Locked With You Usui Takumi x Claustrophobic Chubby Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

Hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N), a normal chubby girl who is a first year of high school in Seika High School, I'm friends with Misaki Ayuzawa, the student council president who is called the Demon President. I can see why, she always has eyes on guard, whether it's guys coming in school with earrings and stuff on their ears, and most importantly, she protects ONLY girls. I pity guys who needs protection too, I tried to console her but she said that it's for the guys to learn their mistakes and stuff. A handsome guy who was named Takumi Usui is a heartbreaker based on what me and Misaki-chan see, one secret I keep is I'm Claustrophobic, I get scared and will have a panic attack when I'm in tight spaces and having no escape from a room, I constantly get panic attack when I'm in a nightmare that is tight spaces but in the real world, it never happened to me. I smiled and saw Misaki-chan with another group of guys with earrings in their ears.......their leader, Naoya Shirokawa. I sighed and went beside Misaki-chan who ignored my presence as always, when she's angry, she can't control her anger and is ignoring me.

"I said take off the earrings, Now!"Misaki-chan said as I sighed and look at the three guys who noticed that I'm there, I'm known to be the Angel of the school since I always save guys from Misaki-chan.

"Misaki-chan.........can I handle these guys for you?"I asked as she looked at me

"But I'm the student council president, I'm fine with these idiots"Misaki-chan said as I smiled a bit and leaned on her ear

"Not to offend you or anything, Misaki-chan. But all guys think that your scary so of course they would be hesitant..........and they won't listen to you. You always take violence when it comes to the guys"I said as she looked at me and sighed then turned around

"Fine........bring me those earrings as soon as you got them in the storage room. Me, you, and that Usui guy are cleaning the room"she said as I nodded and smiled towards the guys who sighed in relief

"You are our lifesaver, (L/N)-san! Thank you so much"Ryunosuke Kurosaki said as I nodded and reach out my hand

"Misaki-chan will get angry if she didn't get you earrings. Please boys, hand those earrings your wearing to me"I said as they gladly took off the earrings but before they can leave, I grabbed their sleeves

"I know you guys have extras, so give it to me"I said as they sighed

"Can't we keep it?"Ikuto Sarashina asked as I smiled apologetically

"Misaki-chan's rules is to inspect their bags"I said as they sighed and gave the remaining earrings on their pockets, bag, and even wallets.

"I'm sorry guys, I really do"I said as they sighed

"But are you sure, your not afraid of anything?"Shirokawa asked as I looked at him, I'm also known to be the fearless girl with Misaki-chan.

"Yeah, I'm sure. See you guys tomorrow"I said as they nodded and I got to the storage room where I saw Usui-kun in there with earphones on his neck, the other earphones we're on his right ear.

"Your here~"he said with his usual tease voice which I smiled about

"I'm here, where's Misaki-chan?"I asked as he looked down at me

"She said that she got called by the teacher. So you and I will be cleaning the storage room"he said as I looked at him and nodded

"Well I'll probably hold down this earrings I got from Shirokawa-kun again"I said as I got a small box and put the earrings on there, I placed them at the top but two earrings fell from the ground, the other landed on my foot while the other landed somewhere.

"Got it! Usui-kun, can you help me find the other one?"I asked as he surprisingly nodded got down with me

Usui's POV

A few moments later, we heard the door locking meaning were locked in the storage room. I was calmly standing up since we found the earring but (L/N) was shocked, she started panicking. It made me wonder, is she afraid of the dark? It's dark in here so I assume it is, I smirked and made my way to her

"Rumors has it that you aren't afraid of anything~ turns out, your afraid of the dark~ what a childish nightmare~"I said as I luckily got my flashlight and opened it

"How fun------- (L/N)......."I stopped as soon as I saw her face, it's the face, she's having a panic attack.

"(L/N), I'm here. We're in the light, no need to be scared anymore"I said as she gasped for air

"I-I-I-I-I'm not afraid.........o-o-o-of the d-da-dark!"she said as I looked at her then she run towards the door, I looked at her.

"PLEASE SOMEONE, OPEN UP! I-I-I CAN'T REMAIN IN HERE ANY LONGER!"she shouted as she continued to knock the door, then it clicked me. I quickly went to her and hugged her, she looked at me

"(Y/N), your safe, calm down. Let's sit down and rest, relax okay?"I asked as she looked at me

"O-o-o-okay, U-Usui-kun"she said as me and her sat down on something, her heart is still beating as fast as if she's running so I put the other earphones on her left ear and we listened to music, I got a signal here so I chatted Ayuzawa.

"Ayuzawa is gonna be here in one hour.......with a teacher"I said as (Y/N) nodded, I love her.......she's just perfect

"You have a panic attack because your......claustrophobic, right?"I asked as she nodded and I look straight in front

"You can rest your head on my shoulder"I said as I remembered how I met her, Ayuzawa told me that (Y/N) will show me around when I came in the first day. Then I met her and Ayuzawa in the Maid Latte, I didn't knew that (Y/N) would work for that.

"T-thank you, Usui-kun"she said as I look down at her, she rested her head on my shoulder

"I love you, (Y/N)"I said as she was shocked and stared at my eyes

"W-w-wait what? Usui-kun, a-are you serious?"she asked as I leaned closer on her

"Do I look like I'm joking towards you?"I asked as she widened her eyes

"Usui-kun.........."she said as I kissed her lips, I broke the kiss and then look deadly in her eyes. She look down and I looked at her

"H-h-how can you like someone like me.......?"she asked as I lifted her chin up

"I didn't like you.......I love you. And how? Someone like you? (Y/N), your the gorgeous idiot I've ever known, your not like Ayuzawa"I said as she looked up at me and she smiled

"I love you too, Usui...........but is that a compliment or an insult?"(Y/N) asked as I smirked and kissed her again

"How about both?"I asked as she chuckled and looked at me

"I knew you would say that both, Usui-kun"(Y/N) said as I smirked and held her chubby adorable hand

"Takumi. Call me Takumi"I said as she nodded and then the door opened, me and her stood up then we saw Ayuzawa with an angry face

"What did you do to her, Usui?!"she asked as she was about to hit me on the back but (Y/N) pulled Ayuzawa away from me

"Misaki-chan, don't! H-he didn't do anything to me!"she said as Ayuzawa looked at her face

"Then why is your face swollen?!"she asked angrily as I just stood there with a bored expression in my eyes

"T-t-the truth is Misaki-chan.........I-I-I have Claustrophobia..........I-I-I panicked when the door closed that caused me to cry......"(Y/N) said as Ayuzawa is still glaring at me

"I didn't do anything towards her, stop glaring at me, Ayuzawa"I said as (Y/N) nodded and smiled at Ayuzawa then came beside me

"Takumi-kun helped me overcome my phobia, and we are together now!"(Y/N) said as Ayuzawa looked at me

"Don't hurt her you jerk, I don't want to see her running in the hallways, crying and the cause is you"Ayuzawa said as (Y/N) smiled

"I won't do that to this Gorgeous Idiot, Idiot"I said as Ayuzawa angrily punches me on the arm.


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