Against The Wall

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Listen to : when I ruled the world by Hannah Grace

There are many times in life when you find yourself standing at the edge of a cliff. You feel like putting your fist up in the air and screaming about how powerful you are and how you rule the world not realizing that the moment someone pushes you a little you start falling. Far too often you have no one to catch you when you fall and it sends you crashing on the ground. In that moment as I walked my power walk down the hall, I did not expect to be pulled out of my path and be led onto a new different path all together. The moment I realized who had pulled me, I started hitting him hard and cursing at him for being oddly mysterious but all he did was smile and put a finger on his mouth signalling me to keep quiet. I understood that if we did get caught during lunch hour in the music room we would be in trouble but I was so angry at Liam for ghosting and suddenly going missing that I could not stop harshly cursing at him. All he did was laugh at me as if he was seeing an adorable little girl who was being annoyingly funny.

I finally gathered myself up and asked him

" Where the hell were you ? "

" I needed to settle some things"

" you didn't even think to call me "

" Did you call me when you skipped school with Kyle? "

He said laughing

" Who told you that? "

"  It was quite obvious. I'm sure the whole school figured it out. "

" So I'm in trouble aren't I?My dad found out I skipped school. "

" Yikes ", was all he said.

" Yikes ? That is all you have to say? " I said raising an eyebrow

He simply flashed a smile and I could not help but rant about how much it had hurt my feelings when  he shut me out.

" I'm your friend Liam. I don't mean to overstep boundaries but you are my closest friend and it hurts when you shut me out. I've been making a lot of stupid decisions and you weren't there to save me or anything like that. You can't keep shutting me out like this, it's unfair........ "

" I feel hungry, do you feel hungry? Yes? Okay let's go for lunch. "

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the room and I started acting childish again refusing to move despite the fact that I was completely overpowered. When we got to the cafeteria everyone was just staring at us but Liam tried to make me feel better by claiming that people are looking at me because I look good today. We went to get our trays and collect whatever it was that they had cooked for us today before making our way to the table where the cool kids sat.

I saw it coming but that did not mean it hurt less. The moment Liam and I sat down Jen started to unfold had her prepared  comment .

" I see you are following in your mother's footsteps. Liam wasn't enough for you so you are now going around chasing every dog in the street. "

She glared at me before rolling her eyes. It took me time to gather myself and recover but her words had cut deep and I could see she had drawn the attention of a few people around us.

I glared at her, " well I wasn't the one fighting was I Jen? Besides why do you let your dog roam around the streets without a leash? "

" I am right here guys ", Kyle objected.

" With the way you're dressed, you sure are screaming at them to follow you . You're desperate for attention bestie. Is that why you were throwing yourself at that wanna be jock? "

" I am also right here Jen "

" I got what I wanted didn't I bestie? Plus at least my mother chases men without killing them. Everything yours touch dies. Her marriage, her company and your heart perhaps? "

I could see her fuming, I did not mean to be so trashy but she started it clearly. I could see that she wanted to say something and she was trying to figure out how to put it across the table but I have to admit she put on a show. She got up and bent down to kiss Kyle but before that she just held his face gently by the jaw with a banana and strawberry smoothie in one hand and said

" I'm sorry babe for calling you a dog, you know I was just hurt but I have to leave before it gets ugly, I love you okay? "

That sucker just looked at me then her then me again trying to make up his mind but before his thoughts led him astray Jen made it a point to kiss him passionately right in front of me. He got lost in the moment and it was clear to everyone that I had lost but I was not going to let anyone see through me. Everyone had their eyes on me and I could hear the whispers

" Is he playing them? "

" He obviously loves Jen more than Ron "

" Ron is a wannabe "

" she is trying to use him to become popular "

" Is it true about her mom though? "

" I don't know but I feel sorry for her, her comeback about Jen's mom was totally uncool and cringe worthy. "

" I mean Jen is still loaded and her dad's death isn't anyone's fault right? She tries to make people the bad guys but she's toxic as hell. "

" she's such a........ "

and then I lost it. I had lost and I knew it, Jen had a whole hive supporting her and I was lying to myself that I was going to win this game. Kyle would never want me like he wanted her, I was delusional to think that I could actually make him pay for breaking my heart. I got up to run away but I tripped on a smoothie spill and feel down. Some people already had their phones out when Jen and I were arguing and they were celebrating the victory in catching this moment on camera. I stood up and I felt as if my ankle had sprained and I looked at Liam but he looked away. I felt defeated and alone as I limped to the school nurse's office. I could hear the people jeering and making fun of me in the background and I decided to just skip the last hours we had at school all together but with a valid excuse.

I went into the school nurse's office and she looked at me with pity as she saw how much of a mess I was. She told me that my ankle was fine and sent me back to class. I could not take it anymore so I decided to go home to cry myself to sleep. My phone was buzzing with possible hateful comments on the videos that were posted of my downfall.

My heart was broken not because of the fall or the fight but because Kyle gave in to Jen after realizing I had lost the battle and most importantly Liam stood with them .

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