|| Chapter 3 ||

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Kaori's PoV

"Why are you not dressed in your armor yet?"

I quickly hid the letter under the crimson pillows on my bed. I turned to face him and smiled sheepishly. "Can't a lady take her time to look great for her fiancé?"

Zuko arched his brow (well... his only eyebrow, but not the point right now). "You don't need to look 'great'. We're here to capture the Avatar, not to attend a feast."

I playfully pout at me as I take a stride to my wardrobe where my armor is kept. A black and red formfitting armor displayed behind the dark mahogany wood doors. A somehow bad idea to keep a fire-proof armor in place for a person who breathes out fire.

I was originally offered to wear the royal armor but I declined. I am not qualified to where such a royal attire, since I am not from the Royal Family nor have I married Zuko, yet. This armor however was given to me by Papa, right before I left with Zuko. I don't know where he got this from, but it feels so right whenever I put it on. It was an old Fire Nation armor but was custom to fit me and up to date with the current era.

"Now get out. I'm going to get ready now." I throw him a pointed stare, opening the wardrobe doors. The candles by my nightstand emit a low red glow, the only light source in this dark room. I could hear his footsteps approaching me. I watched his shadow that hit the mahogany doors as he stopped behind me.

"Do you need any help?" He suggestively said. I could already tell that a smug smirk crept up to his face even without facing him. I feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment, my breath hitched as I felt his breath over my skin and his hands on my hips keeping me in place. His fingers warm as it lightly touched my bare skin.

"No." I barely even got my response out. I turned around facing him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him down to place a teasing peck on his lips. "Now get out, or I'll never get ready."

"Fine." He let out a huff. "Go to the bow afterwards. I'll have one of the guards to bring you there." He walked over to the metal door. For some reason, the place where he placed his hands felt oddly cold after he removed himself from it.

"Zuko," I said loudly, catching his attention before he exits the room. He takes a glance at me and I smiled endearingly. "We're going to go home."

We both have been saying this to each other for the past three years. Reassuring each other as we grip on tightly to any piece of hope that we could get our hands to. Hoping that one day we could finally return to our motherland. Where we don't have to spend days on days staring at the vast ocean. Where you could finally feel the earth beneath your feet. Where we could finally live our lives back to the way it is.

"Home." He nods his head, and a small smile shortly replaced the ever growing frown on his face. It lasted for a split second before he fully exits the room, leaving me alone.

I let out a breath once the metal door finally shut. Am I a bad fiancée for keeping a secret from him? Don't get me wrong, I love Zuko with all of my heart, but I don't think I should bother him with this. He already has his hands full with all of this Avatar quest-for-honor, I don't want to burden him with Papa's mystery note. It's better to keep this to myself for the time being.

I quickly adorned my armor onto myself. I let my hair out of its braid, the black locks of hair flow freely like waves. I then pick up a metal hair stick and twisted my hair into a bun, using the metal hair sticks to keep it in place.

This was a gift to me by Lady Ursa. It was her gift to me for welcoming me into the family. It was matching set, which I gave the other pair to Azula, who refused accepting it at first since it was by her words "not fit for a princess", but she later on took it. I couldn't help but smile as that memory played in my mind. We were so happy back then.

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