Going Home Part2

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Being on the island with 3 dragonslayers was good training for learning how to be stealthy. She took care to mask her scent and be as quiet as a mouse. She found her hiding spot. A waterfall. It was late afternoon and all the running made her really sweaty. She quickly stripped and entered the pool of the waterfall. It was a perfect temperature and the place was absolutely a paradise. She swam around and enjoyed the bath as much as she could. Her eyes got heavy and so she went up to beach on the shore of the pool, her body still immersed in the water. Lying on the beach, she looked up towards the clouds. Soon the slowly moving puffy clouds lulled her to sleep.


She barely made any sound as she walked up to the glowing pool and waterfall. She saw the blonde sleeping peacefully in the water, beached on the shallow end of the pool. Crouching down while smiling… "Lucy…."

Someone was calling her name. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a night sky with bright stars twinkling above. It was beautiful. "Lucy…" Using her arms, she lifted herself up to sit and looked behind her to find a small girl wearing a white dress.. Mavis.

"Master Mavis" Lucy's eyes widened.

"Hi Lucy. It's time to go home." Mavis smiled.


Everyone was so quiet.. They ate their dinner in silence. Wendy was silent and barely ate any of her dinner. Carla was worried about her and kept asking her to eat more. Gajeel was really quiet too and Lily sensed that Gajeel was in a unusual deep thought. Lucy was finally found after hours of searching for her on the island. She was sure good at hiding now. But when they found her, they were amazed to see Master Mavis with her as well. For now, Lucy just ate her dinner in silence. Laxus just watched the three depressed mutes and wondered what had happened to them to be this way. Mavis was just sitting happily.

Wendy suddenly got up, thanked them for dinner, and went to bed. Lucy noticed that Wendy had suddenly changed after Mavis had come to inform them that a boat would be arriving tomorrow morning to take them to Hardeon Port.

Gajeel got up as well and headed to bed as well. The day's events were taking a toll on him. He had woken up with a determination to make Lucy wear something scandalous for the day. He was sure to catch her and possibly "accidently" kiss her. But then Levy appeared… and her thoughts of him.. and the ultimate friendzone ever by Lucy.. and she told him to go home….. so much for trying to win her. But he couldn't help but feel warm… Levy had liked him.. he always dismissed her… she was too.. good.. to innocent.. and Lucy.. well she had been through a lot.. she was naïve.. and slightly naughty.. and she forgave him just like Levy.. He needed a lot of sorting out to do…


Mavis yawned and Lucy gladly led Mavis to their tent. Lily had followed Gajeel and Carla had followed Wendy. Only Laxus and Lucy remained at the campfire. She was in such deep thought and Laxus just observed her. She looked up at him.

"Laxus… I need a favor."


"Can I borrow you for a second?"

He looked annoyed. What was the blondie up to now

"Come on. You just need to stand next to me."


Lucy stood up and she walked up to Laxus. Laxus stood up and watched her every move. She breathed in deeply and let out a long breath of air. She was standing next to Laxus and she reached for her keys.

"Open the Gate of the Twins. Gemini"

Gemini appeared in front of them and Lucy stood still. She was tense. What was she up to.

"I'm.. ready"

Gemi and mini nodded. A bright flash of light. Then.. there was.. a man…. Black open toed sandals… white trousers… gold trimmed black waistcoat….. white scarf…

His eyes grew wide. He quickly broke his gaze upon the new figure and protectively watched the girl next to him.. She stood still.. tense.. silent.. "so that's why…" he thought.

"Lucy…." Said the familiar voice.

Surprisingly.. she remained calm. She was still tense….. but she could handle it. Laxus observed her and smiled at her strength. She was going to fight it and it was evident in her stance.. standing tall.. not pulling away.. not panicking..

"Okay Gemini. Thank you. You may go now" Lucy said in her normal voice. Gemini transformed back into the two celestial spirits and said "Bye Lucy!"

She let out a breath… she had unconsciously been holding her breath in effort to keep herself calm…

"You did good. I'm proud of you Lucy"

Lucy shot her eyes to Laxus. He was smiling. She smiled back. She was proud of herself too. He gently put his arms around her and brought her to his chest. With her in his arms… "It's okay to be scared. You don't have to force yourself. We'll be right next to you if you need us."

She was smiling. He was so sweet at times. She pulled her arms around his waist. She hugged him back and said "I know."


Sunrise, Let The Rays Light Up Your Soul{LaxusXLucy} [By Trinity531]Where stories live. Discover now