She's The One, Not Elizabeth! Meliodas x Chubby Reader

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(A/n: this is requested by q_tamaki hope you like this oneshot (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧)

High School AU! Heterochromia AU! Where you have one eye of your eye color and one of your soulmate's eye color. When you meet and make eye contact, both your eyes will be back to normal.

Meliodas's POV

I was with Elizabeth and the others at the cafeteria, we are college students and we are in Liones University. Our professor said that we will have another classmate joining us, we were in the Literature. I have a girlfriend but I also have a soulmate, I don't know why I have a girlfriend. Maybe because I'm bored or maybe because I'm impatient, my right eye has green colored eye and my left is (E/C) colored eye. I didn't knew who she was or what she look like, all I know is she has (E/C) shimmering colored eyes.

"Danjou, what will you do if you met your soulmate......? I'm more worried for your soulmate....."Diane said as I looked at her

"......I don't know....."I said as Elizabeth looks at me

"It's okay if you choose your soulmate,'s your fated partner anyways....."Elizabeth said as I looked at her, it pained me but not much, I don't know why but it didn't affect me that much.

"Elizabeth, don't you have a fated one?"King asked as Elizabeth smiled and shook her head

"Nope, all I know is I'm those people who doesn't have a fated partner......unlike you guys"Elizabeth said as I looked at her

"Danjou, what do ya wanna do until then~?"Ban asked as I looked at him

"Maybe drink? I don't know......let's drink later~! My treat in my bar!"I said and yes I own a bar around Tokyo, I'm pretty young but I'd like to own a bar as soon as possible to be responsible, so my dad just agreed because he doesn't really care. All he cares about is his company and the money he will earn, yes I'm rich.

"I wanna know what kind of person the new student will be"Elaine said as she was with Ban on his side, all of us have a fated partner but Elizabeth and Escanor. Although Merlin and Escanor looked like adults, Merlin is 24 years old and Escanor is 25, I don't know why but they actually repeated.

"Yeah....she maybe a cruel evil girl or somethin"Ban said as I smiled

"Sate, sate, sate. We will discuss that later, right now let's go to our room and be there so the professor don't get mad"I said as they nodded while Elizabeth smiled then walked with us, we came inside and saw the people talking amongst themselves because me and my group, are the rule breakers....should we say. We sat down on the very back like usual and smiled and talked to ourselves as well, the professor came in with the new student. I'm shocked to see a beautiful chubby girl, she was slightly taller than Elizabeth maybe 5'6-5'9? I don't know.......but she was beautiful and cute, I couldn't see her eyes because they were behind her bangs.

"Alright listen up class, especially The Seven Rule Breakers!"the professor said as I looked at him and smiled innocently

"This is your new classmate, (Y/N) Pendragon, she is the younger sister of the infamous model named Arthur Pendragon. Be good to her and also, she will be in the group with the Seven Rule Breakers! You guys be good to her or else....I'll suspend you!"professor said as I shrugged shoulders while (Y/N) Pendragon gasped

"Sit down next to them as well, (Y/N)"professor said as I smiled excitedly, I've never been THIS excited before, she walked up to us but we heard whispers of sorrow and sorry to her. Saying we are a bad group. I can see (Y/N) getting uncomfortable and sat on the bottom of our chairs......

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