The Bloody Wrong Class

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Midoriya POV

We were told in homeroom that we would have a new class it was called the wrong class and it goes just like what he told us the first day. Not to mention it was in a separate building which confused all of us. We definitely weren't ready when the principal came and got us and took us to said building.

When we entered we noticed the chalkboard was red instead and the air reeked of blood. "Well well well if it isn't class 1-A I guess it would be a good idea to say nice to see you again but I would be wrong now class take a seat" our teacher said and suddenly writing started appearing on the board and what it said scared us. 'Hello my name Y/N a villain but I guess it's Mr. Y/N now" he then stood up.

"Now take your seats" the teacher said and we did. Once he turned around we recognized the enemy Kacchan was the first to attack but a spike centimeters from his face stopped him. "Now I will be teaching a real class and it is actually called the wrong class. I will be telling you all what you have or what pro heroes do wrong" he said and we well me half was but they were dumbfounded.


I made a teaching stick out blood and it hardened. I pointed to the boy with a spike to the face, "this might actually be something you won't get angry about so calm down ok" I said and he did but with caution. I didn't remove the spike, "now did you know that spike would pop out at your head be honest" I said and he shook his head and the spike plopped almost like water on the floor. "It is because you don't know my quirk or what it does or how I use it" I said and the kid named Todoroki asked what it was. "Now my quirk is called Blood River hence why I have to wear this suppresser on my neck. I am able to make weapons or objects out of the blood that constantly comes out of my mouth I know gross right I think so to but it's useful. But let's get back on track does anyone know what the heroes do wrong these days" I asked and they were shocked that they were doing anything wrong but I was and wasn't surprised Midoriya wasn't surprised. "Well someone knows what it is why don't you tell them" I pointed to said boy and everyone turned to him.

"Is it because they target and save a certain percentage more often than others" everyone was shocked that he said it like he knew it and Bakugo was glaring daggers at him. He was about to do what he did in junior high but another spike popped out at him again surprising him and the rest of the class but Midoriya was happy that a teacher was sticking up for him even if he was a villain.

"Correct he isn't allowed to answer but everyone else is and one person treats said percentage as trash and they are not me" I said surprising everyone that the villain wasn't the villain in this situation. "If any I try to make the number a little more even think about it people" I said and Bakugo was the first to notice there were no bells in here or clocks. But out of all people in this class the brother of a hero was raising his hand. "Yes Iida go ahead enlighten the rest of your class" I said in a very smartass tone.

"I-is it the people without quirks" he said in a not so happy tone making me happy. Then he turned determined, "and can I also ask who said person is" I said in time and that he is correct.

I was about say the next thing when a hand went into the air very quickly and I called on Kirishima, "umm why did you become a villain" he asked and I actually found it a good question. I then told him to guess, and I would tell him if he didn't get it, "is it because of your quirk" he said and I smiled.

"Well yes and no, there is labeling in the quirk community for example, people said Bakugo would make a great hero but I thought he would make a great villain just because of his attitude towards people in general. One label in particular is any quirk that has to do with blood is villain but there is a teacher at this school and he has a blood related quirk and he is a hero. Labels are names people give you, mine were, abomination, monster, creature, and villain we tend to label each other and ourselves without even knowing it. I am labeled by having a showy and villainous quirk, I know people that would label six people freaks just because they have extra appendages and Iida for the things sticking out of his legs. I would call those six people amazing because they don't care what they look like, Midoriya your quirk breaks you, your label for that would be mistake. But I see everyone in this room differently and some the same, I along with Mina we what some would go for liquid quirks, because I have blood coming out of my mouth and Mina because she can shoot liquid out of her body they call those liquid quirks. A label that only fits Todoroki" he looked at me, " is unique because he has two quirks I like those people they're different and different is scary for some people and cool for others ice and fire pretty cool but could be dangerous if misused" I then walked over to our little nervous student. "But he isn't the only one right Midoriya" I asked and Bakugo instantly turned.

"Y/N no" he stated simply. "I shouldn't" he said and I looked around. "Fine go ahead not like I could stop you" I smiled. "Kacchan I didn't mean to hide it" he said and they all panicked when I took off my neck thing and made a sword appear but I slammed to the ground confusing people I then put it back on.

"He actually could defeat everyone here easily mainly because this entire classroom is made out of blood" I said and he sighed and I got up.

He got up and walked to the front of the room, "our friend here plus this quirk is extremely efficient with his but couldn't use it till he met me" I said.

Midoriya POV

'I told him I wanted to keep it a secret only him and the school know about it' I thought frustrated. I got to the front of the class, "hello my name is Izuku Midoriya and my quirk is liquid command" they looked confused until I started controlling the blood coming out of my friends mouth. "I don't like it, it's like my mom's quirk but my dad left because I couldn't control fire" I said and let the blood drop then I turned to my bully. "I still think yours would still beat me in a heartbeat" I said and he had a sad smile and I went to go sit down.


I walked back to the front of the room when I realized and sighed they asked what's wrong, "I forgot I'm not wearing my suit so I'll be soaked for the rest of the day" I said and then I noticed they finally noticed there was no clock or bell. "Oh right class is over when your teacher comes and gets you then I can eat lunch I wonder I what I should steal" I thought then went up the write on the board and the blood cleared and I gave them homework. "Your homework is to help out the next person that doesn't have a quirk they could really use it" I then looked at everyone and then dismissed them and I went to grab my lunch. I was then approached.

"Umm excuse me Mr. Y/N" I turned to see Mina. I asked what's up like a normal teen, "what do you mean liquid quirk" I thought about is.

"Well I believe they said they were any quirks that help control or do anything with a liquid substance. Like take my blood I can make it into weapons or objects I'm basically controlling the liquid substance just like your acid" I said and she was starting to get it when I was lifted up. "Uh oh" I said as I saw a pissed friend.

"We have to have a little chat" he said and I used my blood to get my lunch pale and we went outside but Bakugo followed us.

Later outside with the three

Bakugo POV

'So he was' I thought thinking about the guy that always hung out with Izuku. "Bakugo" I snapped out of it. "Dude we asked what do you think about him having a quirk and telling you after all this time" our villainous teacher said. I looked at the green haired boy it looked like he was waiting to be exploded.

I sighed and stood up, "stupid Deku you could have just said so" I said and walked away surprising the boy.


"Did that just happen" the green haired boy asked and I nodded.

"He must have understood when I called out the labels that his attitude resembles a villain, I personally think you should show that quirk at the sports festival" I said and he was now nervous. "It's for scouting" I said and he sighed then asked a question.

"Y/N are you still with the league" he asked and I thought about it. "I mean you know what we have to do if you are" he said getting ready and so was I.

"Honestly I miss them I want to see Himiko again" I said and then I saw him smile evilly but. "Yeah maybe" I said surprising him that I agreed. "But a villainous teenager and a UA teacher that is also a teenager it would be pretty hard don't you think" I said and he looked saddened. I then smiled, "I could try" I said and he looked flabbergasted. "Yeah crazy right I'll defiantly get in trouble but I think it is time" I said and he smiled. "Thanks" I said and jumped into the puddle surprising my friend and I wandered the city to home.

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