Mahiru's Aunt Mikuni Alicein x Drunk! Chubby Reader

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3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) (L/N) is a chubby woman who is in her 21st birthday, she was with her colleague because they were throwing a party for her. She is known to be the best girl who get drunk and has many personalities when it comes to drunken girl, she is sometimes the Sober Drunk, the Happy Drunk, the Sad Drunk and the Reckless Drunk. Although her colleagues wants to see a different type of drunk of hers, (Y/N) isn't the girl who's a reckless type so they want to see if (Y/N) can do the Romantic Drunk either. She is a relative of Mahiru Shirota, the Eve of a Servamp named Kuro, The Servamp of Sloth.

"Don't you had enough of alcohol, miss?"the waiter asked (Y/N) who drunkily look up which made the waiter blush, she was super drunk although she looked really cute. Let's admit, she was one of the most popular students in the University although she is chubby, she was super cute.

"Huuuuuuuhhhhh~? I want *hic* moreeeeeeeee~!"(Y/N) said which made the waiter blushing, he noticed how she whined and was being flirty

"'re super you need a ride home?"the waiter asked as she then pouted and placed a bill on the counter then giggled

"No need~! I'm fineeeeeeeee *hic* on my ownnnnnnnnn!"she said as she excitedly but dizzily walked out of the club which made the waiter worried but he shrugged it off, (Y/N) was now walking wobbly and being the Romantic/Reckless Drunk she is. Then she bumped into someone which made her giggle, a man with fangs appeared

"Hm~? A tasty human being is on my way~"a vampire said which made (Y/N) looking at him, she got angry and decided to be a superhero.

"I AM SUPERWOMAN~! BEGONE YOU EVIL DOER!"(Y/N) shouted as she pounced at the vampire which made the vampire smirking, unknowingly to them, a guy with short blonde hair and his Servamp was passing by.

"What is the woman doing there?"Jeje or Doubt Doubt, the Servamp of Envy asked

"Hm? Ahhhhh, maybe she's fighting off a vampire~?"Mikuni Alicein asked which made Jeje looking at him then the vampire looked at (Y/N) and the other vampire.

"Will you help her....?"Doubt Doubt asked which made Mikuni thought for a bit, seeing how (Y/N) slapping the vampire

"I bet we need to, the vampire is getting angry"Mikuni said as Jeje nodded while they took action, Mikuni had protected (Y/N) by carrying her on his arms

"Did you finish him off, Jeje?"Mikuni asked as Jeje nodded and looked at (Y/N) who was looking lovingly at Mikuni

"You're pretty handsome *hic*!"she said which made Mikuni looking at (Y/N), Jeje had escaped a laugh from him while Mikuni looked at him, he ordered Jeje to look through (Y/N)'s bag and he did.

"Her name is (Y/N) (L/N) and her home.....she doesn't have anything about her home"Jeje said which made (Y/N) giggling and held tightly on Mikuni's neck.

"She seemed fund of you, Mikuni"Jeje said which made Mikuni sighing and bringing (Y/N) towards his shop, he and Jeje just got back from a mission to help Mahiru Shirota.

"She is........look through her phone, maybe a relative comes to pick her up"Mikuni said which made (Y/N) snuggling closer to Mikuni's neck which made Mikuni blushing

"You smell good, stanger~"(Y/N) flirted which made Mikuni looking at her, he put her gently on a couch which made him sigh

"I found numerous contacts although something caught my eye"Jeje said as Mikuni looked at him

"What?"he asked as Jeje put the phone in front of Mikuni and saw (Y/N) and Mahiru Shirota.

Mikuni's POV

I looked at the picture

"So she is related to the Eve of Sloth?"I asked as Jeje nodded

"Then call him!"I said as Jeje looked at me

"It's four in the morning, don't you think he's still sleeping?"Jeje asked as I thought for a bit

"I guess, let's just take care of (L/N)-san for now"as soon as I said that, (L/N)-san was iny back and hugging me

"Wha-----?"I asked as Jeje chuckled

"Well your on your own, I'm gonna sleep and take a rest! Goodnight, Mikuni!"Jeje said which made me pissed off and took care of (L/N)-san

"(L/N)-san, you don't know me but I know you. Please calm down a bit"I said as she giggled in my ear which made it sound sexy, ughhhhhhh I hate myself

"Ehhhhhhhhh~? Whyyyyyyyyyyy~?!"she asked which made me blushed and I sighed then decided to knock her out by smacking the back of her head, she fell down and slept so peacefully.

" it's quiet........I can probably give her a piece of cloth to wash off of the sweat"I said as I grabbed a cloth then a warm water then decided to take care of her, it was so silent and made me look at her face

"She's still sleeping.....though I wonder why she is in the alleyway in the middle of the night?"I asked as I looked at her, she was smiling

"I would probably sleep too┐( ˘_˘)┌"I said as I slept on my bed after cleaning and wiping her up, I woke up moments later then I saw (L/N)-san still sleeping. I looked at my phone, it's 10am in the morning. I yawned and made breakfast, I looked at Jeje who was waiting for me, I sighed and heard a groan of pain coming from the couch.

(Y/N)'s POV

Where am I? What happened? Did I get kidnapped? Nah, who would want me? Anyways I looked at the place, it seems so........old......ah an antique shop. I looked at my bag that was on my side then I suddenly heard a creak coming towards me, I adjusted the brightness and I saw a guy with short blonde hair and a guy who's super tall......with bags on his head?

'Who are these people......? Wait.........' I thought as my face flushed upon the blonde guy's face, I remember him, he's the one who saved me from a stinking vampire and I called him, HANDSOME?! I had to react and bow my head to him

"I'm very sorry for the trouble I caused! D-d-don't worry as soon as I have rested for a few minutes, I'll go home!"I said as I heard him chuckle

"No need, Ms. (L/N). I am a aquaintance of Mahiru Shirota, my name is Mikuni Alicien"he said which made me look up, if he's aquainted with Mahi Mahi, then he looked through my stuff.

"O-oh, is that so? T-thank you for taking me here and taking care of the drunken me! I-I should get home!"I said as I stood up but I'm a bit dizzy still and I kinda bump on Alicein-kun's chest.

"You may rest a bit, Jeje here will call Mahiru for you. You still have a hangover"he said as he sat me down on the couch again while I nodded not really wanting this situation to be complicated, moments of talking, I've learned that Mikuni Alicien is the older brother of Misono-kun.

"(Y/N)-san! Uncle is so worried about you!"Mahi Mahi said as I sighed and smiled a bit, I smiled when I saw Kuro doing well

"I-I'm sorry, did I worry you?"I asked as Mahi Mahi nodded while I smiled

"Thanks for worrying, how's Kuro? Is he okay?"I asked as the cat turned into a human, I smiled

"I'm fine....."he said as I smiled and nodded while Mikuni-kun smiled

"Come on, (Y/N)-san! Misono is waiting along with everyone else!"Mahi Mahi said as I nodded then said that I'll say goodbye to Mikuni-kun.

"Well this is goodbye"I said as I smiled and he shook his head

"Nah, this is a see ya later. I wanna see you again, My Lady~"he flirted which made me blush and gladly took his hand which made my heartbeat fastened

"Of course I'll see you again, I'll visit daily"I said as he chuckled and kissed my forehead

"See ya later, (Y/N)~!"he said as I smiled

"See ya later too, Mikuni"I said as he and I giggled then we let go.


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