Chapter 16 First night outside

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After they set up the tents they went inside to eat of course, it took all afternoon because Kokichi was just joking around instead of helping. Of course during dinner they received stares this time not just from Tsumugi and Miu but also Rantaro.

Rantaro looks scary.... All I did is date Kokichi....

Then the ultimate detective, supreme leader, inventor and cosplayer went to Shuichi's research lab and discussed what was their next move in the investigation.

Shuichi:We should start whit who?

Kokichi: RYOMA!!


Shuichi: Kaito it is!- Kokichi looked at him annoyed.

Kokichi: Oh it's going to be like that? I see that, am I not that important to you?- Shuichi after being questioned by is boyfriend pulled him closer.

Shuichi: Kokichi, you know it's not like that... When it's important I'm right by your side, but right now I really don't want to hear Miu...

Miu: Yo I'm right here!- completely ignoring her Kokichi pulled the taller male into a kiss, Shuichi pulled away looking worried.

Shuichi: K-kokichi what if somebody walked in?!

Kokichi: A risk I was willing to take.

Miu: This is all cute and shits, but don't we have someone to investigate?!?

Shuichi: Oh you're right!- they went outside and found Kaito- Hey Kaito!

Kaito: Oh, hi Shuichi! What's up dude?

Shuichi: Nothing special, could you help us tho?

Kaito: As long as you tell me what it is, I don't trust him.- he said looking at Kokichi.

Kokichi: YOU'RE SO MEAN!!-he said while he fake cried.

Kaito: Last time I helped you, you got me in trouble!

Miu: Forget about Angie, THIS IS WHAT I WANNA SEE!!

Tsumugi: Ah yes the best friend that doesn't like the boyfriend, brilliant plot line! It is kinda used tho.- she whispered to Miu.

Kaito: What did that mean Miu?

Shuichi: Well you see we were trying to discover who's the father of Angie's child and we decided to start by asking you some questions, is that ok?

Kaito: Ok, what are the questions?

Miu:You can't be THAT stupid!- before Kaito could even think of a come back Kokichi just stared at her and said.

Kokichi: And you can't be THAT HORNY! Yet here we are.

Miu: Says the person who fucked Sh-- Kokichi covered her mouth.

Kokichi: You say one word and I'll cockblock you for the rest of your life.

Shuichi: Moving on, first of all after the phase 2 of the you ever had sex whit Angie?

Kaito: Never, I go by the sacred law of don't stick your dick in crazy and boy she's crazy!

Miu: But you fucked Maki!

Kokichi: And Miu...

Kaito: Maki has a sweet side, while Angie .... She's insane for Atua.

Kokichi: You didn't say anything about Miu tho....

Kaito: Miu as fucked everyone expect Gonta.


Kaito: Oh yeah forgot you gay. Wait does that mean that Shuichi can potentially be the one has fucked more people?...

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