

Sunrise, Let The Rays Light Up Your Soul{LaxusXLucy} [By Trinity531]Where stories live. Discover now