Final Exam

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I was standing ready facing the students of mine, ready no gloves on 'no killing' still don't have the balls. Then I got a phone call from Himi, "hello my beautiful killer" I was dodging, hitting students away, Bakugo yelling at me. "Wait really he did that hahahahahaha man he is stupid" I said they said to position me where they can see the gate and myself so I'm talking on the phone and talking to my seventeen year old girlfriend I still have to turn fifteen. I was dodging but they were taken aback by me opening my mouth and swallowing my phone and an earpiece appeared on my ear.

"So you fight calling" I said final exam all out fighting. "How many with broken limbs" I was thinking yeah I'm allowed just nothing major. "Oh can I pick the challenge" I completely blocked off the exit. I told Nezu I'm being challenged by Himi.

Nezu POV

"He's talking on the phone and fighting" Aizawa said at least he hasn't broken anything......yet "But then they won't get any experience I think he wanted her to call." Just then my call was merged and since he blocked the exit they were going at him with little luck he seems like a midrange and long range fighter.

"Oh hello new king guy I set him up with a challenge" I asked what it was and I saw the students book it and he ripped the exit gate to be bigger. "He likes to not get hit but I challenged him to copy fist fight" I was confused with this. "With this challenge they might just might have a chance of cuffing him but he self destructs and sprays blood everywhere and a shit ton of pain will come at you but it just feels like a needle" it felt like taking blood at a doctors office. "For this challenge I'm sure you know his observation skills are next level" I said yes then my eyes widened. "In this mode he truly can't hold back he isn't as good as controlling other people's quirks his blood has memories to, why do you think he was just slapping them abit he was gathering on how they use they're quirks but I have a feeling he told me that class of his is an interesting one. You have a teacher that wants to be taught but everyone here tried, we always got knocked on our asses" I was interested. I then noticed he was copying Midoriya's stance. "Only he uses the correct way and I'm sure that kid will be surprised he isn't even using his own quirk right" I was taken aback as he just disappeared and reappeared in front of him.

"Detroit smash"

The green haired boy was surprised to be pounded so hard a hole was in the ground the size of a meteor. "If he is copying it right he mentioned a guy named Gran Torino once and All Might he should have big guys strength at 100 and old mans speed" I was extremely concerned. "But again he would be an amature at best" I felt a little better. "Be happy he's on your leash the game of life for him is a board game only without turns" I said thank you. "No prob" it hung up.

"It looks like he is copying Midoriyas flawlessly" All Might came in.

"If he can copy quirks by the blood just by hitting someone he chose the correct person. I noticed even in the notebook he kept notes on everyone but his own quirk" we looked at the screen in worry.

"We will have to see how this plays out" I said watching.

Izuku POV

"All right everyone I have been challenged everyone freeze" we were all curious then we ran with what he said next. "I'm going to blow up in a way so run away" we did very far when we turned back we heard metal tearing when the dust cleared everything was cleared he looked at each and everyone. "I'll tell you all a little secret I could kick everyone's ass here in an instant and from this challenge" we noticed he is talking without the collar. "Ok everyone I haven't been lightly hitting you around for nothing. I was gathering data. I'm an expert at figuring out how to use other peoples quirks. So I will copy one of your quirks because I can't use my own for three hours. I'm able to use yours though" he smiled he wasn't focusing on anyone but then I knew we were in for a fight. I activated Fowl Cowling green lighting appeared only his was red. Everyone's looks jumped between us then he was in front, "100 % Detroit Smash" my eyes widened and I yelled clear they did I know mine and All Might's quirk better than any other well besides All Might. I landed "behind you" I just narrowly dodged it causing massive destruction.

"You know your quirks alright" I haven't even ran that much and I'm out of breath. "I'm guessing your bones aren't breaking because your body adapted it quick." He smiled and we went at each other when our fists collided it sent ripples through the concrete. I was sent flying. I was stopped by him again. He was so fast.

"It's your quirk, come on Izuku I'm not allowed to kill anyone. But you're the only one" I looked around and everyone was out cold. "You have a powerful and dangerous quirk kid you could do a lot with this po-" blood spat up but the lighting was still going and he looked in pain.

I thought this was my chance so I had the cuffs. If I can't escape I'll get him. He had a smile then he was gone and a click from behind me, "You are quite the strong opponent Midoriya but it's a teachers job to teach their students. I taught everyone a lesson at the sports Festival I could explode again but I would be vulnerable to attack. So I'll beat you one on one. Will a rook beat a queen let's find out" he said and smiled while the atmosphere felt hot and cold, he shot fire out of his left hand I dodged. Then ice came and I heard an explosion and he was in front. "Detroit Smash" I dodged the attack. 'I got to run, this is impossible. I am just dodging' I said in my head and looked at the exit gate and jumped away. We stood staring. He didn't wait. I saw he had a scratch on his cheek.

"You don't fight close combat often do you" he flinched then I noticed the weights started kicking in. "Let's not forget the weight those just kicked in" I added he was annoyed. I ran at him and he moved the blood to attack. I kept going aiming a punch he dodged but I wasn't going for a hit. I hightailed it out and made it. Mainly because he was having trouble lifting his arms and his blood didn't get me

"Well done you pass along with all of them" the others stood up then I finally noticed the cuffs on his legs they weren't cuffed together just one leg. "Everyone passes" we shouted and congratulated each other then he fell.

I caught him and he looked like shit. "Y/N wake up" he opened his eyes. "Oh good your ok" he said just tired. "I bet" he nodded then we took him to recovery girl then I noticed once he passed out his piece came out of his mouth.

He reached up to take it. "Go you guys go celebrate" we went and talked.


"Ow he got lucky" I said then Nezu came in and asked a question. "You want to go to the orange sector" he nodded. "Please don't do anything to them, they are just normal people" I said they said fine he just wants to see. "Fine," I said reluctantly.


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