Finals and The Change

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Nezu POV

I had a burning like my blood was being ripped apart and I walked back and noticed Y/N in combat well half combat he was growing unconscious. I then heard a knife slash I went to check on him and I noticed a girl she looked extremely worried about him. 'So this is the girl that has a one hundred and thirty-six death count' I asked if she could help and I'll call recovery girl.

"No no need as long as he has his blood is flowing out of his mouth any bacteria that went into his system will be washed out" I was astonished. "So you're the king piece" I got ready to run but she shook her head. "I won't hurt you or I hurt him" I was confused. "He gave you a thing right" I nodded. "It is a tracker in a way he really likes the game of chess. Why do you think he put his piece back in his system? It was to register a new queen piece" I nodded and he started waking up.

"Himi" is all he said and woke up more and he was fully awake when she poked him with her knife. "Bad Himiko" he chased her around for several seconds. My blood didn't hurt anymore. 'I will have to be careful'. "But anyway bye love you" they then kissed and he followed me and she went to do well something.

"Even though she is probably over the age limit you two look well together" he thanked me and that he balances out her psychotic tendencies. "Now I know this but I wanted you to wait to fight all out for the finals" his eyes widened. "You still can't kill them" he said of course. "Good" I said and we continued to walk.

"The change will be difficult. You are well aware right" I nodded. "What no hurry the hell up and adjust or catch up" I shook my head he smiled. "Your laid back" I smiled and we arrived and he walked me through the stuff and it was quite complex. "But the sucky part when you want to play chess I will be teleported forcibly mind you since the piece is inside my body. Don't go being careless and leave my queen just laying somewhere" he said and I nodded and he explained the pain thing if I want to turn it off just crack a knuckle or something. "Ok I have class then finals tomorrow by uhhh Nezu this will be hard. I have to stop acting like a prick" he said and I nodded. "But you still are aware of my ranking and everything along with me being treated as a villain" I said yes. "Ok goodbye" he walked off.

"Interesting your not just not keeping him in place but he is doing the same to you" I didn't look at it like that. "Nezu be cautious ok" I said ok. "Also for the Finals you might want to do what he suggested" I nodded and I never like when people do this, when I cracked something I still felt him but the connection was cut.

"This boy uses his quirk in a unique way" they nodded and went to work.


'The newest piece huh' I walked into the wall of my blood classroom the next day. The class could tell I was in thought, "well there will be a change around here I guess it is still the wrong class but" I opened my mouth. I pulled out my piece my red queen, "we will be talking about the school, the inner working and special things I can do with my second quirk and this" I pounded my piece beside the king piece it looked like any regular piece except it was a little bigger than usual then more started to come up it looked like the teachers. "I got a new one recently" I said and slammed it down.

Izuku POv

"I got a new one recently" he slammed the queen down before he let go the king took the shape of principal Nezu. Then he let go and the queen was much bigger than the principal. We still didn't get it. "When not playing quirk chess it shows how much power someone has but I gained a little more" we saw the queen grow he still didn't let go. "Here" the principal looked like an ant but something caught my eye. He looked like he wished it didn't turn out this way. His piece looked like him while he is vomiting blood and U.A. was visible on the stream of blood. "Congratulations you captured the enemy queen kids" everyone's eyes widened. We smiled because we been in this class long enough to know that was something to celebrate. "Sit down" we did. "The inner workings of my quirk, my second is also a blood related quirk, it is Connection, it's how I make chess pieces. When me and Nezu did this he it was gross but he had to ingest some of my blood" we almost vomited. "It links us but" he put a thing on the table. "Pain and death are linked to" we were worried. "I am a half lifeline for Nezu; he is keeping me in my place as I am him. I could cut the thing at any time and vanish completely. I am power in this society not All for One nor All Might and the orange sector is under my protection hero or villain no one will harm them" I remember he took me there once.

He was about to continue when I raised my hand he said go ahead, "is that why your piece is bigger than principle Nezus" he smiled and told me yes. "You showed me it you said no one can enter without you" he said unless you go over the fucking wall. "But how do you know" he said blood puddles. "Oh I see some they are on like bricks and stuff" he nodded then told us to get going put our hero suits on he was taking us to the final exam. I then noticed to classroom plopped to the ground. "I'm a neutral party until heroic act done and Shin guess what" he said.


I was walking with the purple boy, "Himi isn't wanted unless I go off this thing" he smiled and it said good for me.

Midoriya POV

When we got there and waited it was barely visible but it looked like a shackle chain. "You noticed it" I nodded. Then Nezu cracked a bone and the chain fell and you actually heard the thud it even startled Nezu. "That is the next lesson" then principal Nezu explained.

"You have fought our teacher here before who thinks they could beat him now" 'I have a bad feeling' Kacchan being Kacchan raised his hand then everyone did I said screw it and did to then was shocked.

"I don't have to pump the breaks" we forgot he yelled he was holding back before. "He gave me these weights as a handicap" 'that isn't much of a handicap' I thought and sighed. "Oh relax no one will die he already figured out pull while you guys we're changing" Nezu demonstrated and chuckled as he was just swinging his arm everywhere and he was flying everywhere until he hit the wall. (Like sans from undertale)

"But yes he will not be showing restraint" then blood dripped down. I'm saying he said screw it and drilled into the thing. "I have cut off the pain thing on my side you are to cuff him or escape" we understood then it opened we were about to strategize when it said go and a giant mound of blood shot at us we dodged in time.

"Run if you can but you'll be limping there or on the ground out cold" I didn't even see it when I went flying. 'I was moving the blood at a pace you were able to keep up with at the sports festival. I have taken Endeavor down before the battle even started. I could easily beat you kids' I remember him saying but we won't go down that easy.

I landed and blood was swirling around him, "ALRIGHT READY CLASS 1-A" everyone got ready and he was excited.

'Lets pass'

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