Day Two Of Bloody Teaching

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I was thinking of what to teach while I was in the teachers lounge when Aizawa and Nezu walked in and for some reason they were surprised to see me, "this is actually kinda fun" I said sitting on the couch upside down. "Right now I'm trying to think of something to teach" I said and an idea came to mind but I don't know if I need permission, 'screw it so what hehehe I am a villain I do what I want' I laughed in my head. I then jumped up, "Maybe some math or something" I said and walked out. I got permission to wear my blood proof clothing to teach and they also thanked me because apparently Bakugo stopped acting out. I then was surprised it was my turn to teach because I was walking to my classroom when I saw the students so I just went in my puddle to go faster than the students themselves. I luckily got there right as they were walking in and I noticed a new face. "Oh hello I wasn't aware of a new student but oh well I'm Mr. Y/N and welcome to the second day of the wrong class I teach what the heroes do wrong then it's the next generations job to fix it" I said to the sleep deprived student, 'tough crowd huh' I thought then my eyes widened. "Wait brainhead is that you" I asked not quite sure he looks horrible.

"Why hello Y/N long time no see how have you and Toga been" I blushed at the mention of her name and the students noticed.

"Oh shut up but good job I'm guessing the pervs out oh welcome back Bakugo" I said steering off topic and I noticed he was...... smiling. "Dear god it's the end of the world he's smiling he only scowls what is going on" I said and fake fainted. "But Shin sit where he did and welcome to learning from a villain" I stated and then I started spinning but I hooked myself not amused, "not very heroic" I said to sensing the new dingus. "Also thanks for the advice" I said to the boy with the green hair and he smiled.

"But onto the lesson" I said and everyone sat down and I sat down and because I lost what I was going to say. I was actually sitting and waiting for one of them to say something but at the same time I was actually thinking. Then talking started.

"Mr. Y/N what are we doing today?" I sat up and smiled, confusing him.

"Relax remember no clock and also why did I cover so much on the first day god what do I do oh ok I guess I could talk about them" I said and wrote 'Endeavor' on the board. "We'll discuss why people are wrong about said person he is a mean man and his cause is idiotic but do they know he is doing a good job he is doing his job. He doesn't want credit he doesn't want a thank you he rushes in sure his methods are insane but he gets the job done. Does anyone know what some of the teachers here do wrong" I asked and Brainhead raised his hand.

"Is it because they are too lax I heard we are still hosting the sports festival even after a villain attack on campus also here" I smiled and said he was correct. His eyes widened, "wait a second you're the same age as us" I smiled even more.

"So to make sure it goes off without a hitch I will not be able to be recruited because I am classified as an extra and teacher" I said and was still smiling and looking at all of them. "It is because I will remain a villain. I robbed a store after school yesterday" I stated and the first to attempt was Iida but I pulled him to the ground and used the iron in my blood to stay put surprising the green haired boy. "I will always remain the villain the twentieth at that but I haven't killed anyone I was planning on Bakugo being the first or maybe All Might" the last one got a face from Midoriya. "Oh wrong emotion this is a hero school anger is a Bakugo thing" I said and he calmed down. "But I will be the final in the sports festival and only one person will beat me" I shocked them. "and it won't be you Midoriya sorry buddy I won't say who it will be" I smiled but went back to the lesson.

Then a hand went in the air, "Mr. Y/N are you still with the villains you were with" I had a sad smile. "You haven't been able to visit, have you?" I shook my head.

Then that gave me something and I drew handcuffs, "Quirk cancelers should they be a thing I say only if they are resisting arrest. But while I was cuffed to the interrogation table in that room when that door is locked and that detective is in there with a gun with a quirk canceling bullet and one with actual live ammo who in god's green earth would try anything" I said shocking on how easy it is for the police to end our lives. "Why do you think I avoid it? I mean some guns have a quirk suppressor attached to live ammo so who are the bad guys again" I asked and I could see them second guessing themselves. "Why us villains, because they could get fired and their firearm taken. Us villains some have quirks some don't so what about them the people without quirks taking a life there is absolutely no law that says someone without a quirk cannot take someones life another wrong. We have many things wrong with society I nearly killed a regular citizen the other day now I said I don't kill I have never killed but I worked with someone that does. I actually really miss her but I'm glad I told her to stay away that day. But yes I stopped her it was a day I told her no killing quirkless god I hate that word she agreed making me happy and she helped me make the number even out even more. It should be 50/50 not 80/20 that way no one is treated unequal" I said and they looked creeped out well except Shin.

Then Bakugo raised his hand, "if you're running out of stuff why not show us why not teach us how to spot a villain" I thought about it. "I think that's better though it's not my class" I nodded.

"You're right but I am going to go out after school and snoop again" I said then panicked. "SHIT THE SPORTS THING IS TOMORROW I NEED MY MED GEAR shitshitshitshitshitshitshit" I ran around the room like crazy until I got clocked. "OW WHAT THE HELL SHIN" I yelled and calmed down and noticed him having my extra belt. I took it and said thank you and went back to the front of the room.

"Sir may I ask what's in the belt" I wrote no on the board along with you have to find out after the sports festival. He then sat back down.

I then put it in my bag and then just decided to let them go early since I'm always the last class of the day. So once everyone had left the room, principal Nezu came in as I was cleaning, "why hello there Y/N how are the classes going" I sighed and he could see I was fairly frustrated.

"This is harder than I thought and when can I visit the ones I call my family without having a guard dog" he said when I decided the right path. "Yeah no people would be scared of me and you know it I see it in your eyes" I said and finished. "But anyway the sports festival is tomorrow I'm the last event huh the student body against the twentieth" I said and smiled up for the challenge.

"No killing" he stated simply.

I smiled, "then my target should fight with every fiber of his being" I said with a psychotic face and then walked home.

On my way home I was pulled into an alleyway and hugged then right away I hugged right back, "Himiko I'm being watched you should be careful" I said and she was silent not even laughing which is very unlike her. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise" I said in a sad voice. I was shocked when she pulled away, "uhhh" I blushed because her face was so close. 'Should I normally the age difference would give is hell but shit like that, I don't give a shit I am a villain through and through' I thought and I saw a sudden amount of determination in her eyes.

She then did something I would not have thought possible she kissed me, 'holy shit I was supposed to make the first move but screw it' I thought and kissed her back. "Y/N I have been recently mulling over all the feelings I get when you're around and when I asked about it they said it was-" I cut her off by kissing her again and finished her sentence.

"I believe it's called love Himi" I said now making a name. "But you are also aware that this will be very difficult considering my situation" I said and she nodded and I sighed. "Ok but how I'll text you and call sometimes" I said and gave her my new number of the phone the school gave to me and kissed her one last time. "Bye love you" I said then went to my apartment and bought some stuff so they wouldn't be suspicious.

'Sports festival'

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