The Mall Experience! Kyoya Ootori x Chubby Reader

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Kyoya's POV

I have a girlfriend named (Y/N) (L/N), she's a chubby girl from my class, she was the very first manager in the Host Club, we got together due to the Arrange Marriage that my father arranged since me and her are children, though we've only known throughout the middle school. (Y/N) is in my room and we were cuddling each other. She was an amazing person, she succeeded on breaking my cold heart, I mean anyone who dared to wake me up, they'll gonna die but if (Y/N) wakes me up, I'm gonna stand up properly. I clearly remembered how the others brought me to a mall.

"Remember that time when I almost killed the other Hosts?"I asked as she looks up at me and nodded

"Yeah, luckily though I'm there...they were so shocked about it"(Y/N) said as I smiled and kissed her forehead.

~Le flashback in 3rd Person's POV~

Kyoya was sleeping on his bed and the Host Club decided to bring him to the commoners mall, so they went inside his room without permission. Of course they had tried many different ways to wake him up but Kyoya isn't moving an inch, (Y/N) on the other was smiling while watching them wake Kyoya up. Of course she didn't want to interfere Kyoya's sleep because she cares about his health so she stand behind them, once the Host Club manages to get Kyoya on Tamaki Suoh's back, they went to the commoners mall. All of the Host Club got excited and Tamaki suddenly left Kyoya on a bench near where (Y/N) is, she was looking for a yaoi/yuri manga because yeah. She knows that commoners book stores have many yaoi/yuri manga so yeah. When she got back, she saw Kyoya alone while she sighed

"Probably the others got so excited and leave my poor Shadow King alone....."(Y/N) said as she smiled and sat beside Kyoya then (Y/N)'s right hand softly laid Kyoya's head onto her shoulder. Moments have passed, Kyoya woke up.

"Where am......I?"Kyoya asked as (Y/N) smiled once he woke up

"Have a nice sleep, Kyoya?"she asked as Kyoya was confused

"Um.......where are we? I know you aren't the one who brought me who did?"Kyoya asked as (Y/N) held onto his hand

"Tamaki-kun and the others. We are at a mall, well as Tamaki-kun say, the commoners mall......but I'd prefer this mall rather than the rich ones..."(Y/N) said as Kyoya looked at her

"Rather than want to go home?"(Y/N) asked while Kyoya smiled and squeezed her hands a bit

"You know me so well, My Love. I want to go home and spend the rest of the day with you"Kyoya said as he looked through his pocket

" phone is at the house, how about yours?"Kyoya asked as (Y/N) smiled and look through her bag, then her pockets.

"A-are.......? My phone isn't here as well, Kyo-kun"(Y/N) said as Kyoya sighed

"Did you forgot it somewhere?"he asked calmly while (Y/N) had remembered the foolish members took her phone.

"Tamaki-kun said that no phones are allowed so......he confiscated them all....."(Y/N) said as Kyoya sighed

"Well there's nothing we can help it......what can we do.....?"Kyoya asked as (Y/N) smiled

"It's up to you, Kyo-kun. I'm happy as long as I can spend the time with ya~"she said as Kyoya smiled

"Okay....what did you buy?"he asked as (Y/N) smiled

"Oh you know~ the you know what books~"(Y/N) said as Kyoya chuckled but he is still pissed off about it, he doesn't want to show his beloved that he's angry and pissed off. Not while (Y/N) is acting cute and wearing a nice outfit

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