Do You See The Bigger Picture

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Listen to :I don't think I love you anymore by Alaina Castillo

There are three groups of people in the world
Those who conquer
Those who are conquered
And those who just stand by and watch
Most of us believe we have it all under control
In the midst of panicking we tell ourselves
" I got this "
But do you?
Do you really know what you want?
Will you compromise what you believe just to have what you need?
And then the question that no one ever has the correct answer to
" Do you see the bigger picture? "
We are an impulsive and habitual generation that keeps on making the same mistakes
Nothing ever stops us from repeating them over  and over
Are you experimenting or are you just wasting your time ruining your life for that momentary satisfaction that comes with thinking you are about to win when we are definitely losing.
If you get lost in your dream does that mean you never have to face reality?
We spend our entire lives obsessing over things we do not have but when they are  finally in our grasp we hesitate because we were not  prepared to handle success .
Life is like that one dish that always looks amazing to the eye
You ordered but when it is served to you on a silver platter
Will you not be one of those people who let it go cold before tasting it because they are afraid that it might not taste like they expected 
So dear habitual thinker and dreamer are you ready to find out the truth?
Or is the truth a state of mind that can be fundamentally conflicted by our different perspectives of a situation.

" You vindictive bitch! " Jen jumped at me with her claws aimed at my face.

Firstly I do think that this is unnecessary drama for a peaceful Saturday morning and second of all Jen just had to attack me in Starbucks, a public place when I had not even uttered a single word to her. I stood up with my arms crossed on my chest and looked at her with genuine concern as two of her minions held her back trying to convince her how bad this was for her reputation.

" What's your problem now Jen? "

" You know what you did "

"  No I don't know what I did, care to enlighten me? "

" You ! " she almost cursed attempting yet another attack

" Watch your mouth Jen, imagine what it would do to your reputation if people actually see you getting kicked out of Starbucks . I am actually surprised to see you here, didn't you say you don't go places filled with commoners? "

" I hate you! "

" Don't you think hate is such a strong word best friend ? "

"  Stop trying to act innocent, we both know you aren't . "

"  If what I did is so bad why can't you just call me out in front of everyone? "

She looked at me defeated, I was full aware that she was not going to risk telling the whole world her problems. Thanks to our extremely socialized generation if she had said a single word it would have spread like wild fire on a dry summer day. I had to make my exit before she decided to humiliate me so I grabbed my cappuccino and left her standing there with her squad.

There are times when you try to be  nice to someone but their actions never seem to reciprocate the energy you tried to bring. As I drove home that morning I started to replay the events that happened yesterday trying to find my way forward .

Kyle had inched so close to me that I could feel him breathing down my neck. I could smell his papaya and mango body wash and hear his heart beating. My own heart was beating because of uncertainty of what exactly I was going to do when  he kissed me because it was crystal clear what his intentions were .

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