How Can I Forget

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Listen to Erase you by Catrien.

My alarm clock buzzes but I just turn my head and stare at it for a long time. I had not gotten much sleep the previous night and the stress of having to go to school was just eating me up. I knew my father would never let me skip yet another day of school so I had to man up and face the world as the girl who fell from grace. You would be surprised how easy it is to become unpopular in high school. One day you are on top of the world and one wrong move you are at the bottom of the pyramid where it is crowded and dark. The commotion caused by those scrambling to get to the top results in shoes you never thought you would see stepping on you. I was well aware that I had lost everything, after the argument that left me confused with Liam I  was certain he would never speak to me again until I told him what he wanted to hear. Truth be told Liam was too good hearted for me, never did I ever see him in the way he claims to see me and I know it sounds like I am a selfish person but I am a friend, nothing more. I know a lot of girls would be throwing themselves at him the moment they find out he verified that he is not actually homosexual. He had a great sense of style, an abnormal trait  for most guys at our school and I could already hear the screams in the hallways and all the gossiping about why he let people believe he was gay in the first place, for FIVE YEARS. At that moment I took a deep breath and dragged myself to the shower, I put on faded blue jeans, a white t- shirt and a black wool jersey to stop myself from freezing from the cold stares I was going to get for the rest of the week.

I went downstairs to have my breakfast and I saw a note from dad who had already left for work on the coffee machine

I know you didn't get much sleep last night
Just press this button and you're good to go.

I also made some sandwiches for you, they are in the microwave

Love Dad

I could not  help but smile at how considerate he was and I took the sandwich and coffee and sat down to have my breakfast. I was trying to prepare myself mentally for school. I looked like I was doing fine but deep down I was having a nervous breakdown . Finishing the meal became too much for me to bear so I packed the remaining sandwich in a food bag and drove myself to school. The moment I got there people started laughing and some guys from the football team and the basketball team were whistling at me and making insulting jokes. I walked hurriedly and rushed into the school building then straight to my locker. I slammed my locker door shut and saw a huge shadow in front of me. I nearly screamed my lungs out when I realized it was  Harry staring at me with a sheepish smile that looked more evil than innocent.

" What do you want dude? "

"  Chill out Veronica, I just came to apologize. "

" Oh , sorry. "

" Why are you saying sorry, I'm the one who's sorry for acting like a jerk the other day "

"  It's alright ,  you are forgiven. "

"  Cool , oh and if you need help with the guys just call on me. "

I laughed a little,"  you're really bad at fighting, I could do a better job at fighting them off  myself. "

"  Don't underestimate me, and besides there's only one person we know who can take down Kyle"

" True ", I said nodding and fascinated at how everyone knew my childhood bully to be such a fighter. We were all afraid of him in primary school and the years of his absence were a bit better. I could not imagine having to deal with both him and Jen right now.

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