11: Love and Kisses

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Spinel walked home with a grin on her face. Not because she got her first B on a test, but because of the conversation she and Steven had in the hallway. She had a feeling he felt weird being asked when it was supposed to be the other way around. That's what made it even better! Not only was it funny to see him so confused like that, but that he said yes anyway. She couldn't imagine what she would do if he said no. That'll ruin what she wanted to tell him in the first place, giving a 'hell no' already to what she planned to say. Wait....would the prom be the right time to say it? Was it too soon? Too late maybe? She hoped not, otherwise she's gonna feel like mad shit.

Hopefully it doesn't go that way...

What if he still likes CONNIE?!?
What if that was true and they secretly got back together for the benefit?

For a girl that carries a gun in her tits, I sure do panic alot... Spinel thought to herself as her panicking started. Just calm your pale-ass down...this probably isn't worth it...my confession may not even be worth it. Maybe it's better I don't tell him at all? Aw fuck Spinel....

Spinel shook away the panic and started thinking about tomorrow night. It was supposed to be for her and Steven, and no one else. At least that's what she planned for it to be. She and him and grown a bond- a strong one too, to her. If she didn't know any better, she'd say this was just as strong as her and Pink's, only difference is that Pink didn't seem to return the favor. Spinel made it to her house, where her cousins Luni and Marigold were expected to be. She had a feeling she'll have to mention it before it blows the cover.
She opened the door, only to be pulled in by a pair of arms.
"Yo, the fuck?!" She yelled unintentionally, only to see a smiling Volley doing the cheesiest grin in the world. "The hell are you smiling for? Did you finally get laid?"

"No..." Volley replied, still grinning. "When were you planning to tell us that you had a date for tomorrow night?"

What in the goddamn....
"Wait what?" Spinel asked in confusion, not knowing how Volley knew.

"I know Steven's sister, Amethyst and she told me about it. Sadly she had to bug him when he got home just to know what he was smiling about. Eventually she informed me that you two were going to a prom or something. Then Marigold asked if that was your new boyfriend," Volley explained. Mari chuckled in the corner, sitting between Luni and Yellow. "I mean it could be possible."

"Mari, say one more goddamn word and police are gonna be wondering why your dead body washed up on the shore."

"Spinel, stop that," Luni said. Then she smiled. "After all, you don't want your death-threats to drive this 'Steven' guy off, do you?"

Spinel groaned in an annoyed tone. "First of all, FUCK Amethyst or whatever her name was. Secondly, you're next, Luni. Third, hell, I dunno." Volley smirked at her cousins, along with their mothers. They were all giving signals, making Spinel nervous a little bit. She knew EXACTLY what they were thinking. And she didn't like it. "Oh hell no..." She warned, ready to escape. "Hell to the no..."
"You say that, but you know you don't have too much of a choice," White said with a smirk. "Volley? Luni? Mari?"

Luni gave a thumbs up. Marigold nodded. "Gotcha momma," Volley asnwered. "Spinel, wether you like it or not we're going to get you fixed up for right after school tomorrow."


Spinel started backing away, only to feel Luni's hand on her wrist. "Alright come on."

"No!! Blue?! Yellow!? White! Help me!!!" She yelled while being dragged out the door. "This is wrist rape!" All the teen got as response were her aunts waving goodbye and Marigold counting cash. "We'll be back in a bit!"

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Where stories live. Discover now