The Girl Who Came From Another World Nagisa Shiota x Chubby Reader

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(A/n: this is a Assassination Classroom x BNHA crossover where Reader-chan faced off a villain who transports people to another dimension and never get back, she's also Bakugo's younger sister!)

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) walked towards Aldera Junior High which her older brother attended to, she's (Y/N) Bakugo, a year younger than Katsuki Bakugo. (Y/N) smiled when she got her quirk, it isn't like her mother or her father nor Katsuki, it's like being invisible plus a inhumane strength, (Y/N) can deactivate and activate her invisibility, so it's good. (Y/N) smiled and she wanted to be like Katsuki and Izuku Modoriya, she'd be lying to say if Katsuki isn't a good brother, he is when he doesn't see Midoriya, he is caring even if he tends not to show anything. (Y/N) have her appearance of her dad and her aunt's hair. (Y/N)'s dad has brown colored eyes while her aunt's, her father's sister, has (H/C) colored hair.

"Oh look~ a little girl who is all alone~"(Y/N) heard someone say which made her looking everywhere, she saw a woman was swinging on the playground.......

'Talk about creepy~' (Y/N) thought

" you need anything....?"(Y/N) asked as she walked towards the woman then (Y/N) smiled but then she was grabbed by the hand then a knife went in her throat.

"You shouldn't let your guard down that easily, missy~"the woman said which made (Y/N) gulp and try to calm herself down

"W-what do you want from me?"(Y/N) asked as the woman smirked

"I'll torture you to death!"the woman said crazily which made (Y/N)'s eyes widened then punching the woman on the gut, she let out a gasp and let (Y/N) go, she grabbed her things and run for her life.

"COME BACK HERE, YOU BRAT!"the woman shouted which made (Y/N) gasp and then she took her time for her invisibility to activate but it caught (Y/N) off guard when she was punched on the stomach. (Y/N) flew a few steps away from the woman, (Y/N) tried to go back up but the woman was in front of her.

'She's so fast!' (Y/N) thought

"You're an annoying little b*tch and I would very much get rid of you. Goodbye missy~!"the woman said as she knocked (Y/N) down while she felt herself being lifted up but no arms nor person is lifting (Y/N) up. The police came along with All Might and saw (Y/N) disappearing in front of their eyes, the police had asked the woman questions.

"What happened to the girl?"the police asked as Mitsuki Bakugo, Masaru Bakugo, and Katsuki Bakugo were there

"The girl, ah.......she was a little b*tchy and I decided to throw her to another dimension. She will never come back, we can't do anything about my quirk, she'll stay there forever"the woman said which made everyone looking at her, Katsuki was so pissed off and he began blaming himself on moving to the dorms along with the others

"Can someone please get my daughter back?"Mrs. Bakugo asked which made everyone looking at her, this is the first time Katsuki saw his mother cry.

"I'm sorry ma'am, like this woman said......your daughter is gonna stay in that dimension forever"the police said as Mrs. and Mr. Bakugo along with Katsuki went home

"Nande? Debu.......oi, come back.....(Y/N), please?"Katsuki asked while he cried as he held onto (Y/N)'s teddy bear that he gave. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was now on a different dimension, she was falling from the sky, a three meter tall octopus was lounging on the teacher's lounge of the old campus when he suddenly felt a massive amount of power coming from the sky. He didn't want to worry his students and decided to go alone in the woods where he's alone, he perfectly caught (Y/N)

"A young girl falling from the sky......?"the octopus asked as he looked at (Y/N) with cautious eyes but she seems harmless, hence he rushed to the teacher's lounge and called both Karasuma Tadaomi and Irina Jelavic. They both looked at the young girl who was resting in the teacher's lounge.

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