Love Hurts! Laito Sakamaki x Jealous Suicidal Human! Chubby Reader

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Laito's POV

Recently, there's a girl that is also a human and she's friends with Bitch-chan, we are in the same class. She always saves Bitch-chan towards me so I haven't had any human blood in such a long time, I want to drink Bitch-chan's blood but that annoying girl is stopping me. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), she's really annoying though she was a top student in our class, and often comes to tutor me. To be honest, I think she isn't a normal human, she has fast reflexes when I want to drink her blood and making a move. She deny it and still said that she's human and she just graduated from a pretty crazy middle school, today is those days, we're here in the library for a group study session, Bitch-chan had suggested that Ayato and her can come with me and (Y/N). Of course being the (Y/N) I know in the class, agreed, and now I was beside (Y/N). I do not know why I call her by her first name, she told me to drop the formalities and just call her (Y/N) but I don't know why I kept calling her that.

"Good thing you are here, Yui-chan.....I also have something ask you.....though it will be involved to the that okay.....? Or is it a bit too personal....?"(Y/N) asked Bitch-chan as she looks at (Y/N)

"Oh uh sure......."Bitch-chan said as I continued on my work, I decided to tease (Y/N) so I put my tired hands on her thighs all the way up, her blood rushed up to her perfect (S/C) colored skin

"A-anyways.......a-are you the so called..... Sacrificial Bride?"(Y/N) asked as Bitch-chan nodded while I continued the work and my hand reaching (Y/N)'s thick thighs, since she is chubby, she's more nutritious than Bitch-chan. (Y/N) always wears tights to hide her glorious thighs and legs.....I bet there's more blood than Bitch-chan.

"Laito-kun...please stop what you are doing under the table"(Y/N) said seriously which made me smirk while Ayato was pissed off

"Go flirt somewhere else, dammit!"he said as I stuck my tongue out at him while he grabbed Bitch-chan then they disappeared

"Well what do ya know~? We're all alone, (Y/N)~"I whispered to her ears which made her gasp softly then I smirked, I have never heard of her gasping before. It was delicious to hear.

"S-st-stop teasing me, L-Laito-kun......"she said as I smirked and moved my hands on her thighs again, I licked her earlobe

"I'll only have one taste, (Y/N)~"I said as she shakily took a breath and I suddenly got kicked on the shin......I groaned in pain

"N-not today, Laito-kun.....!"she said as she grabbed her things while running away from me, dammit, I can't stand up properly. I limped up but I had stepped into something

"A notebook?"I asked as I looked closely, it's a notebook of (Y/N). She must of dropped it, I sighed and picked it up, I saw a English writings in calligraphy.

"Di.....ary.....? Diary?"I asked as I smirked and decided to read her diary in my house

3rd Person's POV

Laito walked to his room and slammed the diary on his table, he reads all of it, two specifically pages are named for him.

Dear Diary,
Hi, it's me again. Yeah just another normal f*cking day in the Night School, same as always, Laito-kun gets suspended again because of his pervert personality. To be honest, he was okay with me though he always suck people's blood, especially thin girls. Oh what am I thinking? Am I having a crush on him? Nahhhh impossible, we'll see you later, diary.

The first page about him says which made Laito more curious now

"Crushing on me~? Heh~ what a pity~"Laito said but unknowingly to him, her heart ached so bad saying those words.

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