Chapter 8

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I walked downstairs biting my lip (not to look cool because I was flipping scared!) And walked into the lounge room, where I heard Charlie and Leo chatting and laughing.

"Hi." I said in a mousey voice and they both stopped talking and looked up. "Hello Princess" Charlie said and I sat down on the opposite sofa

"Are you okay?" Leo said and they both moved onto the sofa with me

I nodded my head and Leo reached for my hand, squeezing it tight.

All of a sudden Blair walks in with cans of coke "van for yaww" he said dancing around the room and talking in the worst German Accent. He expected a laugh but me leo and Charlie were silent.

"Tank ya" Charlie said in reply in an even worse German accent. Me and Leo just rolled our eyes.

Blair sat down and said "were all going out for dinner at Nandos so you can dress up if you want"

"Im going as super man" Charlie said

"Im gonna be Dorothy" Leo replied and you blurted out a laugh at the thought of this boy (who goes moody if you touch his hair )in pigtails and Red sparkly high heels; still fit tbh

Blair rolled his eyes and said "I mean nice clothes, be ready by 3" 

And I ran upstairs and got changed

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