Chapter 15 Place down your bet's

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They woke up in the morning, Shuichi whit a hangover and Kokichi whit a pain in the ass.

Kokichi:Good morning!!- Shuichi looked at him.

Shuichi: Morning....

Kokichi: Wow, you're not very excited.

Shuichi: That's cuz my head hurts.

Kokichi: Well, my ass hurts and you don't see me whining!!- the taller got up and dressed, while Kokichi putted his trunks and they got out of the room. The first thing that they did was went to the kitchen, Kokichi didn't even changed clothes he just went after the taller. Shuichi poured coffee onto his mug and surprisingly Kokichi asked for a little, then they went to the table were everyone was, Tsumugi and Miu just look at each other suspicious as they noticed that Kokichi was walking funny.

Shuichi: Morning everyone...- as he said that he sat at the table, while Kokichi just stand there.

Kokichi:Good morning!

Kibbo: Morning!

Rantaro: Morning.

Gonta: Good morning!

Miu: Morning.

Tsumugi: Good morning.

Kirumi: Kokichi why haven't you sat down yet?

Kokichi: I'm not really hungry...

Kirumi: Well if you say so.

Rantaro: So what happened? You two look like a mess!- they looked at each other and trying to not be very obvious.

Shuichi: We almost didn't sleep yesterday, I thought Miu told you...

Rantaro: She didn't...- Kokichi finished drinking and went to his room to dress his signature look, while Shuichi was pulled aside by not just Tsumugi and Miu but also Rantaro, who draged him to the ultimate cosplayer's research lab.


Shuichi:I'm not saying anything if Kokichi isn't here.

Tsumugi: That means they did!!

Rantaro: Independently of that, if you fucking try anything funny or advantage of him, I swear to fucking Atua I'll beat the shit out of you.

Shuichi: I would never!!

Rantaro: Yeah exactly.

Miu: He's definitely not high anymore.

Tsumugi: I mean, yeah Rantaro acts kinda like Kokichi's older brother, but dam I didn't expect that.- the ultimate supreme leader entered the room in that exact moment.

Kokichi: Geez not even I expected that ...

Miu: Oh look the man of the hour!! Now that you're here, did you or didn't you pop the cherry?!- he sighed.

Kokichi: Yeah, can you stop?!



Shuichi: You're way too exiteded, he just lost his virginity yet you act like you've won the lottery.

Miu: What can I say, but tea?!

Tsumugi: Yeah this is like top tear entertainment!!

Kokichi: So can I go now?


Kokichi: Do I really have to sit?...- he asked trying to get over whit this as fast as he could.

Tsumugi: Oh yeah he's a bottom, but after all it's gonna take a while.

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