Chapter 1 The gofer project

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It's been 64 years after the human race was extinct on Earth, the only ones alive are the 16 Ultimates on the spaceship of gofer project today they finished the 6 months of killing games. It's been a year since they first embarked, the first 6 months they were supposed to reproduce, it was strange at first since most were virgins but after 3 months it became the normal. The only ones that didn't participate in the first part of the year were Tenko, Himiko, Gonta and Kokichi. That was faze one of the year, if anyone got pregnant they would extend the time for it for the rest of the year, but as they didn't they took part in a virtual killing game, so they could internalize ways to win. Today they had finished the 53 rd game and they went back to the reproducing. Shuichi wasn't as interested in it as the first time, he was more interested in this new world and it was clear to everyone, nobody really cared that he was reaching this world if when he went out he used the proper gear but he most of times didn't. Nobody but him and his notebook knew about it.

Shuichi: Nice game Tsumugi.

Tsumugi: Oh thanks!!

Kokichi: Mom, I'm starving!

Kirumi: I'm doing dinner a few more minutes and it's done.- Miu went next to me.

Miu: Didn't know that Kokichi was going to play the rat act!

Shuichi: He always uses a new personality i  this games. Thinking that you and him are friends in this game was literally impossible.

Kokichi: I don't know as well how we get along but yeah...

Tsumugi: Don't even start, we were chosen also because we get along.

Shuichi: Well I need to get going.

Miu: See you at dinner.

Shuichi: Bye.

Angie: May Atua protect you!

As he finally got to he snuck out, whiteout anyone knowing. After he was far away from the spaceship, he took off the spacesuit, taking a deep breath before sitting in the blue grass and began writing and thinking.

" As the time paces by I'm learning to love this ood world, there's no type of animals here just plants. In this night sky there are about 20 moons, I might start naming them, I can also see home at 12 pm exactly. We left them behind for this... Even if it's so beutyfull this new world isn't one I want to live in. I miss my family, but I fear that I begin to forget about their names, for that reason I diceded to fill the last 2 pages whit the name and description of everyone I knew. I might began to do the same with my friends here, and I should start to go to this florest and see what species are here. It will keep my mind busy in this...


After he wrote that someone started to talk in the walkie talkie.

Kirumi: Shuichi diner is served when you get here it's going to be in the table.

Shuichi: Thanks Kirumi I'm coming back.

Well I guess I'll bring something to investigate tomorrow.

He putted the suit back and went to the spaceship. He got in ate and looked himself in his research lab and started to record a message.

Shuichi: Message number 100, today is the 27th of February, wich means that we've been here officially 1 year, even though humanity is almost extinct for over 64 years, our bodies were frozen and we entered a coma state, meaning we are still teenagers, almost legal adults but still teen. Today we are back to the reproducing part of the project, as I predicted most of us are sex, to reproduce of course, sex as lost is tabu here honestly. Has it's obvious I wasn't chosen yet, but sincerely I don't to take part, at least for now, last year I did and I felt they just wanted me for my body, that wasn't good for my mental health. The only way I get to express my feelings is whit my notebook and this messages, even tho it started to be just informative I think it's a good therapy while I don't find a way to cure this depression. Well inouf about me, today I went to see the night sky and finally saw the total of the moon's, now we should find names, by we I mean myself. The trees have white logs and their leafs are pink, red, black and some few have golden ones, the sky in the morning is purple and at night the beutyfull dark blue as like earth , for that reason I like to sneak out in the middle of the night, I'm home sick... Well this is getting long I'll come back whit more information in a week.

The boy stoped recording and went to read a book about poisons and their components. He didn't knew that Kokichi was in the other side of the door, sure they were friends but Shuichi didn't speak about his feelings much. After what he heard he was determined to go outside, but wasn't sure how, and to see what Shuichi wrote on his notebook. He had strong feelings about the taller, he thought they were genuine friends, Shuichi was the only one that tried to comprehend why he lied so much. In the smaller's mind Shuichi was a genius that he couldn't understand yet but surely interesting, in taller's mind Kokichi is a murder case that hasn't been solved yet. After all even if a year as passed that means nothing here, they only spoke whit their true selves for 6 months. Shuichi was reading for hours he just went to his room around 3 am, when he was going to his room he passed by Maki.

Shuichi: Hey Maki.

Maki: Oh, hi.- she finally saw him.

Shuichi: Let me guess you're going to begin training?

Maki: Yeah, as usual you've been reaching?

Shuichi: Yes, I'm going to sleep, I guess I got lost in time.

Maki: Bye then.

Shuichi: Bye.

He got to his room and laid on his bed, when he thoughts started to go.

Please stop... I'm so worthless that I can't even stop my depression... I should die...

As a desperate thought he snuck out of the spaceship, this time not even bothering to desquise the fact that you can breath outside. He laid down in the grass, looked at the sky and sighed.

Shuichi: The only thing that keeps my sanity, this sky... - he grabbed his notebook.

" I finally got a idea for one of the moons, it's dumb the idea I have, but I'm calling the smaller moon Hope. Even if I feel litter it's there for me..."

Hope you liked the first chapter, vote if you did and comment your thoughts.
Much love.


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