24: Finally Caught

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Spinel couldn't explain her relief when she exitted the hospital the next day with Steven. She was too happy to be with Steven, to be lucky enough to be engaged to a such a loving guy. Today was perfect, the two were supposed to be alone today since Garnet and Pearl were at work, and Amy was hanging out with Jasper.

They could catch up on things they need to be thinking about, like a possible wedding in the mean-time. But to Spinel, there was something she needed to get off her chest.

Both of them were on Steven's bed, just getting home from the hospital. Spinel decided it was the perfect time to talk while they were alone for a few hours.

"Hey uh Stevie?" She called hesitantly, but surely. He turned his attention to her.


"There's...something I need to tell you..."

'She's boutta say the kids' aren't mine, I know it-' Steven started thinking from the way Spinel said it. It was a bit nerve wracking, but it was unlikely Steven's thoughts were true. He went on and gulped. "Go ahead."

She began fiddling with her fingers a bit before saying, "It's about my mom. I know who she is and who yours was. And where she is."

She waited for an answer, but was given silence. It made her nervous, as if he didn't believe her. But he gave her a 'Go on' look and she cleared her throat and continued. "My mom...she's not dead. She's somewhere. I know it's surprising, cause I for one thought she was...gone. But the only reason I didnt hear from her was because she took your mom- Rose's- Identity. They were on their way to start their own business without us in Minnesota, and Pink...crashed the car. Rose was killed, but Pink knew my aunts would kill her, so she told them 'Pink' was dead. And that SHE was Rose Quartz. Everyone believed her."

"How do you...know all this..." Steven asked with suspicion.

"Cobbledick found a box with some stuff. One was a picture of Pink, with a bit of Rose's obituary. I don't think anyone noticed. I even found...the money...$10,000 worth meant to go to my mom but my Aunt thought she was dead, so it was never sent. But at least we have money for the kids. Anyway, I looked through the basement and there it was: The newspaper about the crash. It's all in my Aunt's basement. And...I called her...it went ok...but I knew it was the last time I'd ever hear anything from her again. She explained the crash and everything. And she told me about why she left- for the business- and my dad..."

"Didn't he leave you?"

"Yes!" Spinel answered. "But not the reason I thought! He left because he got into a fight with my mom and wanted to move to another state. He left for 8 months and came back...to get me. My mom was pissed off and they started fighting. Then...he knocked the gun from my mom's hands and it landed near me. I...I...picked it up...she kept telling me to give it to her...and then my stupidass fingers pulled the trigger and...and..." She sighed. "I killed my father."

"Spinel...I'm so sorry for your loss..." Steven said with grief.

"I was only 8 months old and I killed someone. If he had've gotten me, I bet I'd be happy. But...I at least had to let you know about your mom, Steven. The whole plan to go to Minnesota was a secret, and Rose had to make Pearl keep the secret. Too bad she's dead. You and Amethyst deserve to know the real reason she's gone. Because my mom's stupid driving killed her in a ditch! Which, By the way, I'm so sorry she did! I still suspect she did it on purpose, but whatever."

After that it was silence. Steven seemed to be in deep thought; it was the same look she knew she making when Pink told her everything over the phone. It was a look of disbelief, the look when you know you knew too much. But she had to give credit to Cobbledick. If she wasn''t looking for Blue's supposed weed, she'd never find the truth about Pink. She was worried Steven was mad at Pink and would start insulting her, but then again, didn't he deserve it? Pink killed Rose and stole her identity. Then both of them left their own kids for a puny business, but it was Pink's court. She was sure Rose was too kind to leave Steven so willingly.

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Where stories live. Discover now