The Bloody River Quirk

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I was in class and was staring off into space when the teacher screamed I noticed she was looking at me and I looked down to see blood coming out of my mouth like a stream I figured it was my quirk and they called my mom because it was disrupting class 'figure get rid of the freak as fats as they can' I thought standing up. When my mom got there she said I got my grandmas quirk, so I got in the car so we could register my quirk I had to hold my head out the window but it's so I wouldn't be doing anything illegal but I already knew the chances of me being a hero just vanished and I was thinking what in the world I could do with this quirk I mean nothing bad has happened now at least.

When we got there, "well Y/N it looks like you got quite the powerful quirk, you can make objects and weapons out of the blood that is coming out of your mouth. I would say the drawback is you can't talk but here you go this suppressor only stops the blood constantly coming out of your mouth" he said and clipped a thing on my neck. "But once you take it off you will start pouring out blood again sorry" he said and I shook my head.

"Thank you mister I will keep the last one in mind, over all it is a good quirk but I know I won't be a hero but uh mom what did grandma do you never talk about her" I asked but she didn't answer. "Oh ok then but I won't go down that path well I hope" I said.

Five years later

I was walking down the shopping district spacifically the food stalls also specifically the ones that just have stuff hanging down off the sides but I also didn't like how it was still in the line of sight that the person inside could still see it. But what appearently heroes have heard about the stealing in the area, 'I have to be fast' I thought looking at the food from my height of three nine well I think I didn't stay in school for that long. I am close to four foot but tall enough to reach the first package, I took a deep breath and made a small cut on my arm and went to the food stall and asked for a small band-aid to the person behind the small counter. When I saw she was far enough I grabbed the food and ran of course people shouted theif. I was running for a little while until I ran into some heroes. "Just give it to us and come quietly young one" I was looking him up and down when my face paled. "Y-your All Might" I said scared shitless. I looked around panicking. 

I took a calming breath and had determination in my eyes and I knew he knew what I was about to do. I grabbed the suppressor on my neck, "I'm sorry All Might but no" he was surprised and not because I think he saw how skinny I was I barely had meat on my bones well that's what some people would say. I took the chance of him being surprised by the blood that started pouring out of my mouth to run away but once I turned around to do so, 'shit EraserHead' I backed away and sighed I was happy my quirk he couldn't get rid of. He saw I would do whatever it would take to keep my food for this week, I made a sword come out of the blood light enough I could lift with one hand and spikes ready right beside me. I had my eyes on both of them they approched slow, I knew full well I had the play things right I refused to be like my grandma I didn't want to kill I didn't see the need to do so right now so I decided to rough them up a bit. I saw EraserHead try and use his quirk but the blood was still going the only thing that happened my sword dropped with a plop. I sighed as I slowly lowered down into the blood but I wasn't watching All Might when he grabbed me. 

"I would give up now" he said but I didn't I knew full well I could get myself out of this. But I wasn't expecting quirk cuffs so quickly. He was confused when I shook my finger especially when I broke the cuffs with the slash of blood. "What how did" he asked as I gave him a cut on the wrist and he dropped me. I booked it when I was grabbed with the scarf from EraserHead.

I put it back on, "god will you guys just stop already" I said as I made the blood under us cut the scarf. I ran and made a wall to give me time but I need more blood to do so I took it off again and when I made it I relaxed a but I was shocked when it started cracking so I did the only thing that I could think of I ran when the thing broke. I was lucky I was still able to still breath through the stuff coming out of my mouth then I encountered a three way path I noticed Death arms and Backdraft which would just blow my blood away. So I booked it again.

Now I was trying to put my neck suppressor on so I can lose the dumb heroes, when I turned and encountered he didn't look like a hero but I made a sword just in case. "Who are you please move" I said and he didn't and I took an deep breath, 'taking a life never that easy then again if I had the balls' I thought as I swung the sword. I was surprised my blade broke so now I was staring at the man in fear, 'shit I'm cornered' I thought as I saw the heroes pass the alleyway. I then turned to him, "you saved me why" I asked and his answer surprised me.

"I wanted to see if you would actually kill me blood burgular" I froze and did my singniture spikes in the face but he didn't seem to be fazed. "You have an interesting quirk there" he said then I knew who he was and I tried to run but I ran into uhhh something. I then knew what one of the quirks he was using. 

I then did the only thing I could think of I took my neck thing off and blood oozed out off my mouth, 'now secret move one hundred spikes of death' I well couldn't say but did.

All for One POV

I was watching the boy try everything to escape but then something that told me I don't want this quirk but I was interested in what he did after. He took a thing off from his neck and blood started pouring out of his mouth then like a million spikes of blood were pointed at me making me stand down. "Boy what is your name" he was shocked but put the thing on.

"Y/N no last name anymore" he said and I nodded. "No you can't have my quirk, quirk stealer and killer" I stopped him by saying he's killed. "Falsely accused but what do you want if not that" I offered him a place to stay. He was careful but, "now come I know you don't want to be a hero" with that he took my hand and we walked back to the hideout.


I entered and countered the knife with pulling one out of my mouth quickly blocking and I saw she was interested in my blade. "Is that blood can I have some" it was an odd request, but I took it off and made a cup then held it under my mouth and gave it to her and she actually drank it. She then extended her hand, "your blood tastes neat my name is Himiko Toga" she said and I introduced myself also turning into me as a joke.

'Maybe being a villain won't be so bad'

The Bloody River QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now