Chapter 23 Everyone knows what you did this afternoon

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Shuichi: I love you.- he said as he proceeded to kiss the smaller, it was a deep kiss and Shuichi made sure to slowly push him into to the bed, noticing this the smaller separated from the kiss.

Kokichi: I see someone wants to celebrate....

Shuichi: Of course I do I just go engaged to the most beautiful person in the universe.

Kokichi: Oh my Atua, you're too perfect.- he them went for a deeper kiss as he sat on the taller's lap,slowly taking out his boyfriend's shirt as they make out.

When they both took each other's shirts, Shuichi began attacking the smaller's neck making him let small moans. Everytime the smaller moaned made the taller harder and harder, Kokichi being on his lap of course noticed it and began taking of his and his boyfriend's pants. Now they were both only on underwear the smaller palmed his lover thru his boxers, the taller of course loved this and wanted to go to the main event, because of that he grabbed the lube bottle and squirted some in his fingers, of course when the smaller saw him grab the bottle he took his own underwear quickly. The taller, thrusted at first just one but soon enough 2 fingers, the smaller couldn't help but moan.

Kokichi: Shuichi~ unh~ f-fuck me already~

Hearing that Shuichi imidiatly took of his fingers of the smaller's hole and took is last piece of clothing. Kokichi waisted no time and began to ride Shuichi, making them both moan. The smaller didn't let his lover move but instead he was doing all the work, well until Shuichi had enough of it and began to thrust every time Kokichi went down making him go even deeper. The smaller then pulled him into a kiss, moaning into the kiss, Shuichi then grab Kokichi's hips and made him go faster.

Kokichi: T-THERE~ AHH~- the taller changed positions quickly to be constantly hit the spot- S-SHUICHI~AAH C-CUMMING!!- the taller didn't even answered he just kept on the thrusting and soon enough they both came. They laid next to each other coming down form their high panting.

Shuichi: Seconds?

Kokichi: Yup.

After they took a shower and took care of everything they both sleep for all afternoon until someone constantly knocked on the door that ended up waking up Shuichi. Still half asleep he putted on some pants on, not actually still unbuttoned and his air in a mess he opened the door to see non other then the ultimate maid.

Kirumi: It's diner time.

Shuichi: I'll be there in a second.

Kirumi: Oh, by the way, do you know where is Kokichi? He isn't in his room.- the taller looked back to the bed where the ultimate supreme leader was sleeping on and back at her.

Shuichi: I'll wake him up.- the maid looked at him pretty much sure of what had happened, she went away and the detective closed the door- Kokichi, it's diner time.- he said gently.

Kokichi: Do I really have to go?

Shuichi: We have to eat something, we don't eat since breakfast.

Kokichi: Ok then... But you'll have to carry me!!- the taller chuckled and they both got dressed, then they went to the diner table, when they got there the taller made stopped carrying the smaller, the fact he was on the first place made the others stare.

Shuichi: Sorry for being late.

Miu: I'm going to say it.- she whispered to Tsumugi.

Tsumugi: Miu don't.

Miu: Fine but if anything happens I'll do it.- the taller sat down at the table and whitout any type of ceremony sat down on the taller's lap.

Shuichi: You're kidding?

Kokichi: Hey, it's your fault I can't sit normally....




Shuichi: Can you two stop please?!

Kokichi: Ok but only because I want to stay here.

Shuichi: Can I eat?

Kokichi: Uhmuhm.- he said as he nuzzled his face in the detective's neck, which made him embarrassed.

Shuichi: Aren't you gonna eat?

Kokichi: Not hungry...

Shuichi: You're just gonna sleep aren't you?- Kokichi shook his head and Shuichi began eating. He could feel Rantaro staring at them, so he looked at him, the ultimate adventurer procided to look at the ring in the taller's hand and looked at him. He then discreetly pointed at the detective and the boy on his lap as a way of asking if they were engaged, the taller just nodded. Neither of them spoke one word so the conversation wasn't really noticed by the others.

After they all ate, Shuichi picked up Kokichi that was asleep and brought him back to his room, laid him on the bed and went to sleep as well.


They slept all night, the next morning they went to eat breakfast and as soon as they were done eating they were dragged to the detective's research lab by Miu and Rantaro.

Kokichi: Were in the hell I Tsuboring?

Miu: Hey you told me to keep it a secret!!

Kokichi: Yeah, but why the fuck is Rantaro here?

Shuichi: Yesterday he noticed the rings.

Rantaro: I wasn't really sure but when I talked whit Miu I figured.


Kokichi: Okay calm the fuck down, of all people you would know when you saw him whit the ring.

Miu: So you're engaged?!

Shuichi: Yeah.

Rantaro: Who asked who?

Kokichi: We both proposed, I first but he was also going to.

Rantaro: What are you gonna do if the final decision is breaking up?

Shuichi: Well I think we would try to keep but in secret once more.

Kokichi: But we are counting on the cumdumpster!! She won't tell us what is this incredible invention she's working on!!

Miu: I want it to be a surprise!! I've been working on this since you two are dating!! It's like a masterpiece!!

Shuichi: Is it at least done?- he said worried.

Miu: About that...


Miu: Chill the fuck out! I'm just making the final tunning to be PERFECT!

Kokichi: Just remember that if you fuck this up I WILL GET A DUMPSTER FILL IT WHIT FUCKING CUM AND DROWN YOU IN IT!!

Miu: WHAT A WAY TO GO!!-she said in an almost ahegao face.

Kokichi: I'M SERIOUS, STOP BEING SO FUCKING KINKY!!- she whipped the droll that came out of her mouth.

Miu: It will be done by tomorrow at time for the meeting.

Shuichi: I hope so- he said sighing.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so vote and comment your thoughts!! Go show some love to my editor HelloMyDudes69!!
Much love.


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