The Bloddy USJ

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Loooooooooooong Time skip


I wanted to go to the USJ and face All Might, "No Himiko it will be to dangerous" I said putting my foot down we have grown like brother and sister. I am the more mature one even if she is sixteen and I'm fourteen, "I'm more equipped to deal with multiple enimeis" I said and then I said we would go mess around in town later.

Then she stayed and the portal opened in front of me and I took my neck thing off.

Aizawa POV

The portals were closing and I noticed a red liquid coming from the last one and it was a kid a teen with blood oozing out of his mouth then he looked at us then for some reason he looked extremely angry then I saw him look to the hand man then point at the class and I saw the hand man give a thumbs up and a new portal opened but I had to deal with the villains in the center the blood kid looked familiar but I didn't have time to worry.


I got there and was immedently pissed when I looked at the class and noticed a certain someone that shouldn't belong here, 'if he got in then I should have got in with flying colors' I thought angry and asked if I could go with Kurogiri and I got warped up there and I could tell my quirk was creeping them out so I decided to just put my thing on and the blood stopped. I told Kurogiri I would be fine as I went up to the hero, "the rescue hero number thirteen awesome to meet you but I apologize fooooooooor" I kept a sword as my walking stick so I don't get sucked in. I smiled, "woah Midoriya is that you" I said and jumped on the boy my first friend. "Wow you got in way to go, but then again I knew you would never a doubt in my mind" I said then caught an angry explosive idiot by pounding him to the ground with some blood.

"Stupid villain" is all he said but I saw something click when he saw my face and he looked terrified. 'Good' is the only word to come to mind.

"Oh Bakugo it is a pleasure to see your sorry ass again I do hope your doing horrorable you stupid bully" I said and blocked a hit from a red head and grabbed the arm that was out and he was shocked I was creaking his hardening but I noticed they were friends.

 "Shut the hell up you know nothing about him" I laughed like a laugh I hadn't let out in ages. "What's so funny" he said and I threw him with his broken arm.

"What you this bullies friend oh has he told you to go jump off a building no then shut your damn mouth" I said shocking the boy. I then made a cage around him so he couldn't escape. "I want you to tell me how did hurting both me and him make you feel did it feel joyous fun, nice, like you were ridding the scum from the earth how does it feel to be on the other end of the sword Katsuki huh tell me" I said then raised the sword then I went to slash his neck but the entrence exploded inward before I could inches away to.

"Sorry were late" I looked down and my eyes widened, 'shit' I thought and I then looked at the hero I was supposed to fight but then a memory resurfaced and I felt really angry. 

"Oh you must be All Might I'm here to supposedly kill you so co-" I was cut of by going flying and hit the fountin thing then my anger boiled over as he was standing over me. I then looked at him and he flinched, "so Mr. high and mighty hows breaking peoples dreams coming along mr symbol of peace. I agreed to this because it involved you and that fucktard over there but get out of my way I will kill you later" I said but before that I got shot I took it off and blood spilled out and I made a dome sheild but before that my hand got shot and my surpersser flung out of my hands and I was stuck communicating through blood honestly leaving me open is easy.

I then saw Snipe pick it up I also saw that everyone abandoned me 'fuckers' is the only thought about the people that I thought were my friends.

Snipe POV

"Surrender kid we have you surrounded" then I saw writing, 'give me back my supresser and lower you guns and quirks then I'll come out' he said then I looked at the thing in my hand. He kept looking at me well more with pleading eyes than menecing ones but then another message came up surprising me, 'please give it back so I can talk and make this all a little easier just throw it' he said and I did it was inches away from his dome and I noticed it followed him as he walked towards the neck thing. 

Then we heard the dripping noise stop, "ok lower your weapons and I'll lower mine" he said and then I felt something on my neck I looked to see a spike. "Sometimes it doesn't always listen to me" I dropped the weapon and everyone lower everything. He then surveyed everyone and then stared at me, "your quick draw to" he said and I dropped that as well and he came out and he looked around fourteen. He then raised his hands, "alright fakes I surrender" he didn't call us anything else just that. We then cuffed him then he dissappeared and went back and looked around and I saw blood searching the ground for something to then he smiled and picked up well I don't know what but it look like a ring then we continued walking.


I let them capture me and I was so going to kill them when I got out.

'They won't hear the end of this one'

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