Chapter 27 Wedding's and happy memories

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Soon enough, it was evening, meaning that it was time for the party. After around half an hour eveyone was there having a good time and getting drunk, the two boys look eyes and decided to get on top of a table to be visible to everyone, but before they called attention to them the taller said.

Shuichi: You're ready?

Kokichi: Yup!! Are you?

Shuichi: Yeah, let's do this.- the smaller hit a fork to the glass cup were he was drinking from, everyone looked.

Kokichi: Can you stop a music for a second?

Kirumi: Sure.- she did as asked.

Shuichi: We would like to tell you something. You see the class trial you holded was, for lack a better word, nothing... You see we are not dating anymore- he got cut off, as expected.

Kaito: What the fuck dude?!

Maki: Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Kibbo: Yeah then Miu didn't have to tell everyone what she did to my body!!

Kokichi: WOW, first y'all need to hear everything before saying something, second if you allow me to finish what he was saying.- he moved the engagement ring to his ring finger so they got a clearer picture- True we are not dating anymore, but that's because we are engaged!!

Gonta: Gonta's happy for you!!!

Himiko: Congrats!!


Kaede: Cheers to that!!

They got oof the table and after almost everyone congratulating them they went to Kirumi.

Kokichi: Mom, what you think about us getting engaged?!- her serious face melted into a sweet smile before she could answer it.

Kirumi: I'm happy you two love each other that much. I never thought something like this would actually happen but I'm happy for you.- Kokichi instantly hugged her.

Kokichi:Thanks mom.

Shuichi: Yeah, thank you Kirumi, whit out your help we wouldn't do it.- he hugged her as well, when they pulled away she wiped her tears, honestly they were all either crying or at the verge of it.

Kirumi: Go have fun now, it's a party after all.- she said still emotional.

Shuichi: We'll talk about it later, try to have fun as well!!

After the party Shuichi and Kokichi were helping Kirumi clean up, she was doing the dishes while they were cleaning the dining room all talking.

Kokichi: I guess we should begin to plan the wedding...

Shuichi: Still feels like a day dream.

Kirumi: If you need help organizing everything I would be happy to do it.

Kokichi: You would do that for us, mom?

Kirumi: Well, of course!- he imidiatly went to the kitchen hugged her.

Shuichi: Thanks Kirumi!- he said hugging her as well.

Kirumi:So what you have in mind?- she said pulling out of the hug.

Kokichi: Uhm I don't know, how about you Shumai?

Shuichi: We really haven't thought of about that didn't we?

Kirumi: There's a lot to discuss then, maybe you should start whit thinking where do you want it to be?

Kokichi: Maybe outside.- he said looking at the detective, that hearing this his eyes lit.

Shuichi: That sound's amazing!

Kirumi:So we have a place for the ceremony, now you just have to decide what you'll wear, the menu, the maid/s of honor, the best man, most likely the pope will be Angie, who will walk you down the isle etc.

Kokichi: We should decide the clothes and who will walk us down the isle separately, ya know have some suprise?

Shuichi: Seams nice. What about the maids of honor and the best man?

Kokichi: Maid's of honor of course, Miu and Tsumugi, they would kill us if we didn't do it.

Shuichi: True... Maybe best man Rantaro and Kaito?

Kokichi: Seams good to me!

Kirumi: See you're already doing progress!!

Shuichi: Yeah thanks Kirumi!!

Kirumi: No problem, anything you can always ask me for help.

They finished cleaning, they went to Shuichi's room and slept in there. On the next they ate breakfast and then went to talk whit Miu and Tsumugi in the ultimate detective's research lab.

Miu: The fuck do you want?

Kokichi: I see someone is whit an hangover...

Miu: Shut up and get this over whit.

Kokichi: If you are gonna be like this then never mind what we were gonna propose.

Tsumugi: Wait what?

Shuichi: We were wondering if you two would like to be our maids of honor.

Tsumugi: HOLY SHIT YES!!

Miu: Lower please.

Kokichi: So what's the cumdumpster's answer ?

Miu: Yes of course!

Tsumugi: If any of you wants help whit the clothes I can help you!!!

Shuichi: Wait how?

Tsumugi: Well all my cosplays are made from scratch meaning I can make them for you no matter what you have in mind!

Shuichi: Thanks Tsumugi! Now if you excuse us we still need figure some things out!

They went to get Rantaro and Kaito and break the news to them, they of course were happy, then they went to diced in the menu and those things.

Some time passed and today was Kokichi's and Shuichi's wedding. Shuichi waited anxiously at the alter on a black suit whit a blue tie and flower well until Kirumi walked Kokichi down the isle. The moment seamed to stop, if he could he would frame the moment for sure, as Kokichi walked whit his "mom" on a white suit whit a cheeker tie and purple flowers on his hair.

The ceremony went exactly as expected and after that they went to their honey moon on the house that they got as a wedding gift. As soon as they walked in Kokichi draged his now husband to the bedroom to celebrate the wedding. After many hours of doing that they cuddled and before falling a sleep they said.

Kokichi: I fucking love you.

Shuichi: Love you more- he then kissed the smaller's forehead and fell asleep.

The end.

This end was kinda rushed as I moved on the bad times I had while doing it I also want to move on and do other story's.

My next story hopefully is gonna be soudam but if you just like Oumasai/saiouma go check out my other story!!

I hope you liked it over all and for a last time I say:
Much love


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