I'll Keep Trying

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Listen to : Break in by Halestorm

Kyle's POV

I devoted myself to building your dream home
Not knowing that one day when everything falls apart it will be another prison for me
The picture frames will be memories of everything I lost trying to give you everything you wanted
No one wants to be "the one left behind"
But I fear that if I become " the one that got away" I will break your heart
So I sit on our majestic table
Face to face with the love of my life
On the rightful seat for the head of the house and the king of your heart
But too far away to hear what the knight sitting by your side is whispering in your ear.
I do not mean to be overprotective
But how can't I when every time I open the door you try to run away from me
Should I keep holding on to you and hope one day you will love me?
I am scared to go to sleep because I know I will spend the night alone next to you
I do not want to wake up in the morning and see you standing by the window wishing you were anywhere else
All the roses I bought you are drying up
This unrequited love must be draining us both
I do not want to be taken for a fool
But what will people think when they see the woman I keep fighting for fighting for someone else
Love is a beautiful thing
But what's ugly is that you are falling for me and hoping someone else catches you

Nothing is more painful than watching someone you love love someone who is not you. I could see it in her eyes every time they accidentally locked eyes during lunch. I could see it in his eyes each time she stood on the stage waiting for her cue in theatre. I was not the only one feeling uncomfortable, Jen would try her best to intervene each time something happened but the walls had eyes and everyone was beginning to talk. I could not confront either of them because they never talked to each other, at least when people were around. We were usually together most of the times except the times Malachi was doing music because the rest of us did not take music. I would not let Ronnie out of my side during this time but all that effort counted to nothing because we could all see the spark when their hands accidentally touched when assignments were being passed. I was desperate to know what was going on but I was afraid of realizing that maybe all my insecurities were the source of our problems. We laughed, went on dates and I bought her flowers but at the end of the day the fights became louder than the love. Malachi looked happier than everyone else but we all knew that Jen was not a source of his joy.

I was living for the small moments when I would be her world and she would smile at me like I was the only one that mattered. Some part of me blamed myself for her inconsistencies. I had treated her unjustly in the past but heaven knows I was trying to avoid feeling like I had been feeling lately. We sat in the living room watching Pride and Prejudice. I was grateful that Malachi was out of a date and my parents had gone to somewhat business trip as always. My mother was always happy to tag along with my father on his business trips because being a housewife did not give you much options. I had never watched the movie before or read the book but apparently Ron is obsessed with it and I had agreed to watch it much to her delight.

I watched her from time to time as she watched the movie. She was so familiar with the characters and from time to time she would murmur Lizzy's words every time she converse with Mr Darcy. It made me wonder if maybe Malachi was her Mr Darcy. She probably had her preconceived opinion of how admitting that she liked Malachi she would be risking having her heart broken. He probably was also too proud to have something real with her because he had an imagine to uphold. The whole world could see through Jen and Malachi's facade but that did not stop them from acting like they were deeply engrossed by each other's affection. I was going to make sure my girl friend falls in love with me and to do that I had to get to know her. She looked up to me cutting my thoughts and smiled at me, I smiled back before I realized what she was about to do. She threw one popcorn in the air and I caught it and chewed which made her clap her hands like a little child. I scooped some popcorn in my hand and threw more than one at her. She screamed at me before grabbing a cushion and hitting me so hard on the head. I also grabbed a cushion and without considering that she is my girlfriend I hit her a little too hard and she froze.

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