Chapter 1

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Hello people sorry for ending the old story I lost inspiration and I felt it went to quickly thankyou for even looking at my trash writing!

Izuku Midoriya's POV
I was running through the forest trying to escape the person following me. As I picked up my pace so did the thing chasing m and I started to freak out. I didn't know where Ochako went and I started stressing about her being hurt somewhere.

I started getting weak from running for so long and suddenly I was on the ground with a face full of dirt.The thing decided to sit on my back and when I turned around to look I saw a grin plastered on my best friend's face!

Third persons POV
The Broccoli Boi sent glares up at the brunette who gave him a confused look."Get off you're heavy!"He growled at her.She slowly got off him and gave him an apologetic look.

The friends began walking back to their village when an animalistic growl came from the bushes,scaring the omega and beta.

A blonde wolf suddenly leaped out for behind the bushes,landing on top of the broccoli boi.Izuku stared with wide eyes up at the dominant alpha and without realising he shifted into his wolf form.But because of how scared he was his body forced him to turn into his puppy form to try and get away from the danger.

Ochako Ururaka's POV
I watched in horror as my best friend was stuck under an alpha wolf.I knew he was petrified of alpha's because his mother was raped by one,also known as his father and then he left.I didn't know what to do and neither did Izu because he started letting out distressed pheromones into the air and the alpha began rubbing his head in Izuku's neck.

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