Snow Lily's Subclass Kuro x Subclass! Chubby Reader

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Misono's POV

I looked around for Snow Lily, apparently me and him were walking towards a street where rumored has it that a vampire is lurking around killing innocent teen girls. I looked and saw Snow Lily onto the corner of the alleyway, a chubby girl with (H/C) hair laid dead on the cold ground, I saw the same school uniform that Mahiru is in.

"Unlucky for her, she got killed by a vampire"I said as Snow Lily looked through the girl closely, I looked at him strangely

"Oh, Lily. Are thinking making her your subclass?"I asked as he nodded while looking at me

"She seemed so nice and innocent, I read her past, she seems to like school very much"Lily said as I sighed

"What was her last words before the vampire killed her?"I asked as Lily looked at the girl.

"She said to the vampire, "I don't want to die, I still want to help my family and I want to go to school!" That's what she said"Lily said which made me sighed then turned around

"Do as you wish"I said as I can feel that Lily smiled, we took the chubby girl back to the mansion.

"What's her name, Lily?"I asked as Lily looked at the chubby girl's ID and her bag.

"(Y/N) (L/N), she's apparently in third year of high school in Mahiru's school"he said as I looked at him then to the girl, Lily had cut himself for the blood to flow out onto the chubby girl's mouth.

"How long is she gonna sleep?"I asked as he smiled

"Just a few hours"he said as I looked at him and nodded, I then got a text from Mahiru that he and Sleepy Ash or Kuro will come here along with everyone else in a few minutes.

"Lily, prepare a lot of coffee, Mahiru and the others will come in a few minutes"I said as he nodded then walked towards the kitchen.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up with fear, h-how am I alive?! I looked around the room and noticed, two girls........they were staring at me for some reason.......their eyes are the same as the vampire that killed me........wait killed?! I GOT KILLED BY A VAMPIRE BUT I'M ALIVE?!

"W-w-who are you and wh-what do you want from me?!"I asked the two girls who looked at me

"I'm Yully, All of Love or Snow Lily's Subclass"a young girl with pink hair and red eyes, she was wearing a white dress and with red-pink accents while I looked at her in fear and shock

"I'm Marry, All of Love or Snow Lily's Subclass"another one who has the same hair as the other said as I widened my eyes

"W-w-who is Snow Lily? I-is he the vampire who bite me? A-AND HOW COME I AM ALIVE?!"I has shouted the last part and then Marry suddenly went in front of me with a mirror, she.........I have red eyes instead of my (E/C) eyes!

"Your a subclass of Snow Lily too"Yully said as I looked at them and widened my eyes while they pulled me out onto the bed, I noticed that we were running towards somewhere at full speed..........what the-------- I have inhumane abilities..........does that mean that I'm a.......vampire?

"Snow Lily, she woke up"Marry and Yully said in sync while I noticed that there's a blonde haired guy that was staring at me, well eight of them were staring at me.

"(L-L-L-L/N)-senpai........?"I heard my kouhai who always brings his pet cat with him in school said...........Mahiru Shirota.........

"S-Shirota-kun...........w-what is happening? W-who among you is Snow Lily? I-I-I want answers.........."I said as the blonde haired guy who was tall and skinny walked over to me, he seemed to have the lovey vibe.

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