Lonely Again

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Listen to blink twice by Joy oladokun

The hardest thing about highschool is it is like an algorithm that no one can figure out. One moment you are standing on top of the world, a crown on your head and a prince to hold your hand when things get tough. Then the next moment like a black cat with bad omen written all over it, you bang your head and realize life is not as romantic as you thought. You screwed yourself over and you landed back at the bottom where you started. What's harder than crash landing on the ground is being told to climb up a horizontal path that leads to nowhere.

It is  hard to survive knowing that you have no one to lean on. You let go of your prince's hand to hold your king's only to find out that there is only room for one Queen in his heart and it is not you. It was never meant to be, you are like fire and he is ice so he turned cold and called it quits. He took a walk down a familiar path to be with someone who is more like him, The Ice Queen. You were left to smile with tears in your eyes, the bitterness devouring the little love you had left. You wanted to warm the king's heart but his pride would not let your burning gaze make him melt. Being independent is an amazing virtue when you know how to wear it with pride. It's like a little spark which when left untamed becomes a blazing fire of loneliness you can never escape from. So be careful Queen, sometimes what you think you have will never be yours.

People are always going to talk, they never ever shut up. If they run out of things to talk about they start making up their own false rumors. This year clearly has not been my year. I have been on the downside of the gossip far more times than once and I was yet to be a victim once again. I never cared to dress up because no amount of makeup and expensive clothing could stop people from talking about the real issue here. There were to sides to the story, first and most importantly is why Kyle and Veronica broke up. The second issue is why Jen and Malachi's relationship is actually flowing. To be honest I am also wondering the same thing.

I slam my car door and throw my Hoodie over my head before walking to class. The weather is just fine but I feel like I have a personal cloud that has been assigned to me that is raining down on me. I see Kyle standing with the jocks on their usual spot and we have eye contact before he looks to the ground and continues talking to the guys. It does not help either that Liam is nowhere to be found. I texted him last night to let him know about the situation I was in but he never replied. When I got to my locker I tried to be as quick as ever to grab my books but I could not help eavesdropping the conversation that was going on two lockers down from mine. It was between a blonde cheerleader and one of the basketball guys.

" She's just so unfortunate, I knew it wouldn't be long before Kyle discovered how much of a low life she is ", the girl whispered looking over to me to check if I was looking at them. I kept my head down and continued to take books out of my locker.

" It would have been better if she had any friends but right now her friend Liam is basically focused on his own girlfriend , she's basically alone. "

Liam is dating? Why wouldn't he tell me? Is that why he did not read my text? When did he get a girl friend? Who is the girlfriend? I had so many questions but they were all answered when Malachi and Jen came into the halls and everyone went quiet. A step behind them and besides them were Liam and obviously his new girlfriend. Jen's so called new best friend was who he was with. Kyle followed in with his friends some moments later with the jocks and it was clear he was now the most sought after bachelor in school. I felt broken but the problem is I had no one to blame it on but myself. I was basically out of my element the rest of the day and it seemed like everywhere I turned people were in love or whatever. I felt a tad bit of jealousy and I just kept my head down all day.

I had spent a lot of time debating whether to go to the cafeteria for lunch or not. It was stressful but I decided to toughen up and try to talk to my best friend. When I got to our usual table my spot was taken by Liam's new girlfriend.

" excuse me ", I said trying my best not to be rude.

"  What? ", she sneered at me and everyone turned to look at me except the twins who seemed to have come together to hate me.

" You're sitting on my spot. "

" Oh dear, I'm sorry ", she pushed over to create some space at the end of the bench. The tables were created for eight people each and there were just six people sitting here. The twins and Jen on one side and the other side there was Liam, his girlfriend and Harry. The moment I sat down I regretted it because I felt the cold of the dessert that had been placed on my sitting space. To make matters worse the girl pushed me over and I fell to the ground. Everyone laughed except Kyle, even Malachi and Liam were laughing at me. I was afraid to stand up because I knew the laughing would get worse if they saw the chocolate ice cream smeared all over my jeans. I felt my eyes tearing not because of the situation I was in but because the two people I loved the most at this school were laughing more than everyone else.

I closed my eyes and tears dropped from my eyes before my screams filled the whole room, everyone went quiet shocked by my reaction . The teacher who was monitoring lunch hour came to see what was happening. I had intentionally bent my ankle uncomfortably as a sat on the ground until it hurt. I was sure it was bruised and when the teacher approached me and asked what was happening. I cried and pointed to my bruised ankle, he asked what had happened and I pointed at her, Zoey Daniels.

" she pushed me over the bench and I sprained my ankle ", I sobbed winning his sympathy.

" Principal's office now! " she shouted at her as she wrote a note stating that she was bullying me during lunch time and handed it to her.

It did not help much either than the teacher in charge was my gym teacher and she loved me so . she first checked my ankle in front of everyone and it was bruised more than I thought it would be. She held me by the waist and started leading me out. Nobody had the nerve to laugh about the ice cream that had tainted my jeans. I looked back as I limped out of the room before holding a middle finger up behind me. Their jaws were dropped but they knew that I had declared war and j had already painted myself the victim if things were to go wrong. No one said anything until Miss Rogers and I were out of the room.

The school nurse pointed out that my ankle was luckily not sprained and I was just bruised and swollen from the "fall" . She applied some ointment before she bandaged it up. She offered me a pair of school sweat pants that she had gotten from Miss Rodgers. I innocently asked them not to call my father because he would get worried when it was not serious. They followed my wishes and I went for cheer practice when it was time to watch the routine because I did not want to be behind with the practice.

I could sense the tension in the gym as I sat and watched the routine being introduced. I made a mental note to watch the best routines when I got home. I was ready to bring the heat and remove the top girl from the top. She could sense my eyes following her every movement across the room and to say I made her uncomfortable is an understatement. Zoey was also being driven crazy by her anger towards me and she felt helpless knowing if anything was to happen again she would be in deep trouble. I smiled at her when she made eyes contact with me despite seeing the madness in her eyes. She wanted to be like Jen never really realizing how much Jen and I were actually alike. There was only one person who could beat me at this game and it clearly was not Zoey Daniels.

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