I'm Always Beside You, Forever And Always! Shouto Todoroki x Chubby Reader

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(A/n: this is the part two of Bakugo x Chubby Reader x Todoroki one! Whereas the reader moved onto Bakugo and now it's time for our Icy Hot to show off)

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been months again and my heart is healing, Shouto-kun was always beside me, like hell. He is even a better boyfriend than Bakugo, Bakugo was regretting it, I could see through his actions. Although that didn't stop Kirishima-kun and the BakuSquad to leave him, actually they helped him through tough times. I'm always with Shouto-kun, I got along with pretty much everyone and I forgave Bakugo but I didn't talked to him much.

"(Y/N)...here's some fruits, mom prepared it for you"Shouto-kun said as I looked up at him, recently, my heart had been stolen by him. He's just so caring, he likes me around, even when he's visiting his mom. He always tells me when will he come visit her and always brings me to her, her mom was an angel. She told me that Shouto-kun didn't brought a friend with him to visit her, Rei-san is her name. Right now though, I could still feel and see that Shouto-kun loves me, he always protected me when I needed to be protected although I can protect myself, I'm so glad that Shouto-kun is here.

"So, (Y/N)-chan......you think you love Todoroki-kun now?"Uraraka-chan asked as I looked at her

"I-I-I still don't know yet.......I-I-I'm grateful that he was here to comfort and protect me. Thanks to him, I would be dead and taken suicide by now if it wasn't for him. I don't know what I'm feeling, Uraraka-chan.......c-can you help me later at the dorms?"I asked as she smiled and nodded while hugging

"You're so cute, (Y/N)-chan!"Uraraka-chan said as I blushed cause we were on our way to the cafeteria along with boys and Tsuyu-chan, when I got my tray of food, I walked with everyone else but I was behind them because of something. I suddenly bumped into someone that caused me to drop my tray of food which made a loud crashing sound, all students looked at our way while the person just stared at me.

"Watch were your going, FATTY!"the person who I assume is a second year shouted, it's a girl.......I apologized quickly and picked up the plates and bowls but the girl stomped on my hands which made me yell in pain.

"You better be sorry, stupid"she said as I apologized then she squatted down at me and was about to slap me but I saw Shouto-kun in front of me. He took the blow......it wasn't a normal slap, it is a slap with a quirk.......I don't know her quirk is.......it's a super strength? I don't know.

"Todoroki-kun!"all of my squad said as I rushed to Shouto-kun's aid, he was in the table due to the girl's quirk. I sighed and made Deku-kun and Iida-kun bring Shouto-kun to Recovery Girl, somehow, Aizawa-sensei was in the cafeteria.

"You can go back in your class now, (Y/N). I'll take care of-----"I cut Recovery Girl up

"It's fine, I can still skip class. But I can't let Shouto alone, I'm staying with him"I said as she sighed and nodded while giving me pain killers for Shouto to drink later.

"Why would you still save me from her......? D-do you love me that much? W-why?"I asked as I cried on his right hand.....it's cold.....of course it's his ice powers.....I kept questioning him even if he's still sleeping, I didn't realized that I'm slowly drifting to sleep.

Todoroki's POV

Coincidentally, I heard everything (Y/N) had questioned me, although I am asleep but I think my hearing is awake. I don't know what that meant but yeah, I woke up a bit early than her so I put my hands on her head.

"Oh (Y/N).....you don't know how much I love you......I've already said it, didn't I? I'm still going to wait until you give me a chance"I said as I kissed her forehead while I smiled

"It's so rare to see you smile, Shouto"I heard my father say which made me look at him, we made up......

"You took so much in me, your mother and I are at this very room when we met.......it brings back memories.......I was like you back then......"father said as I look up at him

"Shouto-kun......a-are.......you're awake?! D-did I sleep?! Woah.......E-Endevour is here......."(Y/N) said as father look down at her while she flinched, she didn't knew that me and father made up.

"O-o-oh uh, I-I-I'll take my leave now.....s-see you at the dorms, Shouto-kun...."she said as she grabbed her stuff and was about to go but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Stay......I want you to meet my father properly...."I said as she looked at me, her round face was so cute.

"I-if you say so......."(Y/N) said as I sat her back down and my father look at the both of us

"So.....what's your relationship with her, Shouto?"Father asked as I sighed and protectively hugged (Y/N)'s head

"She's my girlfriend, father"I said as father sighed then I heard (Y/N) gasping softly

"Okay, fine Shouto. I'll leave you two, bye Shouto and it's nice to meet you, my daughter-in-law, (Y/N) (L/N)"father said as (Y/N) looked at him with redness on her cheek

"I-I-I.......he got it all wrong, Shouto-kun.....w-were not dating.....right....?"my father left while she was speaking and so she asked me that......

"We're not.....but he won't shut up if I didn't say that you are my girlfriend. He already saw you sleeping in this bed, probably worried about me"I said as she looked at me then look down at her big thighs, I smiled and held her thighs, (Y/N) was looking at me

"Sh-Shouto-kun?"(Y/N) asked as I smiled and kissed her forehead

"I will always be by your side, (Y/N). Remember that......"I said as she looks at me eye to eye, I smiled

"I already know that.......d-do you still love me......Shouto-kun?"she asked as I smiled

"Of course, who wouldn't love someone as sweet and nice as you? Your pretty brave to even slap Bakugo for cheating on you......I'm sorry to bring it up but it's the only thing I could say to how much I love you, (Y/N)"I said as she looked at me with that big smile of hers.......her real smile......that I can only and a couple of students see.

"I-I-I-I-I can't get you to wait.......I-I-I love you too, Shouto-kun......"she said as I widened my eyes a bit

"Really?"I asked as she nodded while I smiled then kissed her lips

"I promise I'll be by your side forever, (Y/N)"I said as she smiled and nodded while hugging me.


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