Moving The Queen Piece and The Orange Sector Is Under Protection

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I woke up and it was a free day knocking came at the door. I got dressed, showered and all that, then I answered the door. I was told to show him the orange sector, the place people have a hard time and barely scrape by. "My piece moves weird" I took my piece out and set it on the board and pushed it through the board and it disappeared temporarily. I was showing him in my home. "Then two turns you move it anywhere on the board even past enemy pieces" I said as I put it back in my system. He said he understands then asked for me to take him to the orange sector. "Ok but I won't forgive you if you hurt anyone" I said simply.

"I understand they are under your protection and it sounds like you aren't afraid to hurt yourself to hurt the king" I gave a smug grin. "I'll keep that in mind" we entered through grayed out blood. The greyed out blood is hardened like a wall every way to get to this side of the town is blocked off by a gray wall that only I can walk through but other people have to go over. "That is good camouflage" I thanked him and he looked around. I noticed a fight and my blood was burning. I pulled out a bat and smacked the hero out. Like a baseball. They yelled thank you and I helped them up.

I snapped the cuffs, "are you ok" I can't talk much the burning is overpowering. They said yes and thank you and went home and I let out a breath when it stopped. "Not nice" I made a blood knife and held it to my skin. He noticed the several on my skin. We walked after he understood. Shin was hanging with his cat. I hollered and he turned and noticed the principal smoking. "Heya Shin, he wanted to see the orange sector. Oh how about you guys play a round of quirk chess I remember yours is so cool Shinso" I said and he sighed and held up a purple piece that looked like him.

I set up a chess board piece and handed Nezu my piece. "Ok principal Nezu you ready" he set his down and tapped the top and they looked like regular chess pieces. "You can go first" Nezu grabbed Mic a knight and made the board shake. "Ok" he grabbed the far left pawn and moved it out then Mics piece turned purple. Nezu attempted to move it but nope he grabbed All Mights rook and put it on the other side. What shocked Nezu he grabbed Mics piece and checked Nezu. "Y/N it took a couple rounds to beat me" he said and Nezu took Mics piece with a pawn. Then Shin took All Mights piece, 'just don't let him get his queen out Nezu' was my only thought watching the game. Nezu was thinking and knew what Shin's quirk was but since he is such a loner all his pieces only have one quirk except the queen. Nezu took Aizawas out then mine replaced it and Aizawas quirk worked and Shin's pieces turned gray. "Ok two turns then let's do this" he moved a knight and the All Might piece turned purple and he moved it out of the taken pieces. I explained Shin's set and he understood, "he says I'm best next to him" the other people started gathering around. Nezu took my advice and pushed my piece into the board. He moved All Might's piece and took out a pawn. After Nezu moved a pawn out his pieces turned purple again he moved All Might again it took Midnights piece and now it just had to take ectoplasms bishop. Then the entire board turned red. I told Nezu to pick somewhere for my piece to pop up. He chose a tough spot taking the rook on the side close to the king. Sure my piece is strong and can move like a regular queen now but Shin knows a hella lot. He moved a pawn and smirked then put his hand on his queen. He took the knight and he switched with the queen, "I chose my mom she can choose someone and switch places with anyone" Nezu nodded. He moved a pawn and my piece decided to stop spewing blood and the UA was on the shirt and a number showed covering the entire board I told Nezu he gets a second turn it drives Shin crazy that every other turn you can have two moves. He moved the other All Might to behind my piece. Good thing my piece it virtually hard to take and Shin knows this. Nezu took the piece and said checkmate. "Woah who said that" the All Might piece turned purple and moved the king and it tapped my piece as he moved the king. I said checkmate him because the two showed up again. I told him how to do this and Shin said stop cheating. He moved Cementoss and a cement wall and the king was cornered and my piece is the literal only piece on any set that is invincible to his quirk set. So once Nezu cornered him he said now checkmate. He sighed, "good game principle Nezu" I grabbed my piece and repaired it and ate it while Nezu put the pieces back.

"That is a fearsome set" he nodded. He noticed the people surrounding. "But I would say yours is also right Y/N" I said I guess but it's not the best out of the bunch. He stood up and we walked Shin home when he came up with something and told me to call him by his first name because I knew him long enough. I said ok and go pack for training camp he remembered and went to it. "How long have you two known each other?" I said as soon as I made the big one. I pointed to a very tall wall much bigger than the others. "You made that" I said I made it when I was ten and my connection quirk came late and I didn't know how to use it until I spit it looked like a blood nugget and I didn't give it to Himi I gave it to Shigaraki. Then when he ate it I spewed a shit ton of blood from my mouth then they turned into chess pieces. I found it cool in a way each turned into a member of the league I found it interesting. I later discovered they turned blank and I had to assign them.

"But you eventually came up with the order when you met me and you were waiting for your friend" I nodded. "But you win every time is it rigged" I shook my head and told him just everyone sucks. We were walking back to town people stirred clear and I told him ain't going to change any time soon. "Sad really" I said don't pity me I hate it. "Still" I mentally slapped the back of his head. Now he knows I can do the same things just at a smaller scale. "This connection quirk is unique" I said it was my grandpas apparently. I opened my door, "also Y/N" I turned and wide eyed. "Can you go to the training camp?" I sighed and said fine and closed the door.

'Great camping'

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