Chapter 5 Sweet dreams

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"A day as passed after the waterfall incident, I didn't spoke much whit Kokichi, he didn't even used my name. He doesn't see me as friend,does he? I don't know anymore and to be honest, the question his better to be unanswered. I've been researching again, and as the Romans did whit the planets I decided to name one of the moons after Baco. Baco is the Roman equivalency to Dionysus, the deity of wine, intoxication and madness (mainly). It pretty much describes what's my life is about right now, I can't even speak whit my best friend, at least I think it's my best friend. Kokichi Ouma, what do you want from me? Cause you sure have my feelings wrapped around your fingers. And that question really messed with my heart, but I think he might just want it because of my body... Last year really screwed whit my mind didn't it?


Shuichi came out of his research lab and went to Miu's, she was working in a new invention.

Shuichi: Hey Miu can we talk?- she stopped, turn to him and took out her visor.

Miu: Yeah, what's on your mind?

Shuichi: Do you think people here use me for my body?

Miu: Oh boy that question. You want the short or the long version?

Shuichi: I don't care.

Miu: Yes they are, but it's because of our job. We are humans so if we are gonna fuck we want the most pleasure and you have one of the biggest dicks here and you know how to use it so it's only natural.

Shuichi: I guess you're right.

Miu: What happened between you and Kokichi?

Shuichi: N-nothing.

Miu: Bullshit!

Shuichi: Don't let him know I told you. But, he asked me to take his virginity.- she looked at him whit curiosity.

Miu: So did you?

Shuichi: N-no, he just asked me because he felt pressure and I told him to just wait until he felt ready and to ask his crush to do it.

Miu: Bitch please, are you that stupid? He wants to have a good experience and who told you he couldn't be into you?

Shuichi: That's..  I guess you're right.

The taller went back to his research lab but he end up going after Kokichi. They passed by one and other, Kokichi didn't even looked at the taller, he had to be stopped by Shuichi.

Shuichi: Are you mad at me?

Kokichi: No I just ... I can't believe I really said that. I sincerely didn't think that you would ever speak to me after what I said.

Shuichi:We are friends Kokichi,I wouldn't stop talking whit you because of so little.- Kokichi was kinda sad he said friend, but he knew that they were still just friend's.

Kokichi: Cool, can we hang out?

Shuichi: Yeah sure.

They went back to the research lab and hanged around.

Kokichi: Have you named any of the moons?

Shuichi: Yeah, 2.

Kokichi: Which ones and what are her name's?!

Shuichi: Well the smaller I called Hope and I'll show you Baco tonight, what do you think?

Kokichi: Baco?

Shuichi: It's a Roman God, since they named most of our planets that way, I decided to use Baco.

Kokichi: Shouldn't you're named a planet instead?- the taller looked surprised.

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