King and Elaine's Older Sister Ban x Fairy! Chubby Reader

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3rd Person's POV

Everybody knows that Elaine is the Maiden of the Fountain of Youth but they are wrong, King and Elaine has another sister, an older sister who betrayed the Fairy King's Forest for protecting both her siblings and the Fairy King's Forest. A chubby fairy that is much older than both King and Elaine, Ban knew who the fairy was but he doesn't know that she's a fairy and related to his lover and friend, she was (Y/N), the very first born fairy before King and Elaine, after King got to his right age and Elaine growing up, (Y/N) left the Fairy King's Forest to protect the future King and the future maiden, (Y/N) was supposed to be the Maiden but she runs away. Ban and (Y/N) met when Ban was still a human, (Y/N) is able to hide her wings and not float, (Y/N) became Ban's first lover before Elaine. He thought (Y/N) died because he saw her dying in his arms without knowing that (Y/N) had drank from the Fountain of Youth before she left for good, so Ban left her in her supposed to be death bed but she soon awoke from her 10 year slumber, she was a immortal and a Fairy. Even though Ban got to be Elaine's lover, he never got to let the feelings for (Y/N) go. It was now the present and she sensed people approaching her place which caused to be cautious, she hides as her door got opened by a blonde haired guy.

"Hm? I thought I sense some fairy magic in here, King"the voice said as (Y/N) recognized the name, King.

"I sure did sense it too, nii-chan"(Y/N) heard a petite's girl's voice

"Hm? Something is weird"a woman said as a tall guy which had shocked (Y/N) came in

"Cap'n, you sure that someone is here?"she heard her ex lover's voice which made her gasp and made a little noise, everyone's eyes snapped towards where (Y/N) was.

"Come out, whoever you are!"she heard the Fairy King say as (Y/N) sighed and came out, six pair of eyes were confused as to who she was but three pair of eyes went wide. (Y/N) can't hide her wings due to a potion she accidentally drank.

"(Y/N)............? Y-y-your alive? H-how? A-AND what's with the costume?"Ban was the first one to speak which shocked both King and Elaine

"Wait Ban, you know her?"King asked as Ban nodded

"She's (Y/N).......she died like 50 years come your alive?"Ban asked as Elaine suddenly remembered what Ban had told her

'Even if I love you, Elaine. I can't seem to forget my past lover who helped me through tough times..........I still love that girl.......' Elaine rewind what Ban had told her

"Ban...........she's nii-chan and I's older sister.........she betrayed both us and the forest"Elaine said as (Y/N) was looking at her younger sister

"I did not betrayed both you and King. I did that to protect King and the forest, look I got into some fight with the humans that time..........they accused us on being a thief so I had dueled with them, I lost and got beat up.........."(Y/N) said as Elaine and King looked at their older sister

"Ban.........saw me.........he bandaged me........he helped me get well, I manage to hide my wings, yes me and Ban are lovers back then........Elaine and King, I did not abandon nor betrayed you guys. It's the only way I can save you both"(Y/N) said which made both siblings to race up to her and hug her, which caused the three of them flying up the ceiling of the house. (Y/N)'s wings were beautiful, more beautiful than Elaine has.

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