Hickey Prank Hikaru Hitachiin x Chubby Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

Hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 16 years old, I'm going in Ouran Academy, I'm a chubby girl with a hot and funny boyfriend, Hikaru Hitachiin. Me and Kaoru is planning to get him back for his pranking, he pranked me that we will break up and so on and so forth. I was hurt about it but I want to see his reaction on this, I am planning to do a hickey Prank on Hikaru Hitachiin, he's too stupid because he didn't recorded it, I got Kaoru to agree to this. He will record everything.

"Are you really sure you'll do this, (Y/N)-chan?"Tamaki-senpai asked as I nodded while giggling

"It's not like he's gonna do something unnecessary and besides I want to see his reaction"I said as he and the Host Club nodded while everyone huddled up since a makeup artist, also known as Range made a huge hickey on my neck, I'm kinda nervous but it's a payback. Hikaru is in the classroom, while we were at the Host Club. I'm gonna sleepover at the Hitachiin's this weekend so I'll be doing the prank on their house.

"You are crazy, (Y/N)-chan"I heard Haruhi Fujioka which made me smiling

"Crazy but nice........look I know you felt bad for Hikaru, I do too. But it's time for payback"I said as they looked at me, they nodded and just smiled

"Well we wish you luck, (Y/N)-chan!"Honey-senpai said which made me smile and hide my hickey makeup on my neck with my uniform, it's 6 hours non stick so I can be great.

~Time skip at the Hitachiin's house in the guest room~

Hikaru will be coming in a few minutes and so I readied myself, I was wearing this.

And my hickey is really big, Range did really well on this one

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And my hickey is really big, Range did really well on this one

"Babe, I'm coming in"I heard Hikaru say which I gulped about, the hidden camera is somewhere in the bedroom, I covered myself up in the blankets, to hide the hickey and act like I'm crying or something

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"Babe, I'm coming in"I heard Hikaru say which I gulped about, the hidden camera is somewhere in the bedroom, I covered myself up in the blankets, to hide the hickey and act like I'm crying or something.

"Baby........"I acted sniffing and crying as Hikaru suddenly came on my side, looking so worried

"What happened, babe? Did something happened or someone had done anything to you?"he asked as I mentally laughed, he's so worried.

"No........I-I-I have something to tell you.....p-pl-please don't hate me nor get angry at me"I said as he looked at me while he caressing my cheeks

"I won't, babe.....tell me what's going on"he said which made me pulling him closer to me then he hugged my chubby waist.

Hikaru's POV

I'm upset since my girl was trembling in fear, she's been acting weird. She's acting strange, I asked what was going on but she and Kaoru ignored me and said (Y/N) is fine.

"Baby, I need you to go to the bathroom first.........I forgot my wallet"I heard her say which made me kiss her on the lips and I smiled

"I'll get it for you, babe. Wait"I said as she nodded while pouting, she's crying while I made my way to the bathroom to fetch her wallet. I saw it and smiled, I grabbed it then walked towards the guest room again. I saw (Y/N), back facing towards me, I smiled and back hugged her. I kissed her exposed neck but then she trembled and I saw a hickey?

"Babe......what's going on?"I asked as she gasped in shock which made her turn to me

"Baby..........I-I-I can expl-------"I cut her off

"(Y/N). Why the heck there's a hickey on your neck?!"I asked and raised my voice which made her looking at me

"Baby, please.......I can explain!"she said and stood up and tried to hold me which made me stop her

"You stay there.........explain"I said as she cried

"Baby. Please listen to me.........."she said as I nodded which made the door opened

"What's going on he------- (Y/N)......"Kaoru said which made me look at him, he was looking at (Y/N), (Y/N) was looking at him too.

"Kaoru........pl-please get out"(Y/N) said as I looked at Kaoru who shake his head

"Kaoru........what the hell is going on?"I asked as he looked like he's going to cry

"Hikaru.......I-I-I didn't mean to give your girlfriend a hickey.....I promise it's not intended!"Kaoru said which made me look at him in anger

"What the f*ck?! KAORU YOU WILL GO TO HELL!"I said which made me lunge at him but (Y/N) grabbed my hands and pleaded me to just calm down

"(Y/N)! LET ME GO! IMMA KILL MY TWIN!"I said which made her crack up then she laughed then Kaoru laughed too

"Dude, chill. It's just a prank"he said as I looked at him and (Y/N)

"A PRANK?! WHAT THE F*CK?! HOW COME THIS IS A PRANK, KAORU?! THAT'S A TRUE HICKEY!"I said as I was about to punch Kaoru but (Y/N) got in between me and Kaoru.

"Hika-kunnnnnnnn~ it's a prank"she said which made me look down on her

"What........"I said which made me look at her

"It's a prank. Look it's makeup"(Y/N) said which made me looking at her, the hickey was removed. I blinked as I sat down, Kaoru left me and (Y/N) alone.

"(Y/N).........I'll get you back"I said as she smiled and kissed my cheeks

"Try me baby, I only did that because you pranked me as well!"she said as I hugged her, it was still recorded and I smirked then got it. I smiled and stopped recording.

"You'll regret this........(Y/N)"I said as she was shocked which made me smirked while I attacked her with my kisses and tickles.

"Baby.........stopppppppp!"she said as she laughed while I tickled her

"I love you, (Y/N)"I said as she smiled and I kissed her forehead

"I love you too, Hikaru"she said which made me smile and we cuddled up into the blankets.


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