Chapter 24 So you are the father?

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They were about to get out of the room to find Tsumugi, but she walked in.

Shuichi: Good you're here.

Tsumugi: What's going on?

Miu: We are gonna finally finish the investigation!!

Rantaro: What investigation?

Tsumugi: To find out who got Angie pregnant!

Rantaro: Oh ok.

Shuichi:Have you ever had sex whit Angie?

Rantaro: Yeah.

Shuichi: Last time you did it was when?

Rantaro: Around one month before she said she was.



Tsumugi: Who will get the bet reward?

Shuichi: Me, it goes to the house whenever you lost and that's technically me.


The rest of the day wasn't really important and it passed by rather quickly... Until night went by. The taller was anxious about the meeting, so he could barely sleep. For that reason he went outside laid under the moons light and lit a joint as he wrote on his notebook.

"I haven't made updates about my life lately so let me try and catch you up. Four days ago me and Kokichi finally made our relationship public, the consequences being what we thought they'll arrange a meeting tomorrow that will decide if our relationship will be over or not, the only person who can really saves from this is Miu. Not that really matter anymore, no matter what they'll say,since we are now engaged. I really don't care if they make me have sex whit all of them for the sake of humanaty, I mean I kinda do, but if I'm engaged to Kokichi it doesn't matter. I would give up anything for him, even what I hated most... Don't get me wrong I'm ok with the thought of having children, I just want to do it whit someone I actually love instead of randomly procreate whit any female in the ship because it's humanaty's last resort. I don't think anyone would, that's why only after a year Angie was the only one to get pregnant. We don't want children now, we are still young, even tho we've passed 64 years roaming space. Half of us don't even date anyone..."

He didn't even signed at the end of the page, it seamed that writing had calmed down his anxiety and he fell asleep writing. He wasn't the only one who worked until he fell asleep, Miu did the same on her invention and Kokichi seeing a movie. The pressure was high for both 3 of them, Kokichi and Shuichi for their relationship being let to faith and Miu, because she knew if they had to broke up she would be a dead girl walking and Kokichi was for sure to murder her.
As they are breakfast you could feel the tension and everyone noticed how anxious Shuichi and Kokichi looked.

Kokichi: My back hurts so bad...

Shuichi: That's on sleeping on the couch.

Kokichi: Shut the fuck up you slept outside.

Tsumugi: You two sure slept in unusual places.

Kibbo: Miu yesterday did the same, she fell asleep while on her lab I had to take her to bed.

Kirumi: Sorry to interrupt but remember that the meeting is this afternoon in the trial grounds.

Kaito:You know it's serious when it's in the trial grounds...

Kokichi: Geez don't need to point out the obvious, dumbass!!

Kaito: HEY DON'T CALL ME THAT!!- Maki and Shuichi look at each other being completely over the pointless argument that just happened.

Maki:Do both of you want to die?!

Angie: Atua said for all of you to stop!

Tenko: Yeah!! Also stop your stupid fight you're bothering Himiko, you degenerate males!!

Himiko:It's ok Tenko.

Tenko: You're lucky that Himiko os so forgiving!!

Kokichi: Shumai I'm going to be whit Rantaro if you want to join us we're in his lab.- he whispered in the middle of the chaos.

Shuichi: I'll go whit you.- the 3 boys went away and went to the ultimate adventurer's research lab, they all day down in the couch as Kokichi took out the little bag of weed.

Rantaro: OH YOU BROUGHT THE GOOD SHIT!!- he began rolling the joints.

Shuichi: I'm so worried about the trial.

Rantaro: Aren't you always?

Kokichi: Yeah, basically all the trials were in someway related to you.- they lit them up.

Shuichi: True.

Kokichi: But I get you tho. I'm so fucking nervous.

Rantaro: When are you gonna to tell everyone that you got engaged?

Shuichi: If the class trial goes well  probably shortly after and if it doesn't, never.

Kokichi: Hopefully it goes well... Our whole faith together is going to be on the hands of a cumdumpster!!

Rantaro: She probably found a way.- as soon as he said that a girl entered the room.

Shuichi: Speaking of the devil...- he whispered.

Kokichi: I swear to fucking Atua, if you don't have whatever you doing that will help us done, IM GOING TO MURDER YOU!!

Miu: Chill the fuck put I even gave it a test run!!

Shuichi: Test run? What are you doing exactly?

Rantaro: Yeah it sounds really wierd.

Miu: Shut up weed!- Kokichi began laughing hysterically while Rantaro just chuckled.


Miu: Because you are just a rat!! Also you'll find out when everyone does!!

Kokichi: You're no fun!!!

Miu: You keep this up and I won't help you!!

Rantaro: What the fuck Miu?!

Shuichi: Yeah Kokichi is high you can't take him seriously!

Kokichi: I'm hungry....

The time passed by quickly and whitout even really noticing it was already time for the class trial. The anxiety went up as they entered the elevator, noticing the state the taller, Kokichi, grabbed his hand and whispered.

Kokichi: It's gonna be fine Shuichi! We'll win this!

Shuichi: You're really sure?- someone patted him on the back.

Miu: Yeah!! Whit my golden brains you are certain to win!!

Kokichi: Maybe it would help if you didn't leave us in the dark!!


Gonta: Gonta don't like when Miu screams.

Kibbo: Sorry Gonta.

Kirumi: We're here.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter if so vote and comment your thoughts!! Go show some love to my editor HelloMyDudes69!
Much love.


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