Chapter 18 The truth

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When they got there Kirumi was worried to say the least. They looked at the speaker and microphone that were attached to the wall so they didn't have to use the walkie talkies.

Kirumi: Hello.- Shuichi put down Kokichi.

Kokichi: Hi....

Shuichi: You've called us here why? Is everything ok?

Kirumi: Well, you see... Kaito is sick. He began feeling bad around midday and since then his condition as went far worse, he's coughing blood and we can not determine what he has. Since we don't know we've decided to stay all inside and not enter in contact with you since you're all virus, we assume it's one, free and we are also going to send you a tent because Angie will come there, she didn't have any contact whit any of us today and we have to be sure that she doesn't get sick since she's pregnant. The work will continue since Kibbo can't get whatever it is that Kaito as and he'll be the one to cook your food since I can be infected.

Kokichi: Holly shit....

Shuichi: That is... A lot to take in...

Kirumi: I know that it might be hard what I'm asking you but... Could you try to investigate so we can know what is this? We need to know what is it.

Shuichi: I'm going to do my best Kirumi.

Kirumi: Since we are done with that, what the hell did I hear?- Shuichi got completely red as he had come back to himself while Kokichi was blushing slightly.

Kokichi: Uhmm....- as the smaller was lost for words, his boyfriend came in to the rescue.

Shuichi: Sorry you had to hear that Kirumi, it was really bad timing.

Kirumi: Understood... But now Kokichi I thought you were still a virgin, you did say a time that you would only do it whit your future boyfriend. Does this mean..?

Kokichi: Yeah mom me and Shuichi are dating, sorry you had to find out this way. I wanted to come out and tell you all this but we're kinda scared that we need to break up because of the project.

Kirumi: You always could have an open relationship like Miu and Kibbo.

Shuichi: I wouldn't want that, Kokichi didn't take part on it and I to be honest lost interest.- the ultimate maid looked at him in shock.

Kirumi: You lost interest? Can I know why?

Shuichi: Whitout going on detail... Depression.

Kirumi: You have depression? That's the first time I hear it.

Kokichi: That's because he didn't told anyone, do you remember the time we smoke that plant?

Kirumi: Yes.

Shuichi: It was a substitute that I found for my pills.

Kirumi: I get it now. I don't want to be the one to tell you but you do understand that you probably can't be together right? It breaks my heart to tell you, because I do believe you are in love and that's beutyfull, I'm happy that you could experience that here but...- she holded it her tears- We need to do a meeting that the rest of the group decides if you can really stay together.- from the other side of the glass the boys holded each others hands trying not to cry.

Kokichi: Mom can't you do something?!

Shuichi: Yeah Kirumi, you're the ruler here, can't you help us out?

Kirumi: I'm sorry but no. The only way you can keep dating is finding a way that Shuichi can still contribute, I wish you the best of luck in that.

Kokichi: How much time we have before the meeting?- she gave a sad smile.

Kirumi: I'll let you come out on your own and after that we'll arrange a meeting, you have how much time you want. That's the only way I can help you.

Shuichi: Thank you.

Kirumi: You're welcome and I'm sorry for the trouble this will give you, but my last order before we entered the ship was to guarantee the survival of our species.- tears rolled off her face.

Kokichi: We get you mom, I know this is also hard for you.- he said in tears as well.

Kirumi: You should get some rest, I need to go help Kibbo find a tent for Angie.- she said whipping her tears.

Shuichi: Does she need help setting it up?

Kirumi: She probably will, do you mind helping her?

Shuichi: No.

Kirumi: Ok thank you. Once more I'm so sorry.

Shuichi:We don't blame you Kirumi.

Kirumi: Thank you, well I need to get going, goodbye.

Shuichi: Goodbye.

Kokichi: Bye mom!

They helped Angie an then went back to the tent were they laid down once more.

Shuichi: So what we most feared is gonna happen?...

Kokichi: Shuichi, we still have time.

Shuichi: Yeah I guess that's true... But how much time?

Kokichi: Remember what Miu said, she's planning something to help us!

Shuichi: What if she catches it? Whatever Kaito has might end humanaty.

Kokichi: Let's be positive, it might not be a disease and it won't spread.

Shuichi: I hope it doesn't.

Kokichi: You named a moon after that, there's always hope...

Shuichi: I guess so... Good night Kokichi...

Kokichi: Night Shumai...
In the morning things were different in the work, instead of Kokichi and Shuichi helping Gonta and Kibbo, it was Kokichi and Angie helping Gonta while Kibbo helped Shuichi whit the investigation in all ways he could.

Shuichi: Kibbo,you still have that function that lets you take pictures of your memory right?

Kibbo: Of course, let me guess you want to have a look inside?

Shuichi: Exactly, I need you to print me all the pictures from 2 days ago and then if you could inside and look around everywhere and everyone and then give me the pictures it would help a lot.

Kibbo: That will take a while but you can count on me!

Shuichi: Thank you.- then a voice came from the walkie talkie.

Kirumi: Shuichi are you there?

Shuichi: Yeah, do you have any new information?

Kirumi: I'm afraid that I do. Yesterday we isolated Kaito as fast as we could but... Maki is now sick as well.

Shuichi: It's contagious... Shit...

Hi everyone!! I'm sorry for the whole disease thing, I've been planning this plot device in months, I actually was going to use it in my last fanfic, before the whole corona thing but thought it would be better to use it in this one( and yes I've been idealizing this story for a while). This was of course inspired by the sickness that Kaito got in the game.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so vote and comment your thoughts!
Show some love to my editor HelloMyDudes69!
Much love.


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