Chapter 19 Is this the answer?

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Shuichi: It's contagious.... Shit

Kirumi: We still don't know how it spreads, but Kaito is getting worse, is coughing a lot of blood.

Shuichi: We need to be fast... Kibbo have you finished printing the pictures?

Kibbo: Yes, here you go!- he gave the detective a pile of photos there were easily more then 100- Would you like me to get you a board?

Shuichi: That would be perfect if you could.

Kibbo: Ok I'll be back.- the ultimate robot went back inside, the ultimate detective headed out to where the ultimate supreme leader, artist and entomologist and just threw himself on the grass facing down.

Kokichi: What happened?

Shuichi: It's contagious.

Angie: Oh my Atua!

Shuichi: And Kaito is worse, whatever it is, is probably deadly and fast.

Kokichi: We'll work this out, it might be simpler that it looks.

Shuichi: Yeah, but we are waisting time by waiting for the images inside and during it Kaito as got worse and Maki got it.

Kokichi: So is contagious?

Shuichi: From what we know it could be or not... We don't even know what we're dealing with!!

Kokichi: Shuichi calm down I'm sure you'll find a way I believe in you- he grabbed the taller's face- Look at me, it's going to be fine I'll help you if you need anything I'm here for you, remember?- Shuichi grabbed his hand.

Shuichi: Thank you.

Angie: Atua says you're gay.- the two boys jump and let go of each other fearing that they were discovered.

Shuichi: Us? W-why would you even think that?!

Me stuttering doesn't help it either...

Angie: It's Atua and it's because you look like a couple!

Kokichi: Tsk, us a couple? That would be IMPOSSIBLE!

Ouch... Even tho I know he's lying that kinda hurted...

Angie: Well if you say so...

Only after dinner time Kibbo had the pictures from the inside, there was even pictures of Kaito's and Maki's clothes Shuichi was awake until 2 am comparing thing and sticking them on the board that had them organized. Even if he stayed up very late he still just had looked through a little less than half of them, when the smaller's woke up.

Kokichi: Shumai you're still doing that?

Shuichi: Uhmuhm, the mistery doesn't solve itself.

Kokichi: What time is it?

Shuichi: Around 30 past 2 am.- the smaller looked at him in shock.

Kokichi: Go to sleep it's late!

Shuichi: But I'm almost halfway through.

Kokichi: You need to sleep so you can concentrate on it tomorrow... Also I wanna cuddle...

Shuichi: Ok then.- he laid down next to Kokichi and the smaller, as he has been doing, laid his head on his boyfriend's chest, warped his arm around his waist and this time he putted leg between the taller's legs. The taller wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and kissed his forehead.

Kokichi: I love you..

Shuichi: Love you too.- they both fell asleep shortly after. They woke up whit the walkie talkies and a familiar voice.

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