We Adore One Another Asuma Mutsumi x Hospitalized! Chubby Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's always been him, Asuma Mutsumi, my classmate since first year. He was so kind to everyone, especially to Kae Serinuma.........he's a suitor for her. Ever since Kae Serinuma had been involved into some crazy events, he already gained 4 suitors. Me? What do ya think? No one even likes me in the school, I've been waiting for the right time but I can't help but to fall for Mutsumi-kun. But I guess life is cruel than I expected, why......why am I the only one like this, every now and then.......I cut.......because I had no hope in me anymore, the uniform is not long sleeved so I often wear a hoodie, to hide my fatness and my cuts. I always put the fake smile, fake laugh and fake personality to everyone in the school, even with Mutsumi-kun.

"(Y/N)-senpai!"I heard Kae said which made me smiling, I looked at her, she's a very beautiful girl with purple hair and green colored eyes? She was also chubby but then she became thin. Behind was Mutsumi-kun.

"Oh Kae, what's wrong?"I asked as she grabbed my wrist which made me wince in pain in silence, Mutsumi-kun took notice on this and looked at me, he took Kae's hand on my wrist

"Serinuma, don't pull onto (L/N)-san's wrist like that"he said which made me look at me

"Oh sorry, (Y/N)-senpai. But would you help me with practice bandaging? Mutsumi-senpai told me that your awesome on bandaging!"Kae said which made me looking at her

"Sure! Let's go!"I said as she smiled and nodded while we walked to the nurse's office, I smiled and looked at Kae who did the great job tying onto the triangle cloth.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N)-senpai!"Kae said as I smiled and waved at her since the bell already rang and so me and Mutsumi-kun took our way to our classroom.

"It's been a long time since I've taught someone that things, thank you Mutsumi-kun"I said as he smiled down at me

"That's fine, why not think about the things that your parents want for you?"he asked as I looked at him

"Becoming a nurse or a doctor? Nah, I won't.......I can't let my dreams ruin"I said as he smiled and nodded

"That is your choice, (L/N)-san"he said while I nodded and smiled, I can smile truthfully in front of Mutsumi-kun but not with everyone else. Finally the school finished and I walked home, it's true, I'm living in a apartment apart of my family. I slammed my bag onto my bedroom and so I found my razor, I smiled and cut through the my skin.

Mutsumi's POV

Me and the others walked home and then my phone rang, I saw the ID caller, (L/N)-san? I stopped walking and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?"I asked

"Is this Asuma Mutsumi?"I heard a voice asking as I looked at everyone else

"Uh yes, who are you?"I asked as the guy sighed

"I'm a doctor and your girlfriend was rushed into the hospital near her place, please come here as soon as possible"the doctor said which made me shock

"Okay, I'll come"I said as he sighed and hang up

"(L/N)-san got hospitalized"I said as they were shocked while we got to the hospital.

"She lost too much blood but don't worry, we took care of her blood transfer already"the doctor said which made Serinuma looking at him

"What did she do?"she asked as the doctor sighed and smiled sadly

"It seems depression, she had many cuts visible on her arms.........do you know this young man? Do you know how long have your girlfriend suffered?"he asked me as I looked at him

"Girlfriend? Mutsumi-senpai......"Nanashima said

"I know she's depressed, she always puts on a fake smile around us. I noticed it"I said as all of them went wide eyed

"Also, her neighbors found this letter, it looks like a love letter that is addressed to Asuma Mutsumi"the doctor said as he gave me the letter that is folded neatly, it is addressed to me.

"The room will be open for visitors in a few minutes, wait till then"the doctor said which made us nodded but I sat down and read the letter.

Dear, Mutsumi-kun.

I wrote this in the same letter the day I had met you, which is the first year. I had wrote a love letter but I didn't have the courage to because I was scared, I have the courage now but I was late. You have been with Kae, I know you are courting her. I have lost to someone who's younger than me. I don't have a chance anymore with you, I know that you like Kae more than me now. I love you, Mutsumi-kun.......I really do. It hurts me when seeing you with Kae happy, it hurts me when you are with Kae. I'm jealous but I have no right to be one, were not together. I'm not your girlfriend, this is not a love letter anymore, this is just a note I wrote for myself. Like a diary. Mutsumi-kun, I love you so freaking much, the way your so kind to everyone, the way you smile at everyone, especially me. The way you always forget you're things in my apartment, the way you always spend the time with me reading books in the library. It makes me so happy, I love you. I know you won't read this because I don't have a courage too and you won't read it because you have the one and only Kae Serinuma. That's all, bye Mutsumi-kun.

(Y/N) (L/N)

After I read the letter, we came in and I smiled, we wait for her to wake up and all of them gone home while I didn't. She misunderstood things like I would expect from her, she had been cutting, I knew she had been depressed but I didn't want to push it further. 8pm, she finally woke up while I smiled and held onto her hand

"M-Mutsumi-kun?"she asked as I smiled and kissed her forehead

"(L/N)-san, I love you"I said as she widened her eyes

"A-a-am I dreaming? Is this a dream?"she asked as I chuckled and kissed her lips gently

"You're not dreaming, (L/N)-san"I said which made her looking at me

"I love you, (Y/N)"I said which made her wide eyed and she cried

"W-what about Kae?"(Y/N) asked as I kissed her cuts gently

"Serinuma is just my friend. I love you and no body else, I promise"I said as she looked at me and smiled

"I love you too, Mutsumi-kun"(Y/N) said which made me look at her and then we talked with each other.

"But (Y/N), you don't need to cut anymore. I'll be going to your apartment more often, to check on you, okay?"I asked as she smiled and nodded while I kissed her forehead.

"Good. You know, we both adore each other"I said as she squeezed my hands

"I know......I didn't even realize it and I realize my insecurity"she said as I smiled again and kissed her forehead.


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